Sub Menus items are not showing in mobile in Joomla site - joomla

I have developed a website in Joomla. Used "Megamenu" for menu.
The menu having some sub menu items. Sub menu items are displaying in Desktop, but not in mobile devices.
This is my website url...

Can you give me link for demo version of your MegaMenu? Try to go on Templates/Style/your_template and find MegaMenu option and check there, maybe you disable dropdown for mobile.


There is no plus button when I click "show tab bar"

I'm working on a web browser app for mac. I was playing with the test app then I saw this option...
When I clicked on that, I saw this...
But there was no plus button. Is there any way I can show the plus button in the tab?
Please don't send me the link to the Apple documentation because it doesn't give the exact code.
BTW, this is not a document based app
This is an app developed by Apple Inc. You can download it. In this app, you can add tabs. So change the name of this app and you're all set
Wish you best of luck on making a web browser

Magento browse files button not working

Magento Upload Image Issue : When I click on "Browse Files" button to upload images for a product. It is not browsing files from my computer.
Try different browsers. I know sometimes I find, say, it won't work in Chrome but will in Firefox. It's all Flash related.
Magentos Flex uploader is based on Flash. If you cannot select files this usually means you don't have the Flash plugin activated in your browser.
Check that there are no javascript errors
You can use chrome developer console.
Basically to start using it just open website in chrome, right click on certain element and select "inspect element".
After that switch to console tab and reload the page.
More about it can be found here -

How to show a menu after clicking on the widget icon?

I am using firefox addon builder (Addon kit 1.7) and I wonder to know if it's possible to show a simple menu like the context menu of firefox just after clicking on the widget icon. I need few hints. Thanks in advance.
I managed to make it work using the MenuPopup package by Yaelle Borghini and uploaded a simple example on the Addon Builder site.
You will have to expand on Yaelle's code to support dynamic modifications of the menu items because it's not fully built in at the moment (though it shouldn't be too hard to add it).
Here's the discussion on the Mozilla forums about how to show menus with the Addon SDK that got me started.
Right now the only option is to hook a panel to a widget and add a menuitem to the panel with html.

Windows phone 7 Jump List control

I have a question. In a windows phone 7, Will i be able to navigate from the jumplist control to another page. For example i have some data in the jumplist control, and then once i click on one of the data, will i be able to go to another page from there? if it is possible, can someone show me some links for it? sample codes would be helpful
You can use the ListPicker from the Silverlight Toolkit and use the SelectionChanged event.
Tutorial :
Download the project in this link an enhance by add selected index and page navigating option.

Windows Phone Pivot Subpage Navigation

If you open up the WP7 settings app there is a pivot control, and when you select an item in the list (say, the WiFi settings item) it has a nice, pretty navigation to a subpage where you tell it exactly what settings you want.
I want to do the same thing in my app - have a list of items, and when an item is selected, I want to navigate to a new subpage in the same beautiful manner. This seems like a simple task, but I don't think I'm searching for the right terms in Google. How is that effect achieved?
Please see these tutorials on making wp7 navigation transitions:
or this one:
