Space between # and ! in shebang (# !/usr/bin/ksh) - shell

I am writing a Korn shell script that involves process substitution using < <(), like this:
while IFS= read -r -d '' x;do
array+=( "$x" )
done < <(some command)
This is trying to insert into array all string returned by some command. The curious thing is that this works when my shebang looks like this:
# !/usr/bin/ksh
which is of course unusual (notice the space between # and !). On the other hand, when my shebang looks like #!/usr/bin/ksh (the right way, apparently), this script fails with the error syntax error: '< ' unexpected. Why is this? What difference does having a space in the shebang mean? Google gave me several answers saying that a space between !# and !/usr... is okay, but nothing regarding a space between ! and #.

# ! is an invalid shebang, and entirely ignored. Behavior of a script with no shebang depends on how you invoke it.
If invoked from a shell: Some shells use /bin/sh to run such scripts; others use themselves for the purpose. Presumably the shell you're interactively using when testing this (and finding the script to work only with an invalid shebang) is in the latter set, so your script is actually being run with bash, or otherwise your active interactive shell at the time.
If invoked without a shell: Most operating systems will refuse to execute such a binary.
Real David Korn ksh93 supports process substitution correctly, but some 3rd-party clones and ancient ksh implementations don't.
If you're going to use ksh, using genuine David Korn ksh93 (not mksh, pdksh, or another 3rd-party clone) is strongly preferred, and (to your immediate point) will ensure process substitution support.


Why does printf behave differently when called from a Makefile?

The printf program can be used to print binary data, e.g.:
$ printf '%b' '\xff\xff'
If I put this in a Makefile on its own, it works the same:
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'
$ make
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'
However, if I want to do anything else on the same shell invocation in the Makefile, for example to redirect it to a file, or just printing something else afterwards, then although the command printed by Make doesn't change (suggesting it's not an escaping issue), but the output changes to a backslash followed by an "x" followed by a double "f", twice:
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'; printf 'wtf?\n'
printf '%b' '\xff\xff'; printf 'wtf?\n'
What is going on here? Why do the two printfs in one line behave differently than a single printf?
#chepner is on the right track in their comment but the details are not quite right:
This is wild speculation, but I suspect there is some sort of
optimization being applied by make that causes the first example, as a
simple command, to be executing a third option, the actual binary
printf (found in /usr/bin, perhaps), rather than a shell. In your
second example, the ; forces make to use a shell to execute the shell
command line.
Make always uses /bin/sh as its shell, regardless of what the user is using as their shell. On some systems, /bin/sh is bash (which has a builtin printf) and on some systems /bin/sh is something different (typically dash which is a lightweight, POSIX-conforming shell) which probably doesn't have a shell built-in.
On your system, /bin/sh is bash. But, when you have a "simple command" that doesn't require a shell (that is, make itself has enough trivial quoting smarts to understand your command) then to be more efficient make will invoke that command directly rather than running the shell.
That's what's happening here: when you run the simple command (no ;) make will invoke the command directly and run /usr/bin/printf. When you run the more complex command (including a ;) make will give up running the command directly and invoke your shell... which is bash, which uses bash's built-in printf.
Basically, your script is not POSIX-conforming (there is no %b in the POSIX standard) and so what it does is not well-defined. If you want the SAME behavior always you should use /usr/bin/printf to force that always to be used. Forcing make to always run a shell and never use its fast path is much trickier; you'll need to include a special character like a trailing ; in each command.

Converting a BASH script to run on SH (via BusyBox)

I have an Asus router running a recent version of FreshTomato - that comes with BusyBox.
I need to run a script that was made with BASH in mind - it is an adaptation of this script - but it fails to run with this error: line 41: syntax error: bad substitution
Checking the script with yields these errors:
Line 41:
for optionvarname in ${!foreign_option_*} ; do
^-- SC3053: In POSIX sh, indirect expansion is undefined.
^-- SC3056: In POSIX sh, name matching prefixes are undefined.
Line 42:
^-- SC3053: In POSIX sh, indirect expansion is undefined.
These are the lines that are causing problems:
for optionvarname in ${!foreign_option_*} ; do # line 41
option="${!optionvarname}" # line 42
# do some stuff with $option...
If my understanding is correct, the original script simply does something with all variables that have a name starting with foreign_option_
However, as far as I could determine, both ${!foreign_option_*} and ${!optionvarname} constructs are BASH-specific and not POSIX compliant, so there is no direct "bash to sh" code conversion possible.
I have tried to create a /bin/bash symlink that points to busybox, but I got the Read-only file system error.
So, how can I get this script to run on my router? I see only two options, but I cant figure out how to implement either:
Make BusyBox interpret the script as BASH instead of SH - can I use a specific shebang for this?
Seems like the fastest option, but only if BusyBox has a "complete" implementation of BASH
Alter the script code to not use BASH specifics.
This is safer, but since there is no "collect al variables starting with X" for SH, how can I do it?
how can I get this script to run on my router?
That easy, either:
install bash on your router or
port the script to busybox/posix compatible shell.
Make BusyBox interpret the script as BASH instead of SH - can I use a specific shebang for this?
That doesn't make sense. Busybox comes with ash shell interpreter and bash is bash. Bash can interpret bash extensions, ash can't interpret them. You can't "make busybox interpret bash" - cars don't fly, planes are for that. If you want to make a car fly, you add wings to it and make it faster. The answer to Make BusyBox interpret the script as BASH instead of SH would be: patch busybox and implement all bash extensions in it.
Shebang is used to run a file under different interpreter. Using #!/bin/bash would invoke bash, which would be unrelated to anything busybox related and busybox wouldn't be involved in it.
how can I do it?
Decide on a unrealistic maximum, iterate over variables named foreign_option_{1...some_max}, for each variable see if it is set, if it is set, cotinue the script.
for i in $(seq 100); do
if eval "[ -z \"\${${optionvarname}+x}\" ]"; then continue; fi;
With enough luck maybe you can use the set output. The following will fail if any variable contains a value as newline + the string that matches the regex:
for optionvarname in $(set | grep -o '^foreign_option_[0-9]\+=' | sed 's/=//'); then
Indirect expansion can be easily replaced by eval:
eval "option=\"\$${optionvarname}\""
If you really cannot install Bash on that router, here is one possible workaround, which seems to work for me in BusyBox on a Qnap NAS :
for x in one two; do
eval "opt_value=\$$opt_var"
echo "$opt_var = $opt_value"
(But you will probably encounter more problems with moving a Bash script to busybox, so you might want to first consider alternatives like replacing the router)

Script runs when executed but fails when sourced

Original Title: Indirect parameter substitution breaks when the script is sourced (zsh)
zsh 5.7.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin19.0)
GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
I’m developing a shell script on a Mac and I’m trying to keep it portable between bash & zsh, so array indexing is a consideration. I know that I can set KSH_ARRAYS to get indexing to start at 0, but I decided to query the OS for the shell that’s in use and set the start index accordingly, which led to the issue described below.
It made sense (to me anyway!) to use indirect expansion, which is what led to the problem. Consider the script
#! /bin/bash
declare -r ARRAY_START_BASH=0
declare -r ARRAY_START_ZSH=1
declare -r SHELL_BASH=0
declare -r SHELL_ZSH=1
# Indirect expansion is used to reference the values of the variables declared
# in this case statement e.g. ${!ARRAY_START}
case $(basename $SHELL) in
"bash" )
"zsh" )
* )
return 1
echo "Shell ID: ${!SHELL_ID} Index arrays from: ${!ARRAY_START}"
It works fine when run from the command line while in the same directory:
<my home> ~ % echo "$(./"
Shell ID: 1 Index arrays from: 1
Problems arise when I source the script:
<my home> ~ % echo "$(. ~/"
/Users/<me>/ bad substitution
I don’t understand why sourcing the script changes the behavior of the parameter expansion.
Is this expected behavior? If so, I’d be grateful if someone could explain it and hopefully, offer a work around.
The problem described in the original post has nothing to do with indirect expansion. The difference in behavior is a result of different shells being invoked depending on whether the script is “executed” or “sourced”. These differences reveal the basic flaw in deriving the shell from the $SHELL variable that underpins the script's design. If the shell defined in $SHELL does not match the shebang, the script will fail either when sourced or executed. An explanation follows.
Indirect expansion doesn’t offer value in the given scenario because values could just as easily be assigned directly. They’ll have to be assigned that way regardless given the different syntax used for indirect expansion between shells. In fact, other syntax differences between shells makes the entire premise for detecting the shell moot! However, putting that aside, the difference in behavior is a result of different shells being invoked based on whether the script is “executed” or “sourced”. The behavior of sourcing is well documented with numerous explanations on the web, but for context here’s how it works:
Executing a Script
Use the “./“ syntax to execute a script.
When run this way, the script executes in a sub-shell. Any changes the
script makes to it’s shell are applied to the sub-shell, not the shell
in which the script was launched, so those changes are lost when the
shell exits because the sub-shell in which it executed is destroyed as
well. For example, if the script changes the working directory, it
does so in the sub-shell. The working directory of the main shell that
launched the script is unchanged when the script terminates. If you
want to make changes to the shell in which the script was launched, it
must be sourced.
Sourcing a Script
Use the “source “ syntax to source a
script. When run this way, the script essentially becomes an argument
for the source command, which handles invoking the appropriate
execution. Some shells (e.g. ksh) use a single period “.” instead of
When a script is executed with the “./“ syntax, the shebang at the top of the file is used to determine which shell to use. When a script is sourced, the shebang is ignored and the shell in which the script is launched is used instead. Also note that the period that appears in the “./“ command syntax used to execute a script, is not related to the period that’s occasionally used as an alias for the source command.
The script in the post uses bash in the shebang statement, so it works when executed because it’s run using bash. When it’s sourced from zsh, it encounters the incorrect indirect expansion syntax:
The correct syntax is:
However, correcting the syntax won’t help because it will then fail when executed. The shebang will invoke bash and the syntax will be wrong again. That renders indirection useless for accessing a variable designed to indicate the shell in use. More importantly, a design based on querying an environment variable for the shell is flawed due to differences in the shell that’s ultimately used depending on whether the script is executed or sourced.
To add to your answer (what I'm going to say is too long for a comment), I can not think of any application, why your script could be useful if not sourced. Actually, I came accross the need of such a script by myself in exactly one occasion:
Since I use as interactive shell not only zsh, but also sometimes bash, so I have written my .zshrc and .bashrc to set up everything (including defining variables and shell functions for interactive use). In order to safe work,
I try to put code which works under both bash and zsh into a single file (say: .commonrc), and my .zshrc and .bashrc have inside them a
source .commonrc
While many things are so different in bash and zsh, that I can't put them into .commonrc, some can, provided I do some tweaking. One reason for headache is obviously the different indexing of arrays, which you seemingly try to solve. So I have also a similar feature. However, I don't nee ca case construct for this. Instead, my .bashrc looks like this (using your naming of the variables):
declare -r ARRAY_START=0
source .commonrc
and my .zshrc looks like this:
declare -r ARRAY_START=1
source .commonrc
Since it does not happen that the .bashrc is run from a zsh and vice versa, I don't need to query what kind of shell I have.

dash '-' after #!/bin/sh -

I have been working on a few scripts on CentOS 7 and sometimes I see:
#!/bin/sh -
on the first line. Looking at the man page for sh I see the following under the Special Parameters
- Expands to the current option flags as specified upon invocation,
by the set builtin command, or those set by the shell
itself (such as the -i option).
What exactly does this mean? When do I need to use this special parameter option??
The documentation you are reading has nothing to do with the command line you're looking at: it's referring to special variables. In this case, if you run echo $- you will see "the current option flags as specified upon invocation...".
If you take a look at the OPTIONS part of the bash man page, you will find:
-- A -- signals the end of options and disables further option processing.
Any arguments after the -- are treated as filenames and arguments. An
argument of - is equivalent to --.
In other words, an argument of - simply means "there are no other options after this argument".
You often see this used in situation in which you want to avoid filenames starting with - accidentally being treated as command options: for example, if there is a file named -R in your current directory, running ls * will in fact behave as ls -R and produce a recursive listing, while ls -- * will not treat the -R file specially.
The single dash when used in the #! line is meant as a security precaution. You can read more about that here.
/bin/sh is an executable representing the system shell. Actually, it is usually implemented as a symbolic link pointing to the executable for whichever shell is the system shell. The system shell is kind of the default shell that system scripts should use. In Linux distributions, for a long time this was usually a symbolic link to bash, so much so that it has become somewhat of a convention to always link /bin/sh to bash or a bash-compatible shell. However, in the last couple of years Debian (and Ubuntu) decided to switch the system shell from bash to dash - a similar shell - breaking with a long tradition in Linux (well, GNU) of using bash for /bin/sh. Dash is seen as a lighter, and much faster, shell which can be beneficial to boot speed (and other things that require a lot of shell scripts, like package installation scripts).
Dash is fairly well compatible with bash, being based on the same POSIX standard. However, it doesn't implement the bash-specific extensions. There are scripts in existence that use #!/bin/sh (the system shell) as their shebang, but which require bash-specific extensions. This is currently considered a bug that should be fixed by Debian and Ubuntu, who require /bin/sh to be able to work when pointed to dash.
Even though Ubuntu's system shell is pointing to dash, your login shell as a user continues to be bash at this time. That is, when you log in to a terminal emulator anywhere in Linux, your login shell will be bash. Speed of operation is not so much a problem when the shell is used interactively, and users are familiar with bash (and may have bash-specific customization in their home directory).

Bash strips "N" character when using newline-delimiter

I am using Windows Linux Subsystem (Ubuntu). When I try to set a newline-delimiter, I lose my 'n'-characters. My simplified script;
echo $HOME #gives /home/hennio
echo $HOME #gives /home/he io
IFS=$'\n\b' didnt solve the problem. I checked my shebang with $(which sh), it is correct (although using zsh).
Searching on internet didnt give any results. Can someone please tell me whats going on? It driving me nuts..
To maintain compatibility, a shell invoked as /bin/sh usually tries to emulate a POSIX shell or some variant of a Bourne shell. Neither POSIX nor Bourne support $'...'. There are two possible solutions:
Method 1: Use the shebang of a shell, like bash, that supports $'...'.
Method 2: Use a POSIX method to assigning a newline to IFS:
(Hat tip: Gordon Davisson)
From man zsh:
Zsh tries to emulate sh or ksh when it is invoked as sh or ksh
From man bash:
If bash is invoked with the name sh, it tries to mimic the
startup behavior of historical versions of sh as closely as possible,
while conforming to the POSIX standard as well.
