Can't remove Null terminator from byte array? - go

I'm using this library in Go (on OSX) to interact with a windows DNS server.
When running the below snippet, I get an error about a null terminator.
$ ~/go/bin/winrm-dns-client create -d -n node-0 -t A -v
2018/06/03 12:40:22 Error creating DNS record: Reading record: Reading record: Unmarshalling response: Unmarshalling json: invalid character '\x00' after array element
My suspicion is that there's a null terminator added here when the helper method calls sprintf to concat json responses into an array.
However, even after adding a bytes.Trim like shown below... I still get a null terminator error and it seems that the null terminator still exists...
func unmarshalResponse(resp string) ([]interface{}, error) {
var data interface{}
byteRespTrim := []byte(resp)
fmt.Print("found a null terminator at -- ")
fmt.Println(bytes.Index(byteRespTrim, []byte("\x00")))
fmt.Print("total length = ")
byteRespTrim = bytes.Trim(byteRespTrim, "\x00")
fmt.Print("after trim found a null terminator at -- ")
loc := bytes.Index(byteRespTrim, []byte("\x00"))
When calling I get the below
(master)⚡ % ./windows-dns-test create -d -n openshift-node-0 -t A -v
found a null terminator at -- 2102
total length = 2615
after trim found a null terminator at -- 2102

From your logs, the offending character seems to be found at position 2102, while the whole array has 2615 elements.
So it looks Trim won't solve it since the problem is not necessarily the final character of the array.
Did you try removing all occurrences, using Replace for example?
byteRespTrim = bytes.Replace(byteRespTrim, []byte("\x00"), []byte{}, -1)


how to deal char ':' and assign(:) in ANTLR4 grammar

I want to parse yaml with antlr4.
Target file contains image:
Then I wrote a grammar file like this:
grammar Drone;
yaml: obj+ ;
obj: ID ':' value;
: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'-')+
STRING: ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'-'|'.'|'_'|'/'|':')+ ;
WS: [ \t]+ -> skip;
CRLF: [\r\n]+ ;
got result like this:
[antlr4] ➜ dronemigrate antlr4-parse Drone.g4 yaml -tree -trace drone.yml
line 1:0 mismatched input 'image:' expecting ID
enter yaml, LT(1)=image:
enter obj, LT(1)=image:
exit obj, LT(1)=<EOF>
exit yaml, LT(1)=<EOF>
(yaml:1 (obj:1 image:
When I remove char ':' in Grammar rules file, got reulst like this:
[antlr4] ➜ dronemigrate antlr4-parse Drone.g4 yaml -tree -trace drone.yml
enter yaml, LT(1)=image
enter obj, LT(1)=image
consume [#0,0:4='image',<2>,1:0] rule obj
consume [#1,5:5=':',<1>,1:5] rule obj
enter value, LT(1)
consume [#2,7:18='',<3>,1:7] rule value
exit value, LT(1)=:
exit obj, LT(1)=:
exit yaml, LT(1)=:
(yaml:1 (obj:1 image : (value:1
how to deal the ':' in string?
YAML is not well suited for parser generators like ANTLR (where there is a strict separation between the lexer and parser). There are ways around it (using lexical modes), but fully implementing a YAML grammar is by no means a trivial thing. That's why there is still an open issue in ANTLR's issue tracker to implement such a grammar. You could have a look at how it is done here:

Can a logstash filter error be forwarded to elastic?

I'm having these json parsing errors from time to time:
2022-01-07T12:15:19,872][WARN ][logstash.filters.json ] Error parsing json
{:source=>"message", :raw=>" { the invalid json }", :exception=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: Unrecognized character escape 'x' (code 120)
Is there a way to get the :exception field in the logstash config file?
I opened the exact same thread on the elastic forum and got a working solution there. Thanks to #Badger on the forum, I ended up using the following raw ruby filter:
ruby {
code => '
#source = "message"
source = event.get(#source)
return unless source
parsed = LogStash::Json.load(source)
rescue => e
event.set("jsonException", e.to_s)
#target = "jsonData"
if #target
event.set(#target, parsed)
which extracts the info I needed:
"jsonException" => "Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): was expecting a colon to separate field name and value\n at [Source: (byte[])\"{ \"baz\", \"oh!\" }\r\"; line: 1, column: 9]",
Or as the author of the solution suggested, get rid of the #target part and use the normal json filter for the rest of the data.

how the 'tmpdata' and 'Get_Parameter_List' works in OracleForm?

I am new in OracleForms and Plsql, i found this code in a proyect:
Pl_id paramlist;
pl_id := Get_Parameter_List ('tmpdata');
IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
i want to konw that if 'tmpdata' does not exist i will get an error?
whit the line:
pl_id := Get_Parameter_List ('tmpdata');
am i inserting the data of 'tmpdata' in 'PL_id'
it is the 'tmpdata' a default variable of Oracleforms or something?
it is not OracleForms but it is a tool based in it so is so similar
I proved to change to:
pl_id := Get_Parameter_List ('tmpdata_HELLO');
enter code hereand the program passed to of this
the console show me this:
may 25, 2018 4:46:30 PM org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters processParameters
INFORMACIÓN: Character decoding failed. Parameter [value] with value [%null] has been ignored. Note that the name and value quoted here may be corrupted due to the failed decoding. Use debug level logging to see the original, non-corrupted values.
Note: further occurrences of Parameter errors will be logged at DEBUG level.
In this example, "tmpdata" is the name of a parameter list that may or may not exist. The "ID_NULL" is checking for the existence of the parameter list by checking of the ID returned has a value or not. If it has a value (ie, ID_NULL returns FALSE), then the parameter list is destroyed so that the "Create_Parameter_List" command will not get an error.
"Get_Parameter_List" will not throw an error if there is no parameter list by the given name ("tmpdata", in this case); it just returns null.

How do I escape a password ending with a dollar sign icinga2?

I have dozens of devices I need to login to using an API script. One set of devices has a password ending in $. I've tried a bunch of things but I can't seem to escape that $ char. Here is the error I'm seeing.
critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object 'gelt-uk4-gp!HTTP/80: Status Check ' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'vars' -> 'gspass': Closing $ not found in macro format string 'n0t-real#$'.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf: 55:5-55:31
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(53): if ( == "gelt-emea" ) {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(54): vars.gsuser = "admin"
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(55): vars.gspass = "n0t-real#$"
You add an extra $ right beside the literal dollar sign.
So if the password is word54s$ you type:
vars.geltpass = "word54s$$"

How to parse this JSON where name has ','

I run next example
obj json := json('{"TR,A" : "OK" }');
dbms_output.put_line(JSON_EXT.GET_STRING (obj, 'TR,A'));
and receive a message
ORA-20110: JSON Path parse error: expected . or [ found , at position 4
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.JSON_EXT", line 193
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.JSON_EXT", line 201
What is the work around?
The following code works for me:
my_json json := json('{"TR,A" : "OK" }');
You should work directly with the JSON type. You should only have to resort to using packages like JSON_EXT if the type methods are insufficient for your use case.
