Extract Url From a String - ruby

I have a URL:
url = "http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/fy/8at2EuL0ihSIb3s7/story01.htmA"
There are some unwanted characters like A,TRE, at the end. I want to remove this so the URL will be like this:
url = http://timesofindia.feedsportal.com/fy/8at2EuL0ihSIb3s7/story01.htm
How can I remove them?

If your url always finish with .htm, .apsx or .php you can solve it with a simple regex:
url = url[/^(.+\.(htm|aspx|php))(:?.*)$/, 1]
Tests here at Rubular.
First I use this method to get a substring, works like slice. Then comes the regex. From left to right:
^ # Start of line
( # Capture everything wanted enclosed
.+ # 1 or more of any character
\. # With a dot after it
(htm|aspx|php) # htm or aspx or php
) # Close url asked in question
( # Capture undesirable part
:? # Optional
.* # 0 or more any character
) # Close undesirable part
$ # End of line


How do I escape a password ending with a dollar sign icinga2?

I have dozens of devices I need to login to using an API script. One set of devices has a password ending in $. I've tried a bunch of things but I can't seem to escape that $ char. Here is the error I'm seeing.
critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object 'gelt-uk4-gp!HTTP/80: Status Check ' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'vars' -> 'gspass': Closing $ not found in macro format string 'n0t-real#$'.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf: 55:5-55:31
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(53): if ( host.vars.company == "gelt-emea" ) {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(54): vars.gsuser = "admin"
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(55): vars.gspass = "n0t-real#$"
You add an extra $ right beside the literal dollar sign.
So if the password is word54s$ you type:
vars.geltpass = "word54s$$"

How to sequentially create multiple CSV files in Ruby?

Silly question, but I want to do some processing on a dataset and put them into different CSVs, like UDID1.csv, UDID2.csv, ..., UDID1000.csv. So this is my code:
for i in 1..1000
logfile = File.new('C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\New File\UDID#{i}\.csv',"a")
#I'll do some processing here
But the program throws an error when running because of the UDID#{i} part. So, how to overcome this issue? Thanks.
Edit: This is the error:
in `initialize': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\New File\udid#{1}\.csv (Errno::ENOENT)from C:/Ruby21/bin/hashedUDID.rb:38:in `new' from C:/Ruby21/bin/hashedUDID.rb:38:in '<main>'
The ' is one problem, another problem is the path.
In your posting the New File must exist as a directory. Inside this directory must exist another directories like UDID0001. This gets a .csv file.
Correct is (I don't use the non-rubyesk for-loop):
1.upto(1000) do |i|
logfile = File.new("C:\\Users\\hp1\\Desktop\\Datasets\\UDID#{i}.csv", "a")
#I'll do some processing here
logfile.close #Don't forget to close the file
Inside " the backslash must be masked (\\). Instead you may use /:
logfile = File.new("C:/Users/hp1/Desktop/Datasets/New File/UDID#{i}/.csv", "a")
Another possibility is the usage of %i to insert the number:
logfile = File.new("C:/Users/hp1/Desktop/Datasets/New File/UDID%02i/.csv" % i, "a")
I prefer to use open, then the file is closed with the end of the block:
File.open("C:/Users/hp1/Desktop/Datasets/New File/UDID%04i/.csv" % i, "a") do |logfile|
#I'll do some processing here
end #closes the file
I'm not sure, if you really want to create 1000 log files (The File is opened inside the loop. so each step creates a file.).
If yes, then the %04i-version has the advantage, that the files get all the same number of digits (starting with 0001 and ending with 1000).
(1..10).each { |i| logfile = File.new("/base/path/UDID#{i}.csv") }
You must use double quote (") when you need string interpolation.
#{} can only be used in strings with double quotes ". So change your code to:
for i in 1..1000
logfile = File.new("C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\New File\UDID#{i}\.csv","a")
# other stuff

No such file or directory - ruby

I am trying to read the contents of the file from a local disk as follows :
content = File.read("C:\abc.rb","r")
when I execute the rb file I get an exception as Error: No such file or directory .What am I missing in this?
In a double quoted string, "\a" is a non-printable bel character. Similar to how "\n" is a newline. (I think these originate from C)
You don't have a file with name "C:<BEL>bc.rb" which is why you get the error.
To fix, use single quotes, where these interpolations don't happen:
content = File.read('C:\abc.rb')
content = File.read("C:\/abc.rb","r")
First of all:
Try using:
To see what's in the directory (and therefore what directory it's looking at).
open("C:/abc.rb", "rb") { |io| a = a + io.read }
EDIT: Unless you're concatenating files together, you could write it as:
data = File.open("C:/abc.rb", "rb") { |io| io.read }

How do I remove "hidden" characters when reading a line of text in Ruby?

I am using a custom Ruby function in Puppet to read a string of text from a file. I am than comparing whatever version is read against a list of known versions to determine which config file I should use for that particular server. The problem is that when I compare the read version to my list of known versions, none of them match.
I printed out the variable to the screen, and it looked fine. I then added a '-' to the beginning and the end and this time, the following was printed
Does anyone know what this is and how it could be removed?
Here is my process.
A script that handles the installation of an app
sudo echo "2.2" > /opt/version
My ruby function
if FileTest.exists?("/opt/version")
Facter.add("app_version") do
setcode do
version = File.open('/opt/version', &:readline)
My puppet manifest
if versioncmp( $app_version, '2.2') == 0 {
notice("===> Installing 2.2 Configs")
} elsif versioncmp ($app_version, '2.3') == 0 {
notice("===> Installing 2.3 Configs")
} else {
notice("===> No version match. Continuing on.")
File.readline includes the line termination (in your case, "\n"). chomp will get rid of the line termination:
version = File.open('/opt/version', &:readline).chomp
When debugging and you want to see what's really in a variable, use p instead of puts. p will escape unprintable characters so you can see them:
puts "2.2\n" # => 2.2
p "2.2\n" # => "2.2\n"

Escape forward slash in Ruby url helper

Setuping a staticMatic project using /index.html:
#slug = current_page.gsub(/\.html/, '')
returns "/index(.html)", but should be /index
Changing term corrects: - #slug = current_page.gsub("/", "").gsub(".html", "") as found in:
To delete the beginning "/" after you've stripped the html simply execute this (which will do both in one command):
current_page.gsub(/\.html/, '').gsub(/\//,''))
