Can i use HTML tags in joomla template Language file? - joomla

Can i use (HTML) tag in template language file.
DISCOUNT_COUPON_DESCRIPTION="Use GET10 coupon code and get 10% discount"

Yes. It's not advisable, but it is possible. You shouldn't though.


Magento: change link from cart

I have Magento 1.7 installed, I have this theme called ves_gift, at the end of the Checkout (before clicking "checkout" actually) I have the terms of agreement:
The checkbox contains a link connected to the "privacy terms".
The point is that is a wrong/broken link, and I need to change its href, how do I fix it?
Also the word "Aaccetto" should be with one A only, not double. "Accetto" is the right word. Where is the translation file for that?
You need to find the template where the HTML contents of the checkbox. Then you can modify as per your wish.
Try installing Magento-Debug from magentocommerce, and find the template being used.
If you want to translate, then use the CSV file for translation in your theme, as per your language rather than hard-coding in Phtml files.
Remmeber : only Html strings echoed with $this->__('MYSAMPLETEXT'); can only be translated. So, in the CSV file you could do
and then magento will translate the string for you, as simple as that.
file path:-
if its work vote for me, and not let me know...

How to insert custom html into Joomla header

I am using file_get_contents to acquire html. From the html page I extract the css, and js. Right now I am using a very expensive function.
$css_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('link');
foreach ($css_elements as $css_element) {
I would like to save the csss links to a file, and then read the file and add the links as a whole to the head tag of the HTML page.
I was wondering is Joomla has an in build function that allows for one to add unwrapped text to the head tag.
Thanx everyone!
I recommend using the Flexi Custom Code module to do this in Joomla:
This module allows us to insert any code like php, javascript PHP, CSS and html at site modules positions. For example, It's can be used for simple code, simple function, embed code, adsense code, affiliation code and others copy and paste codes for Joomla site.
Main Features:
1. Available for PHP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and CSS codes
2. Available to set the target of this module
3. Easy and flexible

Multi-language store- Changing custom menu's language dynamically

I am doing Multi-language store in magento. i have some custom menu in header section like how to order, Help etc. .
now currently these menu i have given direct link like
<li>how to order</li>
i am not sure how multi-language feature will work with this menu.. How can i write these top menu as if It will change with language change.
any suggestions will be helpful for me.
Any text that is hard-coded into your template needs to be wrapped in the translation helper.
echo $this->__('Help');
But make sure the block it applies to has a helper declared, otherwise you'll need to load the generic helper.
Then, you can edit the relevant translation CSV file. By putting "Help" in the first column, and the translation in the second column.
Although, you'll be able to use translate in-line once you are using the above PHP.

I am using HTML snippet in to Highlight HTML and Javascript code in blog Joomla. but it's executed after saving it

while creating a article I want to show some HTML code as part of content, but after saving that article that particular snippet of HTML code get executed.
I am using joomla 1.5 | code citation extension for insert code in article. Is there any solution?
You should turn off HTML stripping, or include it as a Custom HTML Module, and writing the position in the article with load position. to load the custom HTML you've put in the Module. i.e.
{loadposition YourModulePosition}
Will load anything you place within a Custom HTML Module.
The correct way should be to paste the code into the wysiwyg (design view, not raw code view) - as long as you have a decent editor the angle brackets should be converted to html entities and it should just work.
The built-in Geshi plugin - though a little dated - is usually all that is needed to make add colored highlighting. The plugin is a little dated but after inserting your code all you need to do to make it work is add:
<pre class="html"> ... </pre>
around your html. Chenge HTML to js, css, etc depending upon the code to be shown.

Magento Language File for Admin-Customer Account Page

Maybe I'm just tired...but I can't seem to locate the language file relevant to the backend Customers>Manage Customers>Individual Record
I just want to change the form label "Suffix" to "Credentials".
Can you use inline translation to do it?
