How To close the navigation drawer with hardware(android) back button? - navigation-drawer

I am using react-native-drawer-layout for navigation drawer.
renderNavigationView={() => NavigationView}
When i try to close the drawer total app is getting closed.
Could anybody let me know how to close the drawer with hardware(android) button?

I never user DrawerLayoutAndroid but according to the React Native Docs it has method "closeDrawer()" that is supposed to close it... by using BackHandler you should add an event listener to the component containing the drawer layout, add this:
BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', ()=>{
return true;


Confirmation before closing a modal dialog page in Apex 5.0

I am trying to create a simple confirmation ("Do you want to close this window?") when closing a modal dialog page with the (X)-button.
What would be the most efficient way to implement this in Apex 5.0?
I tried to implement a solution using the dialog closed event, this seemed to have had no effects on closing the dialog with the (X)-button, however.
Try to create a dynamic action, on page load, in your modal page with that code:
Your da should execute a javascript code:
var button = parent.$('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close'); //get the button
button.unbind(); //remove the behavior
//put another behavior to the button
button.on('click', function() {
apex.message.confirm( "Your message here", function( okPressed ) {
if( okPressed ) {
Try to confirm if the "X" button have the css class "ui-dialog-titlebar-close", they can change between versions of apex.
If necessary, update the first line of the code with the correct class.
Have you considered hiding the button (x) and canceling the modal dialog page by clicking on the "cancel" button?
If you want to rename the standard button names in the confirmation window, use:
apex.lang.addMessages({"APEX.DIALOG.OK": pOkLabel});
apex.lang.addMessages({"APEX.DIALOG.CANCEL": pCancelLabel});

Nativescript - Android TabView back button custom navigation

In an Nativescript application I need to implement a custom navigation scenario for Android when user click on material/soft back button.
For simplicity, starting with login-tabs template ( and I want implement a navigation like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Pinterest, and many more ...
That's with the example of login-tabs template, when I navigate from the Players tab to the Teams tab and then I tap the back button I want to return to the Players tab (on the page I left in this tab).
Today as the navigation history of the Teams tab outlet is empty and the navigation history of the root outlet is empty, the application is closes. I wish it was close if I tap on the back button after returning to the Players tab and if navigation history of Players tab is empty.
I hope it's clear, tell me if it's not the case.
Is there a way to implement this behavior?
Finally I implemented a solution that's inspired by the response of #Manoj.
I listen to the activityBackPressed event and set args.cancel = true for prevent default behavior.
At each Tab change I save the Tab previously visited. Then at every activityBackPressed event I check if the current outlet can go back or not with this.routerExtension.canGoBack({ outlets: [this.tabVisibleName], relativeTo: this.activeRoute }).
If not I return to the previous tab programmatically if the list of tabs visited is not empty. If the list of tabs visited is empty I set args.cancel = false for exit the app.
If this.routerExtension.canGoBack({ outlets: [this.tabVisibleName], relativeTo: this.activeRoute }) return true I simply go back : this.routerExtension.back({ outlets: [this.tabVisibleName], relativeTo: this.activeRoute });
Note : you must remove listener when application is going to background, otherwise you will have several listeners (one by resume) :
application.on(application.exitEvent, (args) => {
if ( {;
Thanks for your help
You need to save selected Tab in your data.service and when user go back to tabs.component.html you can use the selectedIndex. You can skip to listen to activityBackPressed as well in that case.
in your tabs.component.html
<TabView (selectedIndexChanged)="onSelectedIndexChanged($event)" [(ngModel)]="selectedTabIndex" width="100%">
and in your tabs.component.ts
private routerExtension: RouterExtensions,
private activeRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private _dataService: DataService ) {
this.selectedTabIndex = this._dataService.selectedTabIndex;
onSelectedIndexChanged(args: SelectedIndexChangedEventData) {
const tabView = <TabView>args.object;
const selectedTabViewItem = tabView.items[args.newIndex];
this._dataService.selectedTabIndex = args.newIndex;

TabNavigator with a modal popup with react-navigation? (like Instagram)

Is it possible to have a TabNavigator with a tab bar button that launched a modal screen? Basically mimic the behavior of Instagram's center "Share" button.
Assuming you are clear with the concepts of react-redux. You can use it to achieve this task. On the click of the tab perform an action that will set/unset the props that you can use to show/hide the modal.
Your reducer for this will be like,
state = {
modalVisible: !state.modalVisible,
the above case will set/unset the modalVisible prop which can be used in a component that is exported with connect keyword of react-redux.
Than your modal will be like
onRequestClose={() => //any function you want to call}
//any other attributes you want to use
//any view you want to give your modal to

how to hide the close button on a kendo modal window

I have a kendo modal window in my angular app. Sometimes I auto-close the window after a second. At those times, I'd like to hide the Close [x] button, but at other times, not. Can it be done just before the window is opened?
if (autoCloseDelay) {
// hide the close [x] button here ??
$timeout( function() {
}, autoCloseDelay, $scope);
If you don't want to play with CSS, you can use setOptions to set programmatically the actions.
Example for removing the Close button:
// Get current actions
var actions = $scope.modalWindow.options.actions;
// Remove "Close" button
actions.splice(actions.indexOf("Close"), 1);
// Set the new options
$scope.modalWindow.setOptions({ actions : actions });
I believe you can do it like this:
// hide the close [x] button
$scope.modalWindow.parent().find(".k-window-action").css("visibility", "hidden");
Here is a sample jsFiddle

Appcelerator. Using swipe to open window

I am developing an iOS app in Appcelerator and I want to switch between windows with the use of a swipe event listener. How can I do this? The below code does not work. The current window that I "start" from contains a table.
var window = Ti.UI.currentWindow;
window.addEventListener('swipe', function() {
// Create the new window
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title: 'Contacts',
// Animate the page turn, {animated:false});
I think the problem is with the Ti.UI.currentWindow. Depending on the context you're working in it may not be valid.
Google 'appcelerator currentWindow', but here's a related link:
This will not be optimal and dynamic, but to start with, try referencing the window implicitly. Meaning if you did something like
var window_x = Ti.UI.createWindow({});
window_x.addEventListener('swipe', function() {...});
