Converting a BASH script to run on SH (via BusyBox) - bash

I have an Asus router running a recent version of FreshTomato - that comes with BusyBox.
I need to run a script that was made with BASH in mind - it is an adaptation of this script - but it fails to run with this error: line 41: syntax error: bad substitution
Checking the script with yields these errors:
Line 41:
for optionvarname in ${!foreign_option_*} ; do
^-- SC3053: In POSIX sh, indirect expansion is undefined.
^-- SC3056: In POSIX sh, name matching prefixes are undefined.
Line 42:
^-- SC3053: In POSIX sh, indirect expansion is undefined.
These are the lines that are causing problems:
for optionvarname in ${!foreign_option_*} ; do # line 41
option="${!optionvarname}" # line 42
# do some stuff with $option...
If my understanding is correct, the original script simply does something with all variables that have a name starting with foreign_option_
However, as far as I could determine, both ${!foreign_option_*} and ${!optionvarname} constructs are BASH-specific and not POSIX compliant, so there is no direct "bash to sh" code conversion possible.
I have tried to create a /bin/bash symlink that points to busybox, but I got the Read-only file system error.
So, how can I get this script to run on my router? I see only two options, but I cant figure out how to implement either:
Make BusyBox interpret the script as BASH instead of SH - can I use a specific shebang for this?
Seems like the fastest option, but only if BusyBox has a "complete" implementation of BASH
Alter the script code to not use BASH specifics.
This is safer, but since there is no "collect al variables starting with X" for SH, how can I do it?

how can I get this script to run on my router?
That easy, either:
install bash on your router or
port the script to busybox/posix compatible shell.
Make BusyBox interpret the script as BASH instead of SH - can I use a specific shebang for this?
That doesn't make sense. Busybox comes with ash shell interpreter and bash is bash. Bash can interpret bash extensions, ash can't interpret them. You can't "make busybox interpret bash" - cars don't fly, planes are for that. If you want to make a car fly, you add wings to it and make it faster. The answer to Make BusyBox interpret the script as BASH instead of SH would be: patch busybox and implement all bash extensions in it.
Shebang is used to run a file under different interpreter. Using #!/bin/bash would invoke bash, which would be unrelated to anything busybox related and busybox wouldn't be involved in it.
how can I do it?
Decide on a unrealistic maximum, iterate over variables named foreign_option_{1...some_max}, for each variable see if it is set, if it is set, cotinue the script.
for i in $(seq 100); do
if eval "[ -z \"\${${optionvarname}+x}\" ]"; then continue; fi;
With enough luck maybe you can use the set output. The following will fail if any variable contains a value as newline + the string that matches the regex:
for optionvarname in $(set | grep -o '^foreign_option_[0-9]\+=' | sed 's/=//'); then
Indirect expansion can be easily replaced by eval:
eval "option=\"\$${optionvarname}\""

If you really cannot install Bash on that router, here is one possible workaround, which seems to work for me in BusyBox on a Qnap NAS :
for x in one two; do
eval "opt_value=\$$opt_var"
echo "$opt_var = $opt_value"
(But you will probably encounter more problems with moving a Bash script to busybox, so you might want to first consider alternatives like replacing the router)


Use a variable on a script command line when its value isn't set until after the script starts

How to correctly pass to the script and substitute a variable that is already defined there?
My script
echo $1
When I enter:
bash https://example/$TARGETARCH
I want to see
but I actually see
What am I doing wrong?
The first problem with the original approach is that the $TARGETARCH is removed by your calling shell before your script is ever invoked. To prevent that, you need to use quotes:
./yourscript '$TARGETARCH'
The second problem is that parameter expansions only happen in code, not in data. This is, from a security perspective, a Very Good Thing -- if data were silently treated as code it would be impossible to write secure scripts handling untrusted data -- but it does mean you need to do some more work. The easy thing, in this case, is to export your variable and use GNU envsubst, as long as your operating system provides it:
export TARGETARCH=amd64
substitutedValue=$(envsubst <<<"$1")
echo "Original value was: $1"
echo "Substituted value is: $substitutedValue"
See the above running in an online sandbox at
Note the use of yourscript instead of here -- using .sh file extensions, especially for bash scripts as opposed to sh scripts, is an antipattern; the essay at has been linked by the #bash IRC channel on this topic for over a decade.
For similar reasons, changing bash yourscript to ./yourscript lets the #!/usr/bin/env bash line select an interpreter, so you aren't repeating the "bash" name in multiple places, leading to the risk of those places getting out of sync with each other.

Space between # and ! in shebang (# !/usr/bin/ksh)

I am writing a Korn shell script that involves process substitution using < <(), like this:
while IFS= read -r -d '' x;do
array+=( "$x" )
done < <(some command)
This is trying to insert into array all string returned by some command. The curious thing is that this works when my shebang looks like this:
# !/usr/bin/ksh
which is of course unusual (notice the space between # and !). On the other hand, when my shebang looks like #!/usr/bin/ksh (the right way, apparently), this script fails with the error syntax error: '< ' unexpected. Why is this? What difference does having a space in the shebang mean? Google gave me several answers saying that a space between !# and !/usr... is okay, but nothing regarding a space between ! and #.
# ! is an invalid shebang, and entirely ignored. Behavior of a script with no shebang depends on how you invoke it.
If invoked from a shell: Some shells use /bin/sh to run such scripts; others use themselves for the purpose. Presumably the shell you're interactively using when testing this (and finding the script to work only with an invalid shebang) is in the latter set, so your script is actually being run with bash, or otherwise your active interactive shell at the time.
If invoked without a shell: Most operating systems will refuse to execute such a binary.
Real David Korn ksh93 supports process substitution correctly, but some 3rd-party clones and ancient ksh implementations don't.
If you're going to use ksh, using genuine David Korn ksh93 (not mksh, pdksh, or another 3rd-party clone) is strongly preferred, and (to your immediate point) will ensure process substitution support.

Build a shell command in a string for later execution portably

I am trying to do the following command in bash and dash:
x="env PATH=\"$PATH:/dir with space\""
"$x" $cmd
This fails with
-bash: env PATH="/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/dir
with space": No such file or directory
Note the following works:
env PATH="$PATH:/dir with space" $cmd
The reason I am assigning to variable x env, is because it is part of a larger command wrapper to $cmd, which is also a complicated variable.
It's more complex than the initial example. I have logic in setting these variables,, instead of repeating them each time. Eventually the invocation is as shown here:
invocation="env PATH=\"$path_value\" $other_val1 $other_val2"
base="python --opt1=a,b,c script_args"
add_on="$base more_arg1 more_arg2"
"$invocation" $base
You can use shell array to store and reuse:
x=(env PATH="$PATH:/dir with space")
"${x[#]}" "$cmd"
anubhava's helpful array-based bash answer is the best choice if you can assume only bash (which appeared to be the case initially).
Given that you must also support dash, which almost exclusively supports POSIX sh features only, arrays are not an option.
Assuming that you fully control or trust the values that you use to build your command line in a string, you can use eval, which should generally be avoided:
invocation="env PATH=\"$path_value\" $other_val1 $other_val2"
base="python --opt1=a,b,c script_args"
add_on="$base more_arg1 more_arg2"
eval "$invocation $add_on"

Execution results are different when I'm executing bash script directly and through sh

I've a file
echo $i
when I execute ./, it shows 6. But when I execute "sh", it shows
as output. I just want to know why, and I need a code which will work on both.
Many Linux distributions use dash as their standard shell for scripts and therefore /bin/sh is only a symlink to /bin/dash, which is more lightweight, but lags some functionality compared with bash. Check that with:
ls -l /bin/sh
If you want to write POSIX compatible scripts, you should use foo=$n; $((n=n+1)) instead of foo=$((n++)) and foo=$((n=n+1)) instead of foo=$((++n)). The form $[] is deprecated and should be avoided.
The OS decides what type of file it is based on the first line. Make it:
The behaviour is different because when bash is run as sh, it turns off bash-specific features and hews more closely to the POSIX shell standard.
If you want your code to work the same under both bash and sh, you will need to write your code in the sh subset of the bash syntax.

"echo -e" when called directly and when called via a shell-script

I've noticed echo behaves slightly differently when called directly
root$echo "line1\nline2"
and when called via a script:
#! /bin/sh
echo "line1\nline2"
The first case would print:
, while the latter would print
So echo is always assumed to have flag -e when used in a script?
Your script has a shebang line of #! /bin/sh, while your interactive shell is probably Bash. If you want Bash behavior, change the script to #! /bin/bash instead.
The two programs sh and bash are different shells. Even on systems where /bin/sh and /bin/bash are the same program, it behaves differently depending on which command you use to invoke it. (Though echo doesn't act like it has -e turned on by default in Bash's sh mode, so you're probably on a system whose sh is really dash.)
If you type sh at your prompt, you'll find that echo behaves the same way as in your script. But sh is not a very friendly shell for interactive use.
If you're trying to write maximally portable shell scripts, you should stick to vanilla sh syntax, but if you aren't writing for distribution far and wide, you can use Bash scripts - just make sure to tell the system that they are, in fact, Bash scripts, by putting bash in the shebang line.
The echo command is probably the most notoriously inconsistent command across shells, by the way. So if you are going for portability, you're better off avoiding it entirely for anything other than straight up, no-options, no-escapes, always-a-newline output. One pretty portable option is printf.
