How to host a website in Ubuntu server? - hosting

In my personal Computer, I installed Ubuntu server. I want to host my website that ubuntu server.What should I do? what are the tools(software) are required? I do not know about this, So i am asking.Anybody know about this, Please clarify. Thanks!!!

Start from Apache, it is the web server software.
On internet you will find all the tutorials you need to install it and configure it.

for apache do "sudo apt-get install apache2" then look for /var/www/html directory, after that replace index.html for your own webpage.


Missing "passenger.conf" Apache2

I am trying to deploy Redmine on my Ubuntu Linux server running Apache2. However, for my deployment of Redmine, I need to modify passenger.conf which is missing at the path /etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf. I am wondering if this configuration file should have been provided during installation and how I can create this missing file?
If you need to configure passenger, then install using this ref link from phusion passenger official site

enable ldap module in laravel homestead

Currently have an issue where i can not enable the ldap module in homestead. I have changed multiple php.ini files and still nothing seems to be working. Has anyone else had issues with enabling modules in homestead?
Side note: when trying to restart php-fpm i am getting a permission denied issue. They prompt me with a password (which i have tried "secret") but still cant seem to get that to work either.
Have restarted the homestead instance multiple times as well. no prevail.
any thoughts?
I think this question deserves its own answer as it's pretty easy to install the wrong version of ldap on homestead and not know why things aren't working.
TL;DR: Match the version of ldap to the version of php you're running & install with apt-get.
For example, running homestead v.6.1.0:
cd HOMESTEADFOLDER # on your host
vagrant ssh # access the guest machine
sudo apt-get update # update apt-get package list
sudo apt-get install php7.1-ldap # or whatever version
In my example above, if you switch out php7.1-ldap for php7.0-ldap everything appears to install correctly (it does in fact install correctly) but, in reality, you've installed the module to a version of php that's not actually running. It took me several attempts at rebooting FPM to figure out this is what I had done.
Side note: apt-get will restart php and reload modules so there's no need to try and reboot the server or mess about with .ini files.
While ssh-ed in to the guest machine, you can check that the package is installed with php -m
If ldap is a thing your project needs, it's probably a better idea to handle this in a script. The answer referenced by fh-jashmore in his comment above comment has a simple but solid example: How to automatically enable php extensions in Homestead on vagrant up

Could not execute Node.js Cloud9

I am trying to use Cloud9 IDE on a server. I added the SSH key and once I try to SSH into the server the error message
Could not execute node.js on
I have nodejs installed on the server, v0.10.25
You need to install the package "nodejs-legacy".
apt-get install nodejs-legacy
The SSH dialog allows you to set the path to the Node.js binary. That should solve your issue.
I found it is necessary to scroll down and click on the advanced tab. Then I entered /usr/bin/nodejs from my "which nodejs" output in my SSH session. This worked for me even though the documentation states AWS tries to do this by default. That left me in the AWS file work space on the server I ssh'ed into as desired.
nodejs was not installed on my EC2 instance, so I installed using the instructions from the following link, and it work perfectly. Tutorial: Setting Up Node.js on an Amazon EC2 Instance
sudo apt-get install nodejs worked for me

Setup local LDAP server in mac OSX

I've followed this ( tutorial for set up LDAP server in my local machine.
I've done all these steps
Installed Homebrew
Installed openldap using brew command, including berkeley db
Updated the slapd.conf file
Started the server using command "sudo /usr/local/libexec/slapd"
Now how do i know the LDAP server is running?
I tried a lot but i could'nt succeed,later i deiced to go with ADS ( Its easy to set up. Believe me i made the installation and configuration in 5 mins. Thank you apache.
Use -d3 suffix.
Run sudo /usr/libexec/slapd -d3, it will show you the details.

Drupal install on localhost asks for FTP info

I'm running Drupal 7.4 on localhost, and I've downloaded some themes/modules but I'm unable to install them. I go to administration/modules, for example, select 'Upload a module or theme archive to install', choose the tar.gz from my file system, and before the install I'm asked for a FTP user and password and can not advance.
I'm working locally, so I'm thinking maybe I made some mistake during the install. How can I correct this? I have to do a lot of testing on local before moving the site to a server.
I found the solution here. All I have to do is place the modules/themes inside drupal_folder/sites/default/modules or themes and that's it.
Thanks #nmc
This can happen when sites/default folder is not owned by the user that executes the install script. Make sure the folder sites/default is owned by the apache user (from your drupal root):
chown www-data sites/default
chown apache sites/default
If your not able to install the module, because the lack of a ftp connection, it's possible to use the old fashion way.
The other solution has described it, but it's not correct for a 100%.
If you want to do it the drupal way, you need to install the modules/themes to
if you are having a multi-installation of drupal, then:
