SQLPlus - Data Pump (expdp and impdp) - oracle

some time ago, I installed Oracle SQLPlus without full Oracle database package.
Now I need expdp and impdp utility. Is it possible to copy important files from a full Oracle installation and pasting them into SQLPlus directory?
Or maybe is there any other option to install only expdp and impdp? (Windows)

Not really.
But, you don't have to actually 'Install' the full client.
Our latest distribution includes an Instant Client with sql*loader and data pump utilities.
Grab this one
Instant Client Package - Tools: Includes Data Pump, SQLLoader and Workload Replay Client*
There's no installer. Just unzip it, and add the directory to your PATH. You should be good to go then.
I wouldn't dump the files into your existing directory where you have SQLPlus though, just put it in a fresh directory and use that instead of your old one.


How I configure shell sqlplus to oracle

I'm working in a new developer environment. How I set connection with oracle, because I need to execute any scripts, but I received the message: SQLPLUS NOT FOUND :/
you need to add $ORACLE_HOME/bin into your PATH. and check if $ORACLE_HOME is defined first. If it's not ,define it (just the root folder of your oracle client).
If you don't have an oracle client installed you need to install one

Oracle - Instant Client

I'm trying to install the Oracle Instant Client and ODBC drivers on a 64 bit, Windows 7 machine.
I have downloaded BOTH
Instant Client Package - Basic
Instant Client Package - ODBC
I had put both sets of files in the same directory:
I set both the ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables to the same directory:
Finally, I am trying to execute the "odbc_install.exe" file as an administrator.
ERROR: Oracle ODBC driver with the same name already exists
The one thing I did BEFORE any of this was to install and later uninstall the OracleXEClient.exe file.
Not sure how to proceed???
Open Command Prompt as an Administrator and the run odbc_install.exe from there.
Try odbc_uninstall.exe. Unfortunatelly, entries may remain in Windows registry. You can search (with regedit) for oracle in instant_client_11_2 or simply 11_2 and delete the corresponding entries for the instant client (take care! not all matches 11_2 are for oracle instant client).
After, execute again odbc_install.exe. And additional care if using 32 and 64 bit applications!
You may get this message if you didn't run the command prompt or odbc_install.exe as administrator.

Configure Oracle Sqlldr on Windows 7

I'm having a hard time configuring Sqlldr with Windows 7.
The Oracle client was previously installed by our support team.
There were no registry settings, but Sqlplus, Toad, and Plsql Developer all worked.
I copied Sqlldr from another server and put it in the bin directory of my localhost.
In my environmental variables, I defined Oracle_Home, LD_LIBARY_PATH, and ORACLE_SID.
Now, whether I call the program by the command line or ETL tool, I get:
ERROR>Message 2100 not found;
No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ULMessage 2100 not found;
No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=UL
What gives?
P.s. It's not a path issue because I can run sqlldr on the command line (with the error)
Did you copy all the sqldr dependent files? You can't just copy over the binary only. The oracle sqlldr has dependencies to msg files it needs. i would suggest getting the client installer for the oracle client that is installed on your win7 box and have it install the sqlldr component that way you have all the dependent files and libraries it needs. Manually copying the sqlldr from aonther machine is not really supported and not advised.

Oracle tns listener error

I've just installed Oracle 10g When I try to connect to oracle db i get an error:
could not start OracleOraHome92TNSListener
when i got to services and try to start it, it says that the file doesnt exist. the service file is C:\oracle\ora92\BIN\TNSLSNR (TNSLSNR is a file not a directory)
C:\oracle\ora92\BIN\TNSLSNR doesn't exist on my machine at all. do you know how to get it?
Could not start the Oracle Ora92 Listener service on Local Computer.Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified
Here's a couple of issues I see. You say you installed 10g but the error is a 9.2 error. It could be that your computer already had an Oracle 9i on it that was mis-configured or uninstalled and that is leading to the error.
You need to check your disk and find the ORACLE_HOME (directory) where Oracle 10g was installed. Once you find that you can adjust the PATH and ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables to point to the right place. This should allow you to start the database and the listener.
If you need to install the Oracle Client for 10g then this information below will be helpful as well.
The Oracle client can be installed separately. Just go to this address, download the client and unzip it into a subdirectory and then run the Oracle Universal Installer by running setup.exe from the directory.
Oracle Downloads Page

Oracle moving / transferring schemas from one server to another

I am having to move databases from one server to another.
Oracle on Server A has died so I can't back up the existing databases in order to move them across.
I was wondering if there is another way to move databases across servers in Oracle.
There is a way of coping some data and control files and installing them in a new server.
See: User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide
( but look for the correct version of your database)
For example something like:
% cp /disk1/oracle/dbs/*.dbf /disk2/backup
% cp /disk1/oracle/dbs/*.cf /disk2/backup
% cp /disk1/oracle/network/admin/*.ora /disk2/backup
% cp /disk1/oracle/rdbms/admin/*.ora /disk2/backup
If the old database shut down relatively cleanly you should be able to just copy the db files over to the new host. "db files" includes datafiles, tempfiles, control files, and online redo logs (off the top of my head). If you can make the directory structures on the new host the same as the old ones, you should then just be able to source the correct environment (including ORACLE_SID) and then issue a startup from SQL*Plus. You use the phrase "Oracle service" in your answer to my question, so I'm guessing you are on Windows - I don't know how you go about re-registering it as a Windows service.
If the servers are the same os then yes. You can create the same directory structure on the new server as the old. Install the oracle software and patch it to the same version as on the old window server. Copy all the datafiles, control files, spfile , etc to their respective location on the new server. Using the account you install oracle which has administrator privelege and belonging to the dba group, run oradim to add the service to windows to start oracle, point it to the spfile of your database.
or with newer database version:
[-STARTMODE auto | manual] [-SRVCSTART system | demand]
[-PFILE filename | -SPFILE]
