How do I escape a password ending with a dollar sign icinga2? - icinga2

I have dozens of devices I need to login to using an API script. One set of devices has a password ending in $. I've tried a bunch of things but I can't seem to escape that $ char. Here is the error I'm seeing.
critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object 'gelt-uk4-gp!HTTP/80: Status Check ' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'vars' -> 'gspass': Closing $ not found in macro format string 'n0t-real#$'.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf: 55:5-55:31
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(53): if ( == "gelt-emea" ) {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(54): vars.gsuser = "admin"
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(55): vars.gspass = "n0t-real#$"

You add an extra $ right beside the literal dollar sign.
So if the password is word54s$ you type:
vars.geltpass = "word54s$$"


jmeter+influxdb Backend Listener: howto specify password?

I use Jmeter Backend Listener url:
influxdbUrl = http://XX.XXX.XX.XXX:8086/write?db=JMeter&u=jusr&p=C-UBBC-"<
I get an error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed calling setupTest Caused by: Illegal character in query at index 76: http://XX.XXX.XX.XXX:8086/write?db=JMeter&u=jusr&p=C-UBBC-"<
Problem in special characters in password: C-UBBC-"<
How to fix it?
Not every character is allowed in an URL, you can use alphanumeric and few special ones, in particular ; , / ? : # & = + $ - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) #. Everything else needs to be percent-encoded
Wrap your password into __urlencode() function and it should resolve your issue.
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction

Cannot pass parameter with near call

I'm testing the Greeting contract in "workshop--exploring-assemblyscript-contracts" and try to pass parameter to saveMyMessage function but always get error. There maybe problem with quotations marks, I tried with " or '` but nothing succeeds. I'm running it on Windows.
This is the suggestion from the code:
near call greeting..testnet saveMyMessage '{"message": "bob? you in there?"}' --account-id .testnet
When I try
near call %ID% saveMyMessage '{"message": "bob? you in there?"}' --account-id %ID%
Or replace " with " or end single quote with ` always get error like this
Unknown argument: bob? you in there?}'
For starters, it appears you have a syntax error with 2 dots instead of 1 here - greeting..testnet
Have you tried seeing what %ID% is?
I would try the following syntax, but make sure when you set your IDenv variable, that it returns the correct value when you run echo $ID
Once you have your env variables set up correctly, try the following:
near call $ID saveMyMessage '{"message": "bob? you in there?"}' --account-id $ID

Can't remove Null terminator from byte array?

I'm using this library in Go (on OSX) to interact with a windows DNS server.
When running the below snippet, I get an error about a null terminator.
$ ~/go/bin/winrm-dns-client create -d -n node-0 -t A -v
2018/06/03 12:40:22 Error creating DNS record: Reading record: Reading record: Unmarshalling response: Unmarshalling json: invalid character '\x00' after array element
My suspicion is that there's a null terminator added here when the helper method calls sprintf to concat json responses into an array.
However, even after adding a bytes.Trim like shown below... I still get a null terminator error and it seems that the null terminator still exists...
func unmarshalResponse(resp string) ([]interface{}, error) {
var data interface{}
byteRespTrim := []byte(resp)
fmt.Print("found a null terminator at -- ")
fmt.Println(bytes.Index(byteRespTrim, []byte("\x00")))
fmt.Print("total length = ")
byteRespTrim = bytes.Trim(byteRespTrim, "\x00")
fmt.Print("after trim found a null terminator at -- ")
loc := bytes.Index(byteRespTrim, []byte("\x00"))
When calling I get the below
(master)⚡ % ./windows-dns-test create -d -n openshift-node-0 -t A -v
found a null terminator at -- 2102
total length = 2615
after trim found a null terminator at -- 2102
From your logs, the offending character seems to be found at position 2102, while the whole array has 2615 elements.
So it looks Trim won't solve it since the problem is not necessarily the final character of the array.
Did you try removing all occurrences, using Replace for example?
byteRespTrim = bytes.Replace(byteRespTrim, []byte("\x00"), []byte{}, -1)

What is the Proper Method of Assigning JSON within a Ruby Variable?

The following JSON is a transaction what will be sent to the Ripple Network to query accounts that hold cryptographic assets at a Gateway (somewhat like a bank, more like a trust account between its clients). This script is to be used in conjunction with PHP to fetch a Gateway's issued balances and ignored it's hot-wallet or day-to-day operations wallet. My question is what is the proper way to:
a. Assign JSON within a Ruby variable?
b. What is the best way to escape double quotes and deal with newlines where brackets and square brackets occur within the JSON syntax?
The JSON follows:
conf = "--conf /etc/rippled/rippled.cfg"
puts "About to set the JSON lines "
gatewayStart = "\"method\": \"gateway_balances\","
paramsLine = "\"params\": [ {"
accountLine = "\"account\": \"rGgS5Hw3PhSp3VNT43PDTXze9YfdthHUH\","
hotwalletLine = "\"hotwallet\": \"rKYNhsT3aLymkGH7WL7ZUHkm6RE27iuM4C\","
liLine = "\"ledger_index\": \"validated\","
strictLine = "\"strict\": "
trueLine = true
endLine = " } ] }"
balancesLine = "#{gatewayStart} #{paramsLine} #{accountLine} #>{hotwalletLine} #{liLine} #{strictLine} #{trueLine} #{endLine}"
lineString = "#{balancesLine.to_s}"
linetoJSON = "#{lineString}"
puts "linetoJSON: #{linetoJSON} "
cmd2=`#{ripple_path} #{conf} json gateway_balances #{linetoJSON}`
cmder="#{ripple_path} #{conf} json gateway_balances #{linetoJSON}"
puts "Done."
The output is:
root#xagate:WorkingDirectory# ruby gatewaybal.rb
About to set the JSON lines
linetoJSON: "method": "gateway_balances", "params": [ { "account":
"rGgS5Hw3PhSp3VNT43PDTXze9YfdthHUH", "hotwallet": "rKYNhsT3aLymkGH7WL7ZUHkm6RE27iuM4C", "ledger_index": "validated", "strict":rue } ] }
Loading: "/etc/rippled/rippled.cfg"
rippled [options] <command> <params>
General Options:
-h [ --help ] Display this message.
It is noteworthy that this command also returns a badSyntax error when executed manually via the command line. Please see here for the mirror of this issue raised on the ripple forums.
jsonLine = "'{ \"account\": \"rGgS5Hw3PhSp3VNT43PDTXze9YfdthHUH\", \"hotwallet\": \"rKYNhsT3aLymkGH7WL7ZUHkm6RE27iuM4C\", \"ledger_index\": \"validated\", \"strict\": true }'"
Is the proper way to assign this JSON within a single variable; this solution was provided by JoelKatz. The completed code is now available on GitHub.

Extract Url From a String

I have a URL:
url = ""
There are some unwanted characters like A,TRE, at the end. I want to remove this so the URL will be like this:
url =
How can I remove them?
If your url always finish with .htm, .apsx or .php you can solve it with a simple regex:
url = url[/^(.+\.(htm|aspx|php))(:?.*)$/, 1]
Tests here at Rubular.
First I use this method to get a substring, works like slice. Then comes the regex. From left to right:
^ # Start of line
( # Capture everything wanted enclosed
.+ # 1 or more of any character
\. # With a dot after it
(htm|aspx|php) # htm or aspx or php
) # Close url asked in question
( # Capture undesirable part
:? # Optional
.* # 0 or more any character
) # Close undesirable part
$ # End of line
