How do I add a file to the artifact (jar or war) created by maven? - maven

I have an antrun task (goal run on phase prepare-package) set up that creates a file and saves it in /target/ How do I add that to the artifact that gets created by maven (depending on module, it could be a jar or a war file)?
I have tried it with resources, with the builder-helper plugin, and the jar plugin - no luck:
That doesn't seem to do anything.
According to debug output, this seems to install something extra in the repo, but doesn't add to the artefact.
No observable effect, either. :(
(I assume this might work for the war file, but I'd prefer one way to do it for both artifact types, if possible - plus I really need this to work for the jars, too...)
Is there a way to do what I want to do?
(I'd prefer not saving my file in src/main/resources first; I thought the packaging processes would pick files up from the build directory after they were placed there anyway, but I suppose I misunderstood something...)

I had my file saved to Changing that to means the jar plugin is picking it up, without the need of any other plugins. Unfortunately, that doesn't sort the war issue out... :(

I had a similar problem and stored the resulting artifact in
To be more precise, I created the war from a directory using the ant target
<war warfile="target/${}-${project.version}/foo.war" basedir="somedir" />
Then it was correctly added to the surrounding ear.


Use JVM Options in Maven Plugin to get rid of relative path dependency

I've got a project A which consists of several modules. This is the "product" itself (server/client application). Furthermore there is another project B which is a specific customer project.
When the client+server *.jar of project A are assembled, resources of project B need to be integrated. I.e. copied into a resource folder.
I'm using the maven-resources-plugin to copy some of the property files:
This approach requires a relative dependency between both projects. I want to get rid of the relative path and use a path definition which is provided as VM Options in IntelliJ. So when running the assembly modules I need to access the VM options. I'm not quite sure if this is possible at all. I guess it's not, right? Do you know any other approach to get rid of this dependency between both projects? I don't want to add the options into the maven assembly file itself.

Copy test resources from one submodule to the others

I have a multi-module maven project like this:
For my JUnit tests, I create another persistence.xml file inside the sub-project1/src/test/resources/META-INF. This project is a dependency for the sub-project2, in this way, I was hopping that the tests of sub-project2 use the same test persistence.xml from sub-project1, but it not happen.
So, I was wondering why I can made maven automatically copy this file to the other submodules during the test phase... maybe it's better if I put this file in the project/resources folder, e.g., and then copy them...
I was hopping that someone already managed this to work somehow, and can help me or show how to do this.
Thanks in advance.
I managed it to work like this:
I create a project/assembly/test/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml file, and add this to my pom.xml:
It works gracefullt.

Configure maven-shade-plugin to include src/main/webapp

I'm working with a simple project, with the webapp directory in the standard location (src/main/webapp). For some reason, it looks like the maven-shade-plugin doesn't include that in the final generated jar - it will only include artifacts src/main/resources by default.
I have tried to use the following configuration, with no luck:
Any suggestions on how to do that without having to move src/main/webapp into src/main/resources/webapp?
Thank you.
Have you tried to update your build section with your resource path ?
As already said, shade purpose is not to war packages.
You need to put it in src/main/resources/webapp or specify the appropriate location explicitly for it to be caught up properly. Annoying, but it works.
For those asking why this kind of thing makes sense to do, it's a typical setup for a jar with an embedded web server like Jetty.
I use the resource plugin to move the webapp to the classes folder.
This way I can place the folder with my webapp anywhere, define the destination directory and it is included in my shaded jar.
It sounds you would like to package sources into a package. There exists a maven-source-plugin which will create a jar which contain the source files. Furthermore this is usually done during a release cycle. As already mentioned the maven-share-plugin intention is to package jar files together (their contents; keyword: ueberjar).
I would use the war plugin to create a jar of a webapp project. You have already set <packaging>war</packaging>?
What's the point in adding your webapp resources into a JAR? That's WAR-like.
Change your packaking type to war and it will work.

How to include external source files in maven-jar-plugin

We are building a jar file from external(to the project) classes.
That works fine but we have not been able to figure out how to also include the external source files. I have tried using the "< includes >" tag but only end up with a manifest file in the final jar when used. I have looked at using the maven-resources-plugin but either I used it wrong or it doesn't work in my case. Here is a copy of our of code:
<!-- <phase>generate-resources</phase> -->
Sources? Do you mean external dependencies? These should also be managed with maven, using mvn deploy:deploy-file as described on , and imported in your pom.xml.
If you really mean external resources, then a proper resources declaration would be:
<directory> [your folder here] </directory>
You can have multiple tags if you have multiple resource directories, of course. Also note that building anything during clean is questionable, as clean is not run every build - package would be a better option.

Full search and replace of strings in source files when copying resources

I have some java source files that use a package prefix (they are emulating some JDK classes). I use these files with the prefix to run against some unit tests. If the tests pass I want to produce a jar that contains the source files but with the package prefix removed from all the java files.
I am using maven for builds. Does any one know of a way to do this? Essentially what I want is something like the resources plugin filtering feature, but that does proper search and replace (like: s/my.package.prefix.//g), rather than filtering on ${vars}.
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This can be solved with the antrun plugin. Firstly the sources need to be copied to the target directory, with:
Secondly you use the replace task of the antrun plugin to replace the files using the prepare package phase
<replace token= "my.package.prefix." value="" dir="target/classes">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
This will copy the source files to target/classes in the process-resources phase, do a search and replace on the files inplace in the target/classes directory in the prepare-package phase and finally they will jarred up in the package phase.
