How to insert custom html into Joomla header - joomla

I am using file_get_contents to acquire html. From the html page I extract the css, and js. Right now I am using a very expensive function.
$css_elements = $doc->getElementsByTagName('link');
foreach ($css_elements as $css_element) {
I would like to save the csss links to a file, and then read the file and add the links as a whole to the head tag of the HTML page.
I was wondering is Joomla has an in build function that allows for one to add unwrapped text to the head tag.
Thanx everyone!

I recommend using the Flexi Custom Code module to do this in Joomla:
This module allows us to insert any code like php, javascript PHP, CSS and html at site modules positions. For example, It's can be used for simple code, simple function, embed code, adsense code, affiliation code and others copy and paste codes for Joomla site.
Main Features:
1. Available for PHP, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and CSS codes
2. Available to set the target of this module
3. Easy and flexible


Using a custom html tag in CKEditor

I am trying to integrate CKEditor into an internal PHP application, where in the past I was just pasting my HTML into a textarea field in a form.
This HTML that I am submitting in the form is for a custom template system that uses custom tags. These custom tags would then be replaced with real data by my backend. For example, an invoice would have the custom tag <%INVOICE#%>, which my backend would replace with the correct invoice number.
When using CKEditor, these types of tags are being converted into htmlentities such as <%INVOICE#>, which breaks my string replacement on the backend.
Is there a way to make CKEditor recognize tags that are in the format <%*%> and not convert them in any way?
The simplest way to protect those tags against modifications would be to use config.protectedSource. With Show Protected plugin (3rd party addon), you could even see the protected code in wysiwyg area.
A more user friendly solution would be to adopt the widget-based Placeholder plugin to recognize the syntax you use for custom tags. This plugin is just a proof of concept solution, so you can improve it in any way you like. E.g. by offering a select element to the end user with the list of valid placeholders instead of asking to type them manually.
Widgets are powerful, which means that it is technically possible to write even a plugin that returns <%INVOICE#%> in source code, but shows the real invoice number in wysiwyg area.

How to include hooks in CMS pages?

I've created a custom hook, so that I can include my custom module in any .tpl file by a single line: {hook h='calcSubstrate'}.
However, I can't use it in CMS page, at least not by using the admin panel - including smarty code in a CMS page won't render, the code would appear just as it is, as a text: {hook h='calcSubstrate'}.
Alternatively, if that would be easier/faster - how can I choose on which pages my module would appear?
The editor for CMS page won't recognize any Smarty code. To include hooks in chosen articles/pages, I can think of two options:
Include the hook in the template (cms.tpl), and check for the id of the current page to conditionally display the module. The list of the page ids can be made as the module's configuration.
Build a module to add functionality similar to Wordpress's shortcode to the CMS content. I do this with module instead of overriding the CmsController class, hence I have to display the content with {$cms->content|module}. You can look at the simplified code here for inspiration: Of course you can make it more generic like Wordpress, by having only one Smarty modifier do_shortcode that does everything (just like Wordpress's do_shortcode function).
Last time I did this it was because my client want to put slideshows in some CMS pages, and I chose the second approach because it gives a lot of flexibility about when the module is displayed and where it is displayed between the content. For something else, for example Contact Form, or Map, this would be overkill and the first approach is better.

I am using HTML snippet in to Highlight HTML and Javascript code in blog Joomla. but it's executed after saving it

while creating a article I want to show some HTML code as part of content, but after saving that article that particular snippet of HTML code get executed.
I am using joomla 1.5 | code citation extension for insert code in article. Is there any solution?
You should turn off HTML stripping, or include it as a Custom HTML Module, and writing the position in the article with load position. to load the custom HTML you've put in the Module. i.e.
{loadposition YourModulePosition}
Will load anything you place within a Custom HTML Module.
The correct way should be to paste the code into the wysiwyg (design view, not raw code view) - as long as you have a decent editor the angle brackets should be converted to html entities and it should just work.
The built-in Geshi plugin - though a little dated - is usually all that is needed to make add colored highlighting. The plugin is a little dated but after inserting your code all you need to do to make it work is add:
<pre class="html"> ... </pre>
around your html. Chenge HTML to js, css, etc depending upon the code to be shown.

Joomla $document->addScriptDeclaration to add after body

Is there a way I can load a script at the end of the body tag instead of loading in the header? I want to load Facebox and load the jscipt calls to it after the body has loaded.
Despite what jdog wrote, there are a number of ways to take content just before Joomla echoes it to the browser and edit it. This article gives a good overview:
The specific example turns strings into links, but you can modify that to insert your markup right before the </body> tag.
I assume you want to do this for website load speed reasons, what you could do is look at CSS/JS compression components, such as JFinalizer and see which of those support deferred loading of Javascript.

create a simple pdf report from html

I'm looking for a way to generate pdf files from html
In order to make simple tabular reports I would need the following features
table rendering
variable page size
repeating headers / footers on every page
calculated page number / total page
css support would be nice
I know there have been many similar questions in stackoverflow, but I don't know if there's a product that supports the aforementioned features...
Ideally, the source would be a plain and simple well built html with css, (I'm building the html files, so I can adapt to the products needs, that is, it won't have to render every piece of html crap you can throw at a browser) and with some custom tags to configure headings, footer, page size, etc...
then I would run a command line to convert it from html to pdf.
I think does something like that
Take a look at TCPDF
Check out the examples.
