Appcelerator. Using swipe to open window - appcelerator

I am developing an iOS app in Appcelerator and I want to switch between windows with the use of a swipe event listener. How can I do this? The below code does not work. The current window that I "start" from contains a table.
var window = Ti.UI.currentWindow;
window.addEventListener('swipe', function() {
// Create the new window
var win = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
title: 'Contacts',
// Animate the page turn, {animated:false});

I think the problem is with the Ti.UI.currentWindow. Depending on the context you're working in it may not be valid.
Google 'appcelerator currentWindow', but here's a related link:
This will not be optimal and dynamic, but to start with, try referencing the window implicitly. Meaning if you did something like
var window_x = Ti.UI.createWindow({});
window_x.addEventListener('swipe', function() {...});


firexfox extension toggle on off on icon click

I develop my first firefox extension. My usecase (already sucessfully implemented as a chrome extension):
Inject CSS of a specific page
Default load: contentscript-on.js
On Click icon (icon-on.png / icon-off.png) switch from contentscript-on.js to contentscript-off.js and backward
The contentscript-on.js already works on page load. I´ve searched a lot to find help or an example for my usecase. Any ideas?
Thank you very much!
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
var self = require("sdk/self");
include: "",
contentScriptFile: ["jquery-1.11.0.min.js"),"contentscript-on.js")]
In my chrome extension, I use a background.js to toggle on / off and switch between the scripts
//toggle = true, because the contenscript-on.js is already loaded on initial loading of the page
var toggle = true;
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
toggle = !toggle;
//change the icon after pushed the icon to On
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: "icon-on.png",});
//start the content script to hide dashboard
//change the icon after pushed the icon to Off
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({path: "icon-off.png",});
//start the content script to hide dashboard
Is there a similar way to this in firefox extensions?
The PageMod constructor has an optional onAttach property which passes a content worker to your function. This worker can be destroyed to remove the scripts from the page
var contentWorker; // Global (or greater scope) variable
// …
onAttach: function(worker) {
contentWorker = worker;
Then, in your click listener
var tab =;
contentWorker = tab.attach( {
contentScriptFile: ["jquery-1.11.0.min.js"),"contentscript-off.js")]
Frankly, it would probably be easier just to attach both and toggle them somehow from within the content script code
As a side note, there's a new toggle button that you can can use that will have an activated/deactivated look that sounds like it would be good for your scenario.

Firefox Addon builder: how to keep a panel shown

I have done a firefox addon using the Addon Builder. This addon display a panel containing a web page.
The problem I have is that I would like to keep this panel displayed and probably had a close button to hide it. Actually the panel disappear when we click out of the panel.
This is the code I use to make my panel:
var HauteurPopup = 400;
var LargeurPopup = 650;
function getPanel(contentURL){
var popupPanel = require("panel").Panel({
contentURL: contentURL
return popupPanel;
var btn = require("toolbarbutton").ToolbarButton({
id: 'propelink-button',
label: 'Propulesez ce lien!',
image: '',
onCommand: function() {
if (typeof(tabs.activeTab._worker) == 'undefined') {
let worker = tabs.activeTab.attach({
contentScript: btnContentScript
tabs.activeTab._worker = worker;
var panelPopup = myPanel.getPanel("");;
Someone know how to keep this panel displayed and close it adding a button?
Thanks in advance
In xul based extensions there is an option in the creation of the panel to accomplish that (panel.noautohide). In firefox-addon-sdk it seems that it doesn't exist. See 595040 – Add a "isPersistent" attribute for panels
Although it is mentioned that you can do a workaround by editing panel.js, but i never tried to do that, but you may want to give it a try.

How can I dynamically change's loading property?

I am developing a mobile web app using Kendo UI Mobile. Whenever we make any AJAX calls, or our DataSources make them we call app.startLoading() to show the loading icon to the user. This works very well.
However, depending on the context in which the call is made we would like to change the text that is displayed along with the loading icon. I know you can define this when I create the instance. How can I change it afterwards?
The documentation does not suggest a way to do this, and a browse of the source code did not help me either. Is this really not possible?
EDIT: This is using Kendo UI Mobile v.2012.3.1114
I usually make a "utility" function to do this:
var _kendoApp = new, {});
var showLoading = function (message) {
_kendoApp.loading = "<h1>" + (message ? message : "Loading...") + "</h1>";
I am also setting a default message of "Loading..." if one isn't passed in.
I could have sworn that worked for me in a past app I did, but judging by thr source, I think you are right, my answer above shouldn't work. My best suggestion is to add a class to the message element so you can target it, and use jQuery to change the text.
var _kendoApp;
var showLoading = function (message) {
$(".loading-message").text(message ? message : "Loading...");
_kendoApp = new, {
loading: '<h1 class="loading-message">Loading...</h1>'

Add eventlistener to a window in Titanium Mobile commonJS

I have a surely somehow stupid problem with adding an eventlistener to a window I create in a commonJS module in Titanium Mobile.
Consider i.e. the following code:
var SegmentListWindow = function(){
var window = S.ui.createWindow("Testwindow");
window.addEventListener("app:customListener", function(){ doSomething();});
return window;
exports.SegmentListWindow = SegmentListWindow;
The window is nicely generated using
var Window = require(".....").SegmentListWindow;
var win = new Window();
S.ui is just a simple helper method to create some standard window in my app.
But the event listener is never called, I tryTi.App.fireEvent("app:customListener"), but the event doesn't reach the listener.
Only when Using Ti.App.addEventListener and adding a global eventlistener it's working.
I think maybe that problem is I am not adding the event listener to the "instance" of the window? But how to fix this? I don't want to add the event listener manually when instantiating the window somewhere in the app. Can't I do this in the commonJS module?
Well, that really was a simple question.
I am doing a Ti.App.fireEvent, but was listening for window.addEventListener, that couldn't work.
Now I am doing the following:
Adding an eventlistener on window instantiation to the global Ti.App-Object, and remove this listener on the window's close event.
That works perfectly.
You could also define the SegmentListWindow as you did in the question:
var SegmentListWindow = function(){
var window = Ti.UI.createWindow({title:"Testwindow"});
window.addEventListener("win:customListener", function(){ doSomething();});
return window;
exports.SegmentListWindow = SegmentListWindow;
and then fire the event on the win object:
var Window = require(".....").SegmentListWindow;
var win = new Window();

Using headerPullView in appcelerator

I'm using a tableView with a headerPullView.
It works fine, but i want to show the headerPullView when i open the tab so the user can see that new data is loaded.
Can't find any information on google or appcelerator docs.
I only found this:
but this only shows how to update when the tab is already loaded. I'm looking for a way to show that loading headerPullView when i open that window.
You can't simulate a scroll with the headerPullView but you can fire an event of scroll.
Anyways what I would advise is to create a headerView and set the table height smaller and away from the top. Attache a listener to the open event.
var headerView = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 0,
height: 60
Ti.UI.currentWindow.addEventListener('open', function(e) { = 60;
tableView.height = 400;
Then just set it all back the way you need it when you scroll the table the first time.
var scrolled = 0;
tableView.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
if(!scrolled) { = 0;
tableView.height = 460;
scrolled = 1;
// scroll code
I'm not so sure why you need to do this however. After facebook replaced "shake to refresh" with this method I've started seeing it in almost all table apps and have come to just expect it. I assume many other users feel the same way about this?
you can use listView instead of tableView, it supports pull view already
check this!/guide/ListViews-section-37521650_ListViews-PulltoRefresh
or you can use this modules
