There is no plus button when I click "show tab bar" - macos

I'm working on a web browser app for mac. I was playing with the test app then I saw this option...
When I clicked on that, I saw this...
But there was no plus button. Is there any way I can show the plus button in the tab?
Please don't send me the link to the Apple documentation because it doesn't give the exact code.
BTW, this is not a document based app

This is an app developed by Apple Inc. You can download it. In this app, you can add tabs. So change the name of this app and you're all set
Wish you best of luck on making a web browser


Are there any changes in the WebView related APIs in UWP or UAP Windows app?

I am having a Windows 8.1 supported app, but now it is updated to the UWP/UAP (i.e. Windows 10) app.
After updating the custom URI scheme is not working, On a button click on the web page, we were using "navto://" custom URI scheme and handling were done in a js file. The button action was bind through the anchor tag.
From this approach, we navigate our web pages forward/backward or used to send a user to a particular web page.
But now this js file is being not called on the click of the same button and a System Popup appear saying "You will need a new app to open this navto link". For reference, please have a look at the attached screenshot of the error popup. If anybody is familiar with the issue, please suggest me the solution.
Actually I followed this page to migrating the app
And also tried other options as well by googling but I haven't got any perfect solution yet.

Are there any best practices to help your users install your Firefox extension?

Are there any best practices to help your users install your Firefox extension?
I have a Firefox extension in the form of a button. The actual install is roughly OK, but getting users to
click on the Firefox menu
click Customize
drag and drop the button to their toolbar
close the menu
is just insane.
Do you know any services that did that in a specially clever way, or any best practice resource to lose as little users as possible?
After some investigation on the Firefox side, there is a way to do it automatically for the user:
How can I make my Firefox extension toolbar button appear automatically?
Google Chrome did this by default, so it's more something that you have to add in your extension to have a consistent experience.
Pocket does that automatically. They have a grey icon, in line with the default icons, which makes it easy to miss it altogether.

Create a new tab instead of a panel

I have gone through the examples of Add-on SDK 1.5 yet haven't seen anything like a web page which the addon can interact with the user and get input from him. There are only dialogs called panels and I really would like to have a real page in a tab like in google-chrome addons.
Is it even possible with the Add-on SDK (1.5)?
Of course you can create a tab, you use As to interacting with this tab - you probably want to register a content script before opening the tab. Just like you would do it with Google Chrome.

iOS: creating icon

I want inside my app to create new "shortcut icon" in the same iPhone, where every icon has a dynamic image that I create. Is it possible using iOS?
According to my searches (see this answer) the only possible way is to launch safari from my app and there ask the user to press "+" button inserting your url scheme.
Don't believe this is possible. To do this, you would have to, at least change the icon in your app bundle (Naïvely assuming iOS doesn't cache the icons).
Your app only has access to the "Documents" directory.
You can set a numerical badge on an icon - might this work for you? If so, take a look at local notifications in the notifications guide:

How do I implement a web linked button that will open inside of my iphone application (not open a link in Safari?

I have an iphone sdk application and want to tweak it.. as I've had a great idea on how I want my interface to appear.
I'm trying to create several buttons that will open a web page within my application but have failed to do so countless amounts of times now.
(I don't want the button to open a link in safari, I already know how to do this and it's not what I'm trying to achieve)
The application must not shut down in order to operate any links (i.e close down to open the link in safari as stated above.)
MORE INFO-----------------------------------
i already have the application and yes it is working and complete, however a while ago i decided that id like to change the interface on my application, but havnt been successful in doing so.
Currently i am using a webView based app which works perfectly, i have my website and another within the application (using a tab bar with two tabs within it).
Now i would like to completely re-model my app by starting from scratch..
using a uiwebview i want to place several buttons on the uiwebview page and have them as links which will direct my members to different sections of my website when pressed..
I have managed to do this but when the buttons are pressed, my application is closed and the link is then opened in safari, which is not what i want.
I would like the links to open within my application
Any ideas?
