cannot Publish web app with Visual Studio 2019 and Azure - visual-studio

There are lots of examples of people having a similar problem to mine, but none of them are the problem that I'm having.
I'm running the Community edition of Visual Studio 2019 (maybe that's the problem). I've already created a free Azure account using the same username/pw/email as the account that I have the version of Visual Studio installed as (note that Azure didn't used to support Core, but it does now).
I'm following this Microsoft Doc on how to create a ASP.NET Core web app with Azure. I've created the project, and it's time to "publish" the web app.
Seems simple: right click on the project >> Publish. Here is the first window, where I should make sure that App Service is highlighted, then hit Create New and Create Profile.
In the next window I can either create my Azure account (which I already have) or sign in. This option seems strange, being that I'm clearly already signed in. Perhaps they mean signed into Azure? In any case, I choose "Already have an account (sign in)" because I do. If I were to choose the first option to create an account, it would tell me that I already have an account.
Next, it asks me to sign into Microsoft Visual Studio account (of which I'm already signed in -- my picture is on the upper right corner of the IDE). I do it anyways:
Next I put in the password (I'll spare you this screenshot -- I showed the last one to illustrate that it wanted me to sign into Visual Studio when I'm already signed in), and...
It takes me back to the App service window. According to the Microsoft doc, the wizard should continue to creating the resource group.
What I've tried:
getting to "Publish" without signing into Visual Studio
getting to "Publish" without signing into Azure (note that the email/pw associated with the Azure account is the same as my Visual Studio account, and I have access to the Azure account; I can go to the Dashboard, at least)
and every variation of being signed into one and not the other or none or both
repeated the entire thing while running Visual Studio 2019 as admin
from the "Pick a publish target" window selecting select existing instead of create new. It takes me to the same window that create new does
instead of .NET Core, using just plain old .NET Framework 4.7.2
What I haven't tried
Uninstalling and reinstalling the Azure SDKs. I'm scared if I do that, then Microsoft won't let me re-install them (because I already have once), and besides, this seems to be a problem with signing in.
Maybe there's some config that I'm missing, either in Visual Studio or Azure?
Maybe it's because I'm using the free Visual Studio version AND the free Azure?
Maybe it knows that I'm laid off and broke, and just wants to push the nail in?
I'm stuck. Does anyone know anything about this?

This question involves both Azure accounts and Visual Studio.To deal with this problem, we can start with these two aspects.
First, we can publish the created project using FTP. If the project runs normally, it means that there is no problem with the free subscription account. The problem may appear on VS.
Second, we can devenv.exe / resetuserdata to clear the personal account cache information on Visual Studio.

I solved the problem, just enable yours directories in visual studio 2019.
Thanks :)

I solved this problem.
After 30 days of a free trial account, when you want to deploy for example a new Azure app service you can see the label "(disabled) free". This is why you cannot proceed with Visual Studio publishing anymore.
I had the same problem with you. I created a new Microsoft account and then a new Azure account. Now Visual Studio allows me to proceed with creating a new profile in order to publish my app.
I hope I helped you.


VS2015 Community Subscription license is stale

I have a Windows Form app that I developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. I recently got a message that my license "has gone stale" and must be updated. When I click the link, I get an error message: "We could not download a license. Please check your network settings or proxy settings."
Going to my subscription online, I see "Visual Studio Dev Essentials"
I tried the solutions from without success. My account is a "work" account and we do not use MFA at this time.
Visual Studio Community 2015 won't sign in. How do I fix this? suggests that uninstall/reinstall is needed, so perhaps that is my best next step.
I found the VS2015 installer here:
Anyone know if it is possible to update a stale VS2015 license currently? It occurs to me that MS may have made that impossible somehow since it is an old version.
I installed VS2019 CE to use that, and it opens just fine but my app has issues with fonts (which is a separate issue), and forms look almost ok on screen but very bad when run.
This was caused because years ago, I used a "personal" microsoft account, which has the same user id as my "domain" account. The domain account is what I use for Office 365, Azure, and domain logins. Apparently VS 2015 was connected to the personal account. I knew of this personal account, but since I don't use it anymore, I incorrectly assumed it was kaput.
To fix, I opened VS2015, and when prompted to update license, I selected "Add an account..." and entered my userid and noted it was a personal account, and entered that password (different from domain p/w, and thankfully saved in chrome for better or worse). Then, when I clicked on "Check for an updated license", it found one right away and is now working.

Lost VSTS source control bindings in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Until recently used TFS for source control with Microsoft live id with my yahoo email.
Recent transition from TFS to VSTS.
Couple weeks ago devops switched my VSTS account to use company email instead of yahoo email.
After that in VS I couldn't use source control anymore,
was getting error: "TF30063: You are not authorized to access\DefaultCollection."
and not being able to bind to source control.
Devops removed my company-email-account and reactivated my yahoo-email-account
and source control in VS started to work again, and with VSTS now.
I have not used Visual Studio for a week or so.
Today I discovered that:
My solutions lost Source Control Bindings.
I can Not bind my solutions to Source Control Again in Visual Studio.
When I re-bind it tells me that status is 'invalid'.
I do Not get any other errors.
Happens for all solutions that used to work fine with source control.
I seem to have access to ->
and can see my projects there.
Please help me to undestand what is going on and rebind.
Many thanks
This should be a cache related issue, try to delete VS and TFS cache and restart VS.
Also try to remove your account info which stored in Credential Manager (Control Panel-All Control Panel Items-Credential Manager-Windows Manager)
Then reconnect to VSTS in Visual Studio use your personal account, make sure selected the used workspace, get latest; or directly delete the old workspace, create a new one.
My issue was resolved the following way:
1. when I've started to use TFS four years ago, I've created Microsoft Live Id account using my Personal email
this year when our devops were switching us from TFS to VSTS
they have tried to enforce rule of everybody to use their Office email for MS Live Id account. So they have created new account for me with Office email
Then I have described issues
Problem was resolved by switching me back to using original MS account with my Personal email.
I had to delete existing workspaces in Visual Studio 2015
and create new ones for my solutions to rebind code to VSTS.
For some reason I had to repeat this process few times.
Hope it helps

This account has no subscription - Publishing to Azure from Visual Studio

Earlier this year I successfully deployed a MVC app to Azure from Visual Studio.
Now I'm trying to do the same thing again, but now I am told my azure account "has no subscription".
However I am 100% positive I do have a subscription associated with my email. My old MVC app still runs and I can see my Pay-as-you-go is properly charged.
What I Have tried to fix it
Emptied my browser caches, history, cookies etc.
Removed my account from Visual Studio, restarted, and added them again.
Formatted my computer and reinstalled everything (not really because of this problem, but the timing was perfect).
Updated the Azure SDK to the newest 2.9.5.
I did the following things above based on advice from these pages:
Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions
Unable to publish to Azure with VS2015
No subscription found in windows azure account
But alas, no luck.
The only thing that comes to thought is I tried to add an Azure Pass to my account, but without luck. But I can't see how that should change anything...
So my question is: How do I make Visual Studio recognize my current Pay-as-you-go subscription, so I can publish my services, apps, etc. from Visual Studio directly?
Or at least: What has gone wrong? Whom can I contact to get help with this?
As always, thank you for your time and patience, and please write a comment if you need further information.
You may try to connect first via the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s). (The server explorer has an azure root node, if the azure sdk installed)
If you have connected, the publish wizard won't ask (usually) for sign in again.
In my case, the solution was as follows:
Open Server Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on Azure and select "Manage and filter subscriptions":
Screenshot of Manage Subscriptions Dialog
Click the Certificates tab, click Import, then click Download subscription file. This will take you to the azure portal page where you can download a .publishsettings file for your subscription. After downloading that file, click the Browse button in the Import dialog shown above and select that file.
I had the same issue. To solve it I opened the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s) and refreshed the Azure connection. It still said 0 subscriptions, but in the publishing options I could connect without any issue.

Visual Studio: Develop SharePoint Event Receivers without Admin rights or SharePoint Server

Main issue: I need to develop an automated way to create new SharePoint pages when an item is added to a SharePoint list. For example, we have a list of projects, and when a new project is added to the list, we want a custom website for that project to automatically be created from a template.
What I've tried: I have been researching this a lot, and it sounds like SharePoint Event Receivers can do what I need. So I got Visual Studio (both Visual Studio and SharePoint are 2010). However, I still cannot automate my child pages. I get an error message when I try to do anything SharePoint-related in Visual Studio: "A SharePoint server is not installed on this computer. A SharePoint server must be installed to work with SharePoint projects."
My organization is not big on new software, so getting more than Visual Studio is probably not possible. In addition, I will not be granted admin rights, so I don't know if I will even be able to use Visual Studio. (Also I'm pretty sure my SharePoint is not locally installed, but I don't know much about software set-up/configuration...I just want it to work so I can code!) I do have full rights to the SharePoint site, so that shouldn't be an issue.
Is there a way to solve this issue with only coding in SharePoint? Or is there a way to do it with just Visual Studio (non-admin) and SharePoint?
In order to develop solutions for SharePoint 2010 you need to have SharePoint 2010 installed on your dev machine. You can install SharePoint 2010 Foundation which is free.
Before you start development you need to decide which kind of solution you gonna create - sandboxed solution or farm solution.
Sandboxed solution has some limitations in functionality but you do not need admin access to the server to deploy it, only site collection administrator rights on site collection.
On the other hand farm solution allows you to use any available SharePoint object model APIs. But to deploy it you need to have admin access to the server (or at least IT guy with admin access who can run some ps scripts).
The decision mostly depends on what are you going to develop. If you have some requirements which do not fit for sandboxed solution then you have to go with farm solution.
From what you've described I think sandbox solution is enough.

How do I get the serial key for Visual Studio Express?

I am Visual Studio 2010 Professional user. But for a reason I need Visual Web Developer 2008 Express edition.
I downloaded this, but I need the serial key to activate the product, otherwise it will expire in 30 days.
When I go there, I got this error:
"Thank you for your interest in registering Visual Studio. We are currently experiencing issues with the registration process. We are working on this and will have it fixed as soon as possible. Please try to register your product again at a later time. We apologize for the inconvenience."
I tried for a long time, but I got the same error every time. Is there any other way to get the serial key?
I have an improvement on the answer #DewiMorgan gave for VS 2008 express. I have since confirmed it also works on VS 2005 express.
It lets you run the software without it EVER requiring registration, and also makes it so you don't have to manually delete the key every 30 days. It does this by preventing the key from ever being written.
(Deleting the correct key can also let you avoid registering VS 2015 "Community Edition," but using permissions to prevent the key being written will make the IDE crash, so I haven't found a great solution for it yet.)
The directions assume Visual C# Express 2008, but this works on all the other visual studio express apps I can find.
Open regedit, head to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\Registration.
Delete the value Params.
Right click on the key 'Registration' in the tree, and click permissions.
Click Advanced...
Go to the permissions tab, and uncheck the box labeled Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here.
In the dialog that opens, click copy.
Note that in Windows 7 (and 8/8.1, I think), it appears the copy button was renamed to add, as in add inherited permissions as explicit permissions.
In Windows 10, it appears things changed again. #ravuya says that you might have to manually re-create some of the permissions, as the registry editor no longer offers this exact functionality directly. I don't use Windows very much anymore, so I'll defer to them:
On Win10, there is a button called "Disable Inheritance" that does the same thing as the checkbox mentioned in step 5. It is necessary to create new permissions just for Registration, instead of inheriting those permissions from an upstream registry key.
Hit OK in the 'Advanced' window.
Back in the first permissions window, click your user, and uncheck Full Control.
Do the same thing for the Administrators group.
Hit OK or Apply.
Congratulations, you will never again be plagued by the registration nag, and just like WinRAR, your trial will never expire.
You may have to do the same thing for other (non-Visual C#) programs, like Visual Basic express or Visual C++ express.
It has been reported by #IronManMark20 in the comments that simply deleting the registry key works and that Visual Studio does not attempt to re-create the key. I am not sure if I believe this because when I installed VS on a clean windows installation, the key was not created until I ran VS at least once. But for what it's worth, that may be an option as well.
The question is about VS 2008 Express.
Microsoft's web page for registering Visual Studio 2008 Express has been dead (404) for some time, so registering it is not possible.
Instead, as a workaround, you can temporarily remove the requirement to register VS2008Exp by deleting (or renaming) the registry key:
To ensure that this is working beforehand, click Help -> register product within VS2008.
You should see text like
"You have not yet registered your copy of Visual C++ 2008 Express
Edition. This product will run for 10 more days before you will be
required to register it."
Close the application, delete that key, reopen, click help->register product.
The text should now say
"You have not yet registered your copy of Visual C++ 2008 Express
Edition. This product will run for 30 more days before you will be
required to register it."
So you have two options - delete that key manually every 30 days, or run it from a batch file that also contains a line like:
reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Registration /f
[Edit: User #i486 confirms on testing that this workaround works even after the expiration period has expired]
[Edit2: User #Wyatt8740 has a much more elegant way to prevent the value from reappearing.]
Getting a product key is free. Here is how I did it:
I just downloaded the 2012 Express install ISO image. After install I got the message "This product will expire in 30 day(s). Registration is required for the continued use of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web."
On that same screen is a register online link. Clicking that I signed in with my live account, updated my profile, and got a registration key.
Visual C# Express 2005 ISO File does not require registration
I believe that if you download the offline ISO image file, and use that to install Visual Studio Express, you won't have to register.
Go here and find the link that says "All - Offline Install ISO image file". Click on it to expand it, select your language, and then click "Download".
Otherwise, it's possible that online registration is simply down for a while, as the error message indicates. You have 30 days before it expires, so give it a few days before starting to panic.
