Go - How do you change the value of a pointer parameter? - go

In Golang, is it possible to change a pointer parameter's value to something else?
For example,
func main() {
i := 1
func test(ptr interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(ptr)
fmt.Println(v.CanSet()) // false
v.SetInt(2) // panic
Is it possible to have test() change i to point to another value 2?

Not sure if this is what you were looking for,
but yes you can change a pointer's value to something else.
The code below will print 2 and 3:
package main
import (
func main() {
i := 1
func testAsAny(ptr interface{}) {
*ptr.(*int) = 2
func testAsInt(i *int) {
*i = 3

Here's now to set the value using the reflect package. The key point is to set the pointer's element, not the pointer itself.
func test(ptr interface{}) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem()
playground example
Note that the reflect package is not needed for this specific example as shown in another answer.


How to atomic store & load an interface in golang?

I want to write some code like this:
var myValue interface{}
func GetMyValue() interface{} {
return atomic.Load(myValue)
func StoreMyValue(newValue interface{}) {
atomic.Store(myValue, newValue)
It seems like that i can use LoadUintptr(addr *uintptr) (val uintptr) and StoreUintptr(addr *uintptr, val uintptr) in atomic package to achive this,but i do not know how to convert between uintptr,unsafe.Pointer and interface{}.
If i do it like this:
var V interface{}
func F(v interface{}) {
p := unsafe.Pointer(&V)
atomic.StorePointer(&p, unsafe.Pointer(&v))
func main() {
V = 1
the V will always be 1
If I'm not mistaken you want atomic Value. You can store and fetch values atomically with it (signatures are interface{} but you should put same type into it). It does some unsafe pointer stuff under the hood like what you wanted to do.
Sample from docs:
var config Value // holds current server configuration
// Create initial config value and store into config.
go func() {
// Reload config every 10 seconds
// and update config value with the new version.
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Create worker goroutines that handle incoming requests
// using the latest config value.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
for r := range requests() {
c := config.Load()
// Handle request r using config c.
_, _ = r, c
Here's a way to use atomic.StorePointer and atomic.LoadPointer (based on your example):
package main
import (
var addr unsafe.Pointer
func GetMyValue() *interface{} {
return (*interface{})(atomic.LoadPointer(&addr))
func StoreMyValue(newValue *interface{}) {
atomic.StorePointer(&addr, unsafe.Pointer(newValue))
func main() {
var i interface{}
i = 1
fmt.Println("before:", *GetMyValue())
i = 2
fmt.Println("after", *GetMyValue())
Playground link
Note that this will not make your object thread-safe. Only the pointer is stored/loaded atomically. Also, I would avoid using interface{} and prefer concrete types whenever possible.
As an alternative to using 'any' (interface{}), Go 1.19 (Q3 2022) comes with new types in the sync/atomic package that make it easier to use atomic values, such as atomic.Int64 and atomic.Pointer[T].
That would be easier than using atomic.StorePointer.
This comes from issue 50860 "sync/atomic: add typed atomic values".
And CL 381317
Pointer[T] also avoids conversions using unsafe.Pointer at call sites.
You cannot do this.
You will have to protect the store/load with a mutex.
The internal representation of an interface is not specified by the language and might (is) to large to be handled by package atomic.

Appending to go lang slice using reflection

For some reason, it appears that adding new element to slice using reflection doesn't update slice itself. This is the code to demonstrate:
package main
import (
func appendToSlice(arrPtr interface{}) {
valuePtr := reflect.ValueOf(arrPtr)
value := valuePtr.Elem()
value = reflect.Append(value, reflect.ValueOf(55))
fmt.Println(value.Len()) // prints 1
func main() {
arr := []int{}
fmt.Println(len(arr)) // prints 0
Playground link : https://play.golang.org/p/j3532H_mUL
Is there something I'm missing here?
reflect.Append works like append in that it returns a new slice value.
You are assigning this value to the value variable in the appendToSlice function, which replaces the previous reflect.Value, but does not update the original argument.
To make it more clear what's happening, take the equivalent function to your example without reflection:
func appendToSlice(arrPtr *[]int) {
value := *arrPtr
value = append(value, 55)
What you need to use is the Value.Set method to update the original value:
func appendToSlice(arrPtr interface{}) {
valuePtr := reflect.ValueOf(arrPtr)
value := valuePtr.Elem()
value.Set(reflect.Append(value, reflect.ValueOf(55)))
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
type Foo struct {
Name string
func main() {
_type := []Foo{}
fmt.Printf("_type: v(%v) T(%T)\n", _type, _type)
reflection := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(_type).Elem()), 0, 0)
reflectionValue := reflect.New(reflection.Type())
slicePtr := reflect.ValueOf(reflectionValue.Interface())
sliceValuePtr := slicePtr.Elem()
sliceValuePtr.Set(reflect.Append(sliceValuePtr, reflect.ValueOf(Foo{"a"})))
sliceValuePtr.Set(reflect.Append(sliceValuePtr, reflect.ValueOf(Foo{"b"})))
sliceValuePtr.Set(reflect.Append(sliceValuePtr, reflect.ValueOf(Foo{"c"})))
values := []Foo{Foo{"d"}, Foo{"e"}}
for _, val := range values {
sliceValuePtr.Set(reflect.Append(sliceValuePtr, reflect.ValueOf(val)))
result := sliceValuePtr.Interface()
fmt.Printf("result: %T = (%v)\n", result, result)
take a look at: https://play.golang.org/p/vXOqTVSEleO

Default struct values

In Go I get that there are default values for types. Take int in this case which is initialised as a 0.
I have an issue where for me a 0 in an int can be a valid value so I need to check if it's been set by me or initialised as such. Is there any way to tell the difference between them at all?
Considering the following code... I need to be able to tell the difference between testIntOne and testIntTwo but they look the same!
package main
import "log"
type test struct {
testIntOne int
testIntTwo int
func main() {
s := test{testIntOne: 0}
You can't tell the difference, it is not tracked whether a field (or a variable) has been set or not.
Using a pointer
You may use a pointer which has a nil zero value, so if not set, you can tell:
type test struct {
testIntOne *int
testIntTwo *int
func main() {
s := test{testIntOne: new(int)}
fmt.Println("testIntOne set:", s.testIntOne != nil)
fmt.Println("testIntTwo set:", s.testIntTwo != nil)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
testIntOne set: true
testIntTwo set: false
Of course new() can only be used to obtain a pointer to an int value being 0. See this question for more options: How do I do a literal *int64 in Go?
Using a method
You may also use a method to set a field, which could take care of additionally tracking the "isSet" property. In this case you must always use the provided method to set the field. Best is to make fields unexported, so others (outside your package) won't have direct access to them.
type test struct {
testIntOne int
testIntTwo int
oneSet, twoSet bool
func (t *test) SetOne(i int) {
t.testIntOne, t.oneSet = i, true
func (t *test) SetTwo(i int) {
t.testIntTwo, t.twoSet = i, true
func main() {
s := test{}
fmt.Println("testIntOne set:", s.oneSet)
fmt.Println("testIntTwo set:", s.twoSet)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
testIntOne set: true
testIntTwo set: false

Get rid of empty JSON values from map of interface{}

I have a struct in which I put all excess data into a map[string]interface{}.
If I unmarshal into the Data property with an empty variable, I don't want to keep it when marshalling. I basically need interface{} to have json:",omitempty", How do I get that?
type Event struct {
From string `json:"from"`
Data map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
The omitempty is for encoding values, but not for decoding.
You cannot generate a complete empty map in Go. (Empty as in, it does not exists.) If your create a variable / value of a struct it always has its default value.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var m map[string]interface{}
fmt.Printf("%v %d\n", m, len(m))
// prints: map[] 0
m = nil
fmt.Printf("%v %d\n", m, len(m))
// prints: map[] 0
Example: Go Playground.
I'd like to know if there's anything native that supports it. However until then, you can do it via reflection:
package main
import (
func main() {
m := map[string]interface{}{
"should_exist": "foo",
"should_omit": "",
for k, v := range m {
if reflect.ValueOf(v).IsZero() {
delete(m, k)
data, _ := json.Marshal(m)
fmt.Println(string(data)) // {"should_exist":"foo"}
Please note the performance hit this might cause in some use cases.

How to remove an item from a slice by calling a method on the slice

Go has stumped me again. Hopefully someone can help. I've created a slice (mySlice) that contains pointers to structs (myStruct).
The problem is the "Remove" method. When we're inside "Remove" everything is fine, but once we return, the slice size hasn't changed, and so we see the last element listed twice.
I originally tried writing "Remove" using the same pattern used in the "Add" method, but it wouldn't compile and has been commented out.
I can get it to work by returning the newly created slice to the calling function, but I don't want to do this because mySlice (ms) is a singleton.
And if I hadn't asked enough already...
The code for the "Add" method is working, although I'm not sure how. From what I can gather "Add" is receiving a pointer to the slice header (the 3 item "struct"). From what I've read, the length and capacity of an slice don't get passed to methods (when passing by value), so perhaps passing a pointer to the slice allows the method to see and use the length and capacity thereby allowing us to "append". If this is true, then why doesn't the same pattern work in "Remove"?
Thanks very much for everyone's insights and help!
package main
import (
type myStruct struct {
a int
type mySlice []*myStruct
func (slc *mySlice) Add(str *myStruct) {
*slc = append(*slc, str)
//does not compile with reason: cannot slice slc (type *mySlice)
//func (slc *mySlice) Remove1(item int) {
// *slc = append(*slc[:item], *slc[item+1:]...)
func (slc mySlice) Remove(item int) {
slc = append(slc[:item], slc[item+1:]...)
fmt.Printf("Inside Remove = %s\n", slc)
func main() {
ms := make(mySlice, 0)
fmt.Printf("Before Remove: Len=%d, Cap=%d, Data=%s\n", len(ms), cap(ms), ms)
ms.Remove(1) //remove element 1 (which also has a value of 1)
fmt.Printf("After Remove: Len=%d, Cap=%d, Data=%s\n", len(ms), cap(ms), ms)
and the results...
Before Remove: Len=3, Cap=4, Data=[%!s(*main.myStruct=&{0}) %!s(*main.myStruct=&{1}) %!s(*main.myStruct=&{2})]
Inside Remove = [%!s(*main.myStruct=&{0}) %!s(*main.myStruct=&{2})]
After Remove: Len=3, Cap=4, Data=[%!s(*main.myStruct=&{0}) %!s(*main.myStruct=&{2}) %!s(*main.myStruct=&{2})]
You were right the first time with Remove1(). Remove gets a copy of the slice and therefore cannot change the length of the slice.
The issue in your remove function is that according to order of operations in Go, slicing comes before dereferencing.
The fix is to change *slc = append(*slc[:item], *slc[item+1:]...) to *slc = append((*slc)[:item], (*slc)[item+1:]...).
However I would recommend the following for readability and maintainability:
func (slc *mySlice) Remove1(item int) {
s := *slc
s = append(s[:item], s[item+1:]...)
*slc = s
Because append would not necessarily return the same address of reference to the slice, as Stephen Weinberg has pointed out.
Another way to workaround with this limitation is defining a struct that wraps the slice.
for example:
package main
import "fmt"
type IntList struct {
intlist []int
func (il *IntList) Pop() {
if len(il.intlist) == 0 { return }
il.intlist = il.intlist[:len(il.intlist)-1]
func (il *IntList) Add(i... int) {
il.intlist = append(il.intlist, i...)
func (il *IntList) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v",il.intlist)
func main() {
intlist := &IntList{[]int{1,2,3}}
[]int{1, 2, 3}
[]int{1, 2}
[]int{1, 2, 4, 5, 6}
