Confirmation before closing a modal dialog page in Apex 5.0 - oracle

I am trying to create a simple confirmation ("Do you want to close this window?") when closing a modal dialog page with the (X)-button.
What would be the most efficient way to implement this in Apex 5.0?
I tried to implement a solution using the dialog closed event, this seemed to have had no effects on closing the dialog with the (X)-button, however.

Try to create a dynamic action, on page load, in your modal page with that code:
Your da should execute a javascript code:
var button = parent.$('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close'); //get the button
button.unbind(); //remove the behavior
//put another behavior to the button
button.on('click', function() {
apex.message.confirm( "Your message here", function( okPressed ) {
if( okPressed ) {
Try to confirm if the "X" button have the css class "ui-dialog-titlebar-close", they can change between versions of apex.
If necessary, update the first line of the code with the correct class.

Have you considered hiding the button (x) and canceling the modal dialog page by clicking on the "cancel" button?

If you want to rename the standard button names in the confirmation window, use:
apex.lang.addMessages({"APEX.DIALOG.OK": pOkLabel});
apex.lang.addMessages({"APEX.DIALOG.CANCEL": pCancelLabel});


Gui admin button to make a form have additional features

I created a GUI with a button in PowerShell. If user presses this button a popup window will appear and ask for a password. If the password was 123, then the GUI should be reloaded with some extra options.
I wrote the following function for this button:
Function AdminPanelPass() {
if ($TextBox91.Text -eq $adminpanelpass) {
$script:admin = 1
This function is called if the button is pressed. It reads the password from the TextBox91 on the form9. If the password was not 123, form9 is closed and after that the main form will be reloaded. Upon reloading the main form there is a check for $admin.
The problem is that after the form is closed, it won't open again. The error is:
Exception calling "ShowDialog" with "0" argument(s): "Form that is
already displayed modally cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box.
Close the form before calling showDialog."
Can anyone assist please? Is that a correct way to be doing such a thing?
Found a way it works:
Function AdminPanelPass(){
if ($TextBox91.Text -eq $adminpanelpass){
$script:admin = 1
MakeForm is the function to create the main form

how to hide the close button on a kendo modal window

I have a kendo modal window in my angular app. Sometimes I auto-close the window after a second. At those times, I'd like to hide the Close [x] button, but at other times, not. Can it be done just before the window is opened?
if (autoCloseDelay) {
// hide the close [x] button here ??
$timeout( function() {
}, autoCloseDelay, $scope);
If you don't want to play with CSS, you can use setOptions to set programmatically the actions.
Example for removing the Close button:
// Get current actions
var actions = $scope.modalWindow.options.actions;
// Remove "Close" button
actions.splice(actions.indexOf("Close"), 1);
// Set the new options
$scope.modalWindow.setOptions({ actions : actions });
I believe you can do it like this:
// hide the close [x] button
$scope.modalWindow.parent().find(".k-window-action").css("visibility", "hidden");
Here is a sample jsFiddle

CKEditor - Trigger dialog ok button

I'm using CKEditor and I wrote a plugin that pops up a the CKEditor dialog.
I need to re design the ok button and add to the footer more elements like textbox and checkbox but it's seems to be to complicated to do so, so I've hide the footer part and created a uiElement in the dialog content with all what I need but now what I want is to trigger the okButton in the hidden footer but I can't find a way to do it..
There may be a better way, but here's how I'm doing it:
var ckDialog = window.CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent(),
ckCancel = ckDialog._.buttons['cancel'],
ckOk = ckDialog._.buttons['ok'];;
The trick is to get the button and then use the CKEditor Button API to simulate the click. For some reason, I was unable to call dialog.getButton('ok') because getButton is undefined for some reason. My method digs into the private data, which I doubt is the best way to do it.
From the onShow event (when defining the dialog), I was able to get the ok button like the docs indicate:
onShow: function () {
var okBtn = this.getButton('ok');
Here's the Button API:!/api/CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button, and you can access the dialog API there too (I'm assuming you've already been there!!!)
You might try to add this line in your plugin.js.
var dialog = this.getDialog();
In my custom plugin, i just hide the "ok" button instead of the whole footer.
Below is a part of my plugin.js statements.
type : 'fileButton',
id : 'uploadButton',
label : 'Upload file',
'for' : [ 'tab1', 'upload' ],
filebrowser :
action : 'QuickUpload',
onSelect : function(fileUrl, data){
var dialog = this.getDialog();
btw, i'm using CKEditor 4.0 (revision 769d96134b)

Telerik MVC Grid Delete operation

i would like to ask how i can intercept the ajax delete functionality of a grid using ajax binding? specifically, up to the point wherein, after i click on delete, as the confirm prompt pops up, i would like to do something based on the user's choice,
basically, if OK, do this, if CANCEL do that..
You need to use the OnRowDataBound and attach a click handler to the delete button. Then you can display custom confirmation and decide what to do. If you want' to prevent the grid deletion code - call e.stopPropagation(). Here is a quick sample:
<%: Html.Telerik().Grid(Model)
// Prevent the grid from displaying the default delete confirmation
.Editable(editing => editing.DisplayDeleteConfirmation(false))
// Subscribe to the OnRowDataBound event
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
function onRowDataBound(e) {
$(e.row) // get the current table row (TR) as a jQuery object
.find(".t-grid-delete") // find the delete button in that row
.click(function(e) { // handle its "click" event
if (confirm("Do you want to delete this record?")) {
// User clicked "OK"
} else {
// User clicked "Cancel"
e.stopPropagation(); // prevent the grid deletion code from executing.
The demo page seems to contain an example of what you are looking for.

jQuery click event behaves differently with live function in Firefox

Using the event click with live function leads to strange behavior when using Firefox*.
With live in Firefox, click is triggered when right-clicking also! The same does not happen in Internet Explorer 7 neither in Google Chrome.
Without live, go to demo and try right clicking
the paragraphs. A dialog menu should
With live, go to demo and try right
clicking "Click me!". Now both dialog
menu and "Another paragraph" appear.
*tested with firefox 3.5.3
As far as I know, that is a known issue (bug?). You can easily work around it by testing which button was clicked as follows:
$('').live("click", function(e) {
if (e.button == 0) { // 0 = left, 1 = middle, 2 = right
//left button was clicked
} else {
//other button was clicked (do nothing?)
//return false or e.preventDefault()
you might prefer using a switch depending on your specific requirements, but generally you would probably just want to do nothing (or or simply return) if any button other than the left button is clicked, as above:
$('').live("click", function(e) {
switch(e.button) {
case 0 : alert('Left button was clicked');break;
default: return false;
I think it's a known "bug", you could potentially query the event object after attaching the click handler ( which gets attached to the document ) and see if its a right click, otherwise manually attach the click handler after you manipulate the DOM.
After looking it up, e.button is the property you want to query:
.live('click', function(e){
if ( e.button == 2 ) return false; // exit if right clicking
// normal action
See my answer here: if you don't mind changing the jQuery source a bit, adding a single line in the liveHandler() works around the problem entirely.
