How to atomic store & load an interface in golang? - go

I want to write some code like this:
var myValue interface{}
func GetMyValue() interface{} {
return atomic.Load(myValue)
func StoreMyValue(newValue interface{}) {
atomic.Store(myValue, newValue)
It seems like that i can use LoadUintptr(addr *uintptr) (val uintptr) and StoreUintptr(addr *uintptr, val uintptr) in atomic package to achive this,but i do not know how to convert between uintptr,unsafe.Pointer and interface{}.
If i do it like this:
var V interface{}
func F(v interface{}) {
p := unsafe.Pointer(&V)
atomic.StorePointer(&p, unsafe.Pointer(&v))
func main() {
V = 1
the V will always be 1

If I'm not mistaken you want atomic Value. You can store and fetch values atomically with it (signatures are interface{} but you should put same type into it). It does some unsafe pointer stuff under the hood like what you wanted to do.
Sample from docs:
var config Value // holds current server configuration
// Create initial config value and store into config.
go func() {
// Reload config every 10 seconds
// and update config value with the new version.
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Create worker goroutines that handle incoming requests
// using the latest config value.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
for r := range requests() {
c := config.Load()
// Handle request r using config c.
_, _ = r, c

Here's a way to use atomic.StorePointer and atomic.LoadPointer (based on your example):
package main
import (
var addr unsafe.Pointer
func GetMyValue() *interface{} {
return (*interface{})(atomic.LoadPointer(&addr))
func StoreMyValue(newValue *interface{}) {
atomic.StorePointer(&addr, unsafe.Pointer(newValue))
func main() {
var i interface{}
i = 1
fmt.Println("before:", *GetMyValue())
i = 2
fmt.Println("after", *GetMyValue())
Playground link
Note that this will not make your object thread-safe. Only the pointer is stored/loaded atomically. Also, I would avoid using interface{} and prefer concrete types whenever possible.

As an alternative to using 'any' (interface{}), Go 1.19 (Q3 2022) comes with new types in the sync/atomic package that make it easier to use atomic values, such as atomic.Int64 and atomic.Pointer[T].
That would be easier than using atomic.StorePointer.
This comes from issue 50860 "sync/atomic: add typed atomic values".
And CL 381317
Pointer[T] also avoids conversions using unsafe.Pointer at call sites.

You cannot do this.
You will have to protect the store/load with a mutex.
The internal representation of an interface is not specified by the language and might (is) to large to be handled by package atomic.


Finalizer statistics

Is there a way to obtain the total number of finalizers registered using runtime.SetFinalizer and which have not yet run?
We are considering adding a struct with a registered finalizer to some of our products to release memory allocated using malloc, and the object could potentially have a relatively high allocation rate. It would be nice if we could monitor the number of finalizers, to make sure that they do not pile up and trigger out-of-memory errors (like they tend to with other garbage collectors).
(I'm aware that explicit deallocation would avoid this problem, but we cannot change the existing code, which does not call a Close function or something like that.)
You can keep keep a count of these objects by incrementing and decrementing a unexported package variable when a new object is created and finalized, respectively.
For example:
package main
import (
var totalObjects int32
func TotalObjects() int32 {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&totalObjects)
type Object struct {
p uintptr // C allocated pointer
func NewObject() *Object {
o := &Object{
// TODO: perform other initializations
atomic.AddInt32(&totalObjects, 1)
runtime.SetFinalizer(o, (*Object).finalizer)
return o
func (o *Object) finalizer() {
atomic.AddInt32(&totalObjects, -1)
// TODO: perform finalizations
func main() {
fmt.Println("Total objects:", TotalObjects())
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
_ = NewObject()
fmt.Println("Total objects:", TotalObjects())
It's possible to make a wrapper on runtime.SetFinalizer which does the counting for you. Of course, it's a question of using it everywhere where you use SetFinalizer.
In case this is problematic, you can also modify SetFinalizer source code directly, but that requires a modified Go compiler.
Atomic integers are used as SetFinalizer may be called on different threads, and otherwise a counter may not be accurate as without those a race condition could possibly occur. Golang guarantees that finalizers are called from a single goroutine, so it's not needed for inner function.
package main
import (
var finalizersCreated int64
var finalizersRan int64
func SetFinalizer(obj interface{}, finalizer interface{}) {
finType := reflect.TypeOf(finalizer)
funcType := reflect.FuncOf([]reflect.Type{finType.In(0)}, nil, false)
f := reflect.MakeFunc(funcType, func(args []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(finalizer).Call([]reflect.Value{args[0]})
runtime.SetFinalizer(obj, f.Interface())
atomic.AddInt64(&finalizersCreated, 1)
func main() {
v := "a"
SetFinalizer(&v, func(a *string) {
fmt.Println("Finalizer ran")
fmt.Println(finalizersRan, finalizersCreated)
fmt.Println(finalizersRan, finalizersCreated)

Function types in Go - particular type casting to more general type

What cast / assertion need I do in Go in order to pass to a function expecting a generic function like func(interface{}) interface{}, a more specific function like func(int) int instead?
For example, in code like this, fooA can be passed to MakeExclamer, but not fooB:
func MakeExclamer(foo func (interface{}) interface{}, n int) func () {
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!", foo(n))
func fooA(x interface{}) interface{} {
return x.(int)*2
func fooB(x int) int {
return x * 10
func main() {
exclamerA := MakeExclamer(fooA, 12)
exclamerB := MakeExclamer(fooB, 66)
// >> cannot use fooB (type func(int) int) as type func(interface {}) interface {} in argument to MakeExclamer
(Go Playground link:
I'm not interested much in alternative code structure patterns, since this is how I want it to work: a specific function should be passed to a general function transformer (accepting function of type Any -> Any) that will return another general function (Any -> Any). This may not be idiomatic in Go, but it is the pattern that I want my code to follow.
To use type assertions, every possible type must be enumerated in MakeExclamer:
func MakeExclamer(fn interface{}, arg interface{}) func() {
switch fn := fn.(type) {
case func(int) int:
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", fn(arg.(int)))
case func(interface{}) interface{}:
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", fn(arg))
panic("not supported")
To accept a function of any type, the fn argument is declared as type interface{}. The code uses a type switch to handle the different function types.
playground example
Reflection can be used to write a more general function.
func MakeExclamer(fn interface{}, arg interface{}) func() {
fnr := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
argr := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
return func() {
resultr := fnr.Call([]reflect.Value{argr})
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", resultr[0].Interface())
playground example
First things first : When it comes to typing in Go, everything is theoretically possible. That's because even though the compiler does a lot of checks at compile-time, it is possible to change the runtime... at runtime. So-called runtime hacks, where you dynamically manipulate runtime structs that you're NOT supposed to handle.
Now, you have an interesting question, whose answer doesn't include the need to use the 'unsafe' package. However, the way I found of generalizing a function involves heavy reflection.
How to call a function (via reflection) ?
The documentation for the reflect package can be found here.
So, like all elements in Golang, functions have a Type. Without going through all fields, functions do take an array of arguments and produce an array of results. It is possible to investigate the Type of arguments and results through the In(int) and Out(int) method.
func investigate(fn interface{}) {
fnType := reflect.TypeOf(fn)
for idx := 0; idx < fnType.NumIn(); idx ++ {
fmt.Printf("Input arg %d has type %v\n", idx, fnType.In(idx))
for idx := 0; idx < fnType.NumOut(); idx ++ {
fmt.Printf("Output arg %d has type %v\n", idx, fnType.Out(idx))
We won't use this code. However, two important things are to be noted at this point :
The generic type under which a function can be passed around without caring about its type is interface{}. Something like "func(interface{}) interface{}" is not a generalization of a function, it is already a concrete type. Hence, "func(interface{}) interface{}" is not a generalization of "func(int) int", those are two different function types entirely. This is why you can't use type assertions/cast to convert from one function type to another.
A function can be represented as something that takes an input array and produces and output array.
Now, in order to call a function, you have to get not its Type, but its Value. Once you get its value, you can call it using an array of arguments, which must all be Values.
The prototype is:
func (v Value) Call(in []Value) []Value
Using this method, it is possible to call any function.
The code
So, the only thing you need is to convert whichever arguments array you have to an array of Values, then you will be able to call your function.
Here is your code:
package main
import (
func MakeExclamer(foo interface{}, n int) func() {
exclamer := generalize(foo, n)
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", exclamer())
func fooA(x interface{}) interface{} {
return x.(int) * 2
func fooB(x int) int {
return x * 10
func generalize(implem interface{}, args ...interface{}) func() interface{} {
valIn := make([]reflect.Value, len(args), len(args))
fnVal := reflect.ValueOf(implem)
for idx, elt := range args {
valIn[idx] = reflect.ValueOf(elt)
ret := func() interface{} {
res := fnVal.Call(valIn)
// We assume the function produces exactly one result
return res[0].Interface()
return ret
func main() {
exclamerA := MakeExclamer(fooA, 12)
exclamerB := MakeExclamer(fooB, 66)
The important bit is the generalize function which makes the translation between your arguments and an array of Values, then returns a new function whith all parameters already filled.
Do not hesitate if you need any precision !

Go - How do you change the value of a pointer parameter?

In Golang, is it possible to change a pointer parameter's value to something else?
For example,
func main() {
i := 1
func test(ptr interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(ptr)
fmt.Println(v.CanSet()) // false
v.SetInt(2) // panic
Is it possible to have test() change i to point to another value 2?
Not sure if this is what you were looking for,
but yes you can change a pointer's value to something else.
The code below will print 2 and 3:
package main
import (
func main() {
i := 1
func testAsAny(ptr interface{}) {
*ptr.(*int) = 2
func testAsInt(i *int) {
*i = 3
Here's now to set the value using the reflect package. The key point is to set the pointer's element, not the pointer itself.
func test(ptr interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem()
playground example
Note that the reflect package is not needed for this specific example as shown in another answer.

How to write a pop() function

a := []int{1,2,3}
x, a := a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
How to create a pop() function that will do the same for any type of an array?
Here is what I came up with so far:
func pop(a []*interface{}) interface{}{
x := a[len(a)-1]
a = a[:len(a)-1]
return x
func main(){
a := []int{1,2,3}
x = pop(a)
fmt.Println(a,x) // -> [1,2] 3
But I get cannot use a (type []int) as type []interface {}or other error messages if I try to tweak the code by trial and error.
package main
import (
func pop(a interface{}) interface{} {
v := reflect.ValueOf(a).Elem()
x := v.Index(v.Len() - 1)
v.SetLen(v.Len() - 1)
return x
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
x := pop(&a)
fmt.Println(a, x) // -> [1,2] 3
Though this can be implemented, I still think that x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1] should be better than a pop function.
The go type system doesn't allow you to cast from []type1 -> []type2. Even if it did interfaces are a struct containing a type id and pointer to the object, where normally you would just have the object. Because of this you need to take a interface{} and use reflect to do the slicing.
func pop(slice interface{}) (interface{}, interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
return v.Slice(0,v.Len()-1).Interface(), v.Index(v.Len()-1).Interface()
Go Playground
Note that this loses compile time type safety, because it must use an interface. Additionally, due to using interfaces the poped value may be allocated, creating extra GC pressure.
Common Go style typically recommends not writing a function like this, and just inlining the small amount of code manually.
After all that really good anwers using reflection I also want to add one answer which offers a more idiomatic Go solution. Like Rob Pike said in his great talk about Go Proverbs
interface{} says nothing
Reflection is never clear
So there should be also one answer showing the idiomatic Go way. This solution does not work for slices of standard types. But there the answer of cshu shows the best solution: x, a = a[len(a)-1], a[:len(a)-1]
For own defined types we have to define a Poper interface and the Pop function takes that as input and returns an empty interface.
type Poper interface {
Pop() interface{}
type MyType struct {
a []int
func (mt *MyType) Pop() interface{} {
x := mt.a[len(mt.a)-1]
mt.a = mt.a[:len(mt.a)-1]
return x
func Pop(p Poper) interface{} {
return p.Pop()
func main() {
a := &MyType{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
fmt.Println(Pop(a), a)
At all it is not a good idea to return an empty interface, because all following code has to support the interface{}.
The following code example does not work:
func main() {
a := &MyType{[]int{1, 2, 3}}
fmt.Println(Pop(a), a)
var b int
b = Pop(a)
The error says everything about that problem: cannot use Pop(a) (type interface {}) as type int in assignment: need type assertion
So the Pop() function does work by returning interface{} but the rest of the code using the result of that function needs to make a type assertion. So if you can avoid it you should search for another solution using types.

generic function to get size of any structure in Go

I am writing a generic function to get the size of any type of structure, similar to sizeof function in C.
I am trying to do this using interfaces and reflection but I'm not able to get the correct result. Code is below:
package main
import (
func main() {
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
info := myType{1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
func getSize(T interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(T)
const size = unsafe.Sizeof(v)
This code returns wrong result as 12. I am very new to Go, kindly help me on this.
You're getting the size of the reflect.Value struct, not of the object contained in the interface T. Fortunately, reflect.Type has a Size() method:
size := reflect.TypeOf(T).Size()
This gives me 40, which makes sense because of padding.
Go 1.18
With Go 1.18 you can use a generic function with unsafe.Sizeof:
func getSize[T any]() uintptr {
var v T
return unsafe.Sizeof(v)
Note that this will be more performant than using reflect, but it will introduce unsafe in your code base — some static analysis tools may give warnings about that.
However if your goal is to improve code reuse or get sizes at run time (read on for the solution to that), this won't help much because you still need to call the function with proper instantiation:
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
func main() {
You might get the most out of this when used as part of some other generic code, e.g. a generic type or function where you pass a type param into getSize. Although if you have the argument v this is equivalent to calling unsafe.Sizeof(v) directly. Using a function could be still useful to hide usage of unsafe. A trivial example:
func printSize[T any](v T) {
// (doing something with v)
// instantiate with T and call
s := getSize[T]()
// s := unsafe.Sizeof(v)
Otherwise you can pass an actual argument to getSize. Then type inference will make it unnecessary to specify the type param. This code perhaps is more flexible and allows you to pass arbitrary arguments at runtime, while keeping the benefits of avoiding reflection:
func getSize[T any](v T) uintptr {
return unsafe.Sizeof(v)
func main() {
type myType struct {
a int
b int64
c float32
d float64
e float64
info := myType{1, 2, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}
// inferred type params
fmt.Println(getSize(info)) // 40
fmt.Println(getSize(5.0)) // 8
fmt.Println(getSize([]string{})) // 24
fmt.Println(getSize(struct {
id uint64
s *string
}{})) // 16
