Magento Language File for Admin-Customer Account Page - magento

Maybe I'm just tired...but I can't seem to locate the language file relevant to the backend Customers>Manage Customers>Individual Record
I just want to change the form label "Suffix" to "Credentials".

Can you use inline translation to do it?


Magento: change link from cart

I have Magento 1.7 installed, I have this theme called ves_gift, at the end of the Checkout (before clicking "checkout" actually) I have the terms of agreement:
The checkbox contains a link connected to the "privacy terms".
The point is that is a wrong/broken link, and I need to change its href, how do I fix it?
Also the word "Aaccetto" should be with one A only, not double. "Accetto" is the right word. Where is the translation file for that?
You need to find the template where the HTML contents of the checkbox. Then you can modify as per your wish.
Try installing Magento-Debug from magentocommerce, and find the template being used.
If you want to translate, then use the CSV file for translation in your theme, as per your language rather than hard-coding in Phtml files.
Remmeber : only Html strings echoed with $this->__('MYSAMPLETEXT'); can only be translated. So, in the CSV file you could do
and then magento will translate the string for you, as simple as that.
file path:-
if its work vote for me, and not let me know...

Using variables in custom joomla module for tooltips

I'm new to joomla development, but I can't seem to figure out how to dynamically fetch descriptions to be displayed as tool tips for the form data of a module backend. I'm looking at an example module from joomlart and their code for a single field element in their xml file looks like this.
description="MAIN_WIDTH_DESC" />
MAIN_WIDTH and MAIN_WIDTH_DESC are obviously variables that are somehow being accessed and rendered later when the module is run in the backend but I can't find where the values to these variables are stored or how to replicate this behavior. Any help would be appreciated.
Label is the label that prints to screen, and description is rendered as the tooltip.
You can just replace these variable names with the actual text and it will work when the form is rendered.
However, in your example, I believe they are using language files to get the text to display.
Whilst you can set a language file within your module for that module's use, naming convention suggests to me that these are being pulled from somewhere like the template's language file.
( Such a file is likely to be found either under /language or /administrator/language or /templates/yourtemplate/language )
The benefit of such files is to allow for translations of the site to exist without having to write a new module / template each time.
Ultimately, if you don't want various language versions of your site, and you only intend to use the module on one site and not sell it as an extension, then there is no strong need to create a language file for your own bespoke modules (though best practise would probably be to do so).

Is it possible to change text directly in the code

I would like to know if there is a way to change text in the code instead of using the admin panel? I have Filezilla installed and can access my site/files from there.
If I use the inspect element in any browser, I can see an HTML structure, but as I have understood there is no HTML document in Magento, right? So where do I go if I want to make a change to a text element on my site and I don't want to use the admin panel?
Most of the text elements are handled by Magento's language translation system.
Quite often, you don't have to mess around hacking templates, just simply add a line to the translation CSV with the text string exactly as it appears, add a comma and then the new text string you want Magento to display.
For example, if you're working with US English, you can use the following file in your own custom template package as follows:
Let's for example, change one of the window shade bar titles in the One Page Shopping Cart. Add a line to translate.csv as follows:
"Billing Information","Billing Address Information"
How this works, in the template the following line normally displays the title:
<?php echo $this->__('Billing Address') ?>
This code snippet $this->__('Billing Address') is a call to Magento's language translation system. It reads the translate.csv file finds Billing Address and changes it to Billing Address Information when it assembles the page html.
Lotta people out there have made changing text like this far harder than it has to be.
Hunting down the proper template, changing the text, finding the template got messed up, or trying to remember after the fact what was changed.
Changing a simple central file that contains all the text string translations... Often only by adding a new line to the file
Magento actually makes this very simple.
Thank you! So magento stores all text in .csv? or just the stuff that needs to be translated? I'm making a search for .csv via Filezilla but I only get two languages (the site is translated to multiple languages). Should I be looking somewhere else?

Magento edit shopping cart title in header

I have a Magento webshop and in my header is standing: Shopping cart - Subtotaal winkelwagen
I was looking for a way to edit this text. I have looked into the .php files etc. but i didn't found anything there so far. I hope someone can tell me where i can edit this text.
The best way is as erwin_smit described it.
As an addition the fastest solution is by using the inline translation Tool under
System->Configuration->Developer->Inline Translation
After activation reload your Front-end and edit the dotted text.
That's probably somewhere in app/design/frontend/packagename/templatename/checkout/cart.
If not, try to switch on the template hints on.
You can also replace text using a translate file. Place a file called "translate.csv" in app/design/frontend/{packagename}/{templatename/locale/{languagecode}/
Hope this helps.

Multi-language store- Changing custom menu's language dynamically

I am doing Multi-language store in magento. i have some custom menu in header section like how to order, Help etc. .
now currently these menu i have given direct link like
<li>how to order</li>
i am not sure how multi-language feature will work with this menu.. How can i write these top menu as if It will change with language change.
any suggestions will be helpful for me.
Any text that is hard-coded into your template needs to be wrapped in the translation helper.
echo $this->__('Help');
But make sure the block it applies to has a helper declared, otherwise you'll need to load the generic helper.
Then, you can edit the relevant translation CSV file. By putting "Help" in the first column, and the translation in the second column.
Although, you'll be able to use translate in-line once you are using the above PHP.
