how does maven handle duplicate plugin declaration - maven

A large undocumented project whose build I am trying to cleanup has maven warnings about duplicate plugin declaration.
The pom.xml is something like
I need to change it so it does not log warnings yet behaves exactly as it does now.
I guess, there are three possibilities:
first declaration wins
last declaration wins
all encountered declarations are merged XML-wise
But which one is it?

Run with debug logging (-X), find the occurrences/mentions of the war plugin in the log, and see what configuration is present. Then make your POMs look like that configuration.


How do I add a file to the artifact (jar or war) created by maven?

I have an antrun task (goal run on phase prepare-package) set up that creates a file and saves it in /target/ How do I add that to the artifact that gets created by maven (depending on module, it could be a jar or a war file)?
I have tried it with resources, with the builder-helper plugin, and the jar plugin - no luck:
That doesn't seem to do anything.
According to debug output, this seems to install something extra in the repo, but doesn't add to the artefact.
No observable effect, either. :(
(I assume this might work for the war file, but I'd prefer one way to do it for both artifact types, if possible - plus I really need this to work for the jars, too...)
Is there a way to do what I want to do?
(I'd prefer not saving my file in src/main/resources first; I thought the packaging processes would pick files up from the build directory after they were placed there anyway, but I suppose I misunderstood something...)
I had my file saved to Changing that to means the jar plugin is picking it up, without the need of any other plugins. Unfortunately, that doesn't sort the war issue out... :(
I had a similar problem and stored the resulting artifact in
To be more precise, I created the war from a directory using the ant target
<war warfile="target/${}-${project.version}/foo.war" basedir="somedir" />
Then it was correctly added to the surrounding ear.

Maven 2.2.1: [Warning] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion

Maven 2.2.1
JDK - 1.6.0_45
[WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!
But build creates jar with pom.xml but no class files.
On the maven source code this exception is thrown only when source directory is not found.
The build is working for all other developers except on my workstation and one more workstation
I have tried all the solutions provided for this issue on stack overflow.
My source directory is src/java.
I also created src/main/java as source still no result.
I am calling mvn -o jar:jar && call mvn -o antrun:run
-o is becuase at this point I am testing with some old jars.
<target>1.5 </target>
<copy file="${}/${artifactId}-${version}.jar"
todir="${user.home}/.m2/repository/${groupId}/${artifactId}/${version}" />
First follow the conventions in Maven which means your production sources code should be in src/main/java. You should also locate your resources like property files or other kind of files (like xml files) in your case to the proper location which is for production src/main/resources and for unit tests src/test/resources.
The first thing you should change is the directory structure for your project in the process in migration. That will save many hassles with configurations in Maven cause you are violating the convention over configuration paradigm.
Your unit tests code in src/test/java and follow the naming conventions for unit tests which means name your unit tests like * nothing more. You don't need to define a suite to run all the tests. If you follow the naming convention maven-surefire-plugin will do all the work for you.
Remove the antrun plugin from your pom configuration and use
mvn install
instead to install your produced jar into local repository. Based on the build life cycle you will compile, unit test and package your code into resulting jar files.
Usually in Maven there is no reason to call mvn jar:jar separately.
Apart from that all you should stop using Maven 2.2.1 cause it has defined End Of Life. Better start with Maven 3.X instead. But everything i wrote before is valid Maven 3.
I got Build Success but same error:
JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion.
It was a test project and I realized that I had no "main" under "src". As soon as I corrected this, it was fixed. I am adding the wrong and right structure screenshots in the attachments:
right structure
wrong structure - missing main folder

Using the maven-remote-resources-plugin and specifying the resourcesDirectory

I'm trying to override the default resources directory (src/main/resources) when using the maven-remote-resources-plugin. However the specified value in the sample below doesn't seem to be taken into account. Would appreciate if someone could give me some pointers.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
EDIT: I'm wondering if this is a bug in the plugin, since I see the following in the DEBUG output of the build, which implies that its attempting to use the correct resources directory. Nothing else relevant appears in the debug output.
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:bundle' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG] (f) includes = [**/*]
[DEBUG] (f) outputDirectory = C:\jit\workspace\ResourceLibrary\target\classes
[DEBUG] (f) resourcesDirectory = C:\jit\workspace\ResourceLibrary\common
EDIT: I think this may actually be a bug so have raised: MRRESOURCES-96
Why do you need maven-remote-resources-plugin?
If your goal is to override the default resources directory ,then you can use mvn resources:copy-resources, since it's more flexible. An example here.
You can also use the resources goal provided by resources plugin, and specify the resources in pom file's block. Example here.
About maven-remote-resources-plugin, see the usage page:
This will trigger the scanning of that project's $basedir/src/main/resources directory and create the $basedir/target/classes/META-INF/maven/remote-resources.xml manifest file.
That means this plugin will create the remote-resources.xml file, but it doesn't mean that it will copy the resources for you.
I created an empty maven project using your plugin configuration, and it actually did create an remote-resources.xml file. Also, it did not copy the files under ${basedir}/common
To do that, just specify the resources in build section. Example:
kly is right about it not copying resources for you (I apologize, I cannot comment yet - not enough reputation).
With the "bundle" goal, you are only generating a manifest with a list of the included resources. The manifest must be packaged in an artifact along with the resources themselves, which will only happen in your instance if you also use copy-resources to put them in the target/classes directory.
You then must use the "process" goal, and list your bundle, in any other project you wish to use the resources from.

How to exclude files from being copied, by maven, into the exploded war

I have a Java web app, in which I have some folders within the standard webapp source directory (src/main/webapp) that I don't want to get copied over into the war (exploded or packaged).
One of the reasons I don't want these files copying over is that we run the YUI JS & CSS minimizer & compressor on .js and .css files within the exploded war. The files that I want to exclude produce errors during the compression phase. The other reason I don't want them adding to the war is that they support testing a single page JS app that lives within the webapp (they are client side JS test scripts that rely on node / angular.js).
Below are the relevant sections from the POM.xml:
I have tried, unsuccessfully, to use warSourceExcludes to exclude certain paths, but to no avail. An example of my usage is shown below, where client/ is a folder directly beneath src/main/webapp:
What is the correct way to exclude certain paths, and or individual files, within the web app source directory from being included in the exploded war?
Following on from the suggestion from #maba I updated the configuration as follows:
The folder, client/, still is getting copied across. Any ideas?
Thanks to #alexksandr & #maba for their answers - which though correct didn't fully resolve my issue.
The solution seems to be - though I am not sure exactly why this is the case - that the configuration section is not picked up on when it is placed within the execution section.
Taking my original pom.xml and re-factoring it to make it work gives:
The important detail seems to be that the configuration should be at the top level of the plugin and not within the execution section - though clearly the xml in my first attempt to use warSourceExcludes was way off target (see original question prior to the update section).
I could find no configuration of <warSourceExcludes> which worked, however <packagingExcludes> did work:
In order to exclude all files from folder use wildcards like that client/**
Your warSourceExcludes is wrong. Here is what the maven-war-plugin says regarding warSourceExludes:
The comma separated list of tokens to exclude when copying the content of the warSourceDirectory.
So in your case this is what your configuration should look like:
This means also that if you want to add some more excludes, just add them separated with a comma:

How to include external source files in maven-jar-plugin

We are building a jar file from external(to the project) classes.
That works fine but we have not been able to figure out how to also include the external source files. I have tried using the "< includes >" tag but only end up with a manifest file in the final jar when used. I have looked at using the maven-resources-plugin but either I used it wrong or it doesn't work in my case. Here is a copy of our of code:
<!-- <phase>generate-resources</phase> -->
Sources? Do you mean external dependencies? These should also be managed with maven, using mvn deploy:deploy-file as described on , and imported in your pom.xml.
If you really mean external resources, then a proper resources declaration would be:
<directory> [your folder here] </directory>
You can have multiple tags if you have multiple resource directories, of course. Also note that building anything during clean is questionable, as clean is not run every build - package would be a better option.
