Using the maven-remote-resources-plugin and specifying the resourcesDirectory - maven

I'm trying to override the default resources directory (src/main/resources) when using the maven-remote-resources-plugin. However the specified value in the sample below doesn't seem to be taken into account. Would appreciate if someone could give me some pointers.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
EDIT: I'm wondering if this is a bug in the plugin, since I see the following in the DEBUG output of the build, which implies that its attempting to use the correct resources directory. Nothing else relevant appears in the debug output.
[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:bundle' with basic configurator -->
[DEBUG] (f) includes = [**/*]
[DEBUG] (f) outputDirectory = C:\jit\workspace\ResourceLibrary\target\classes
[DEBUG] (f) resourcesDirectory = C:\jit\workspace\ResourceLibrary\common
EDIT: I think this may actually be a bug so have raised: MRRESOURCES-96

Why do you need maven-remote-resources-plugin?
If your goal is to override the default resources directory ,then you can use mvn resources:copy-resources, since it's more flexible. An example here.
You can also use the resources goal provided by resources plugin, and specify the resources in pom file's block. Example here.
About maven-remote-resources-plugin, see the usage page:
This will trigger the scanning of that project's $basedir/src/main/resources directory and create the $basedir/target/classes/META-INF/maven/remote-resources.xml manifest file.
That means this plugin will create the remote-resources.xml file, but it doesn't mean that it will copy the resources for you.
I created an empty maven project using your plugin configuration, and it actually did create an remote-resources.xml file. Also, it did not copy the files under ${basedir}/common
To do that, just specify the resources in build section. Example:

kly is right about it not copying resources for you (I apologize, I cannot comment yet - not enough reputation).
With the "bundle" goal, you are only generating a manifest with a list of the included resources. The manifest must be packaged in an artifact along with the resources themselves, which will only happen in your instance if you also use copy-resources to put them in the target/classes directory.
You then must use the "process" goal, and list your bundle, in any other project you wish to use the resources from.


How do I add a file to the artifact (jar or war) created by maven?

I have an antrun task (goal run on phase prepare-package) set up that creates a file and saves it in /target/ How do I add that to the artifact that gets created by maven (depending on module, it could be a jar or a war file)?
I have tried it with resources, with the builder-helper plugin, and the jar plugin - no luck:
That doesn't seem to do anything.
According to debug output, this seems to install something extra in the repo, but doesn't add to the artefact.
No observable effect, either. :(
(I assume this might work for the war file, but I'd prefer one way to do it for both artifact types, if possible - plus I really need this to work for the jars, too...)
Is there a way to do what I want to do?
(I'd prefer not saving my file in src/main/resources first; I thought the packaging processes would pick files up from the build directory after they were placed there anyway, but I suppose I misunderstood something...)
I had my file saved to Changing that to means the jar plugin is picking it up, without the need of any other plugins. Unfortunately, that doesn't sort the war issue out... :(
I had a similar problem and stored the resulting artifact in
To be more precise, I created the war from a directory using the ant target
<war warfile="target/${}-${project.version}/foo.war" basedir="somedir" />
Then it was correctly added to the surrounding ear.

How can I override maven property values set by properties-maven-plugin's read-project-properties goal?

In one of our projects, we use the properties-maven-plugin's read-project-properties goal to read property values from a file which are then used for filtering resources. See this post for a discussion on the general purpose of this procedure.
We would like to override some of the values found in the file using a suitable profile defined in the developer specific settings.xml (the same way we override properties set in the POM).
This, however, does not work for the properties set by the properties-maven-plugin.
How can we achieve our goal?
As a work around, we are currently registering an additional, developer specific file with the properties-maven-plugin to achieve this effect but it would be much more convenient to use the regular way (profiles).
In more general terms, the question is: How do properties set by properties-maven-plugin's read-project-properties goal tie into the property definition precedence hierarchy of maven, which is described in this very helpful blog post.
I extracted the relevant elements of our POM into a toy project that demonstrates my issue. Here is the POM of the toy project:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Maven Test</name>
<description>A maven project to test filtering and the maven-properties-plugin</description>
<!-- Read properties from a file -->
<!-- The following execution is for debug purposes only -->
I think you will find the answer here:
Modifications of project properties that happen during project lifecycle have no effect on the effective pom – it is just too late. Examples of such modifications include groovy scripts (via gmaven-plugin) and properties loaded from external files via maven-properties-plugin. So, why do we need them at all? Since they can be used by other plugins in runtime, when they are read directly from properties collection during plugin invocation.
Since the properties are read after the usual resolution they just override whatever was set in profiles.

Maven 2.2.1: [Warning] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion

Maven 2.2.1
JDK - 1.6.0_45
[WARNING] JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion!
But build creates jar with pom.xml but no class files.
On the maven source code this exception is thrown only when source directory is not found.
The build is working for all other developers except on my workstation and one more workstation
I have tried all the solutions provided for this issue on stack overflow.
My source directory is src/java.
I also created src/main/java as source still no result.
I am calling mvn -o jar:jar && call mvn -o antrun:run
-o is becuase at this point I am testing with some old jars.
<target>1.5 </target>
<copy file="${}/${artifactId}-${version}.jar"
todir="${user.home}/.m2/repository/${groupId}/${artifactId}/${version}" />
First follow the conventions in Maven which means your production sources code should be in src/main/java. You should also locate your resources like property files or other kind of files (like xml files) in your case to the proper location which is for production src/main/resources and for unit tests src/test/resources.
The first thing you should change is the directory structure for your project in the process in migration. That will save many hassles with configurations in Maven cause you are violating the convention over configuration paradigm.
Your unit tests code in src/test/java and follow the naming conventions for unit tests which means name your unit tests like * nothing more. You don't need to define a suite to run all the tests. If you follow the naming convention maven-surefire-plugin will do all the work for you.
Remove the antrun plugin from your pom configuration and use
mvn install
instead to install your produced jar into local repository. Based on the build life cycle you will compile, unit test and package your code into resulting jar files.
Usually in Maven there is no reason to call mvn jar:jar separately.
Apart from that all you should stop using Maven 2.2.1 cause it has defined End Of Life. Better start with Maven 3.X instead. But everything i wrote before is valid Maven 3.
I got Build Success but same error:
JAR will be empty - no content was marked for inclusion.
It was a test project and I realized that I had no "main" under "src". As soon as I corrected this, it was fixed. I am adding the wrong and right structure screenshots in the attachments:
right structure
wrong structure - missing main folder

Generating OSGi bundles distribution with maven-assembly-plugin

I have a multi-module project, where each module is packaged as an OSGi bundle using the Apache Felix maven-bundle-plugin. The whole project is built using a parent POM that lists the above-mentioned modules. Some modules contain configuration resources (e.g. .properties files) that should not be jarred inside the bundles for deployment but rather externalized in a dedicated config folder. My goal is to create a distribution folder (possibly, a zip file) that would look something like this:
where the properties files under the /conf directory are hand-picked files from the individual modules' /target folders. The reason the .properties files need to be picked up from the target folders vs. the src folders is that I am using Maven resource filtering, and the source property files contain ${..} placeholders for environment-specific values. Those placeholders are properly resolved during the build process - per build profiles - and the target/ folders contain actual environment-specific values.
I've done such distribution file manipulations many times - for distributions with executable JARs, etc. In this case I wanted to use the "moduleSets" configuration of the assembly descriptor - it is easy to pull all binaries/jars into a single distribution folder using moduleSet/binary descriptor. It is also easy to exclude certain files from being packaged into an OSGi bundle - in the maven-bundle-plugin. The only issue I am stuck with is creating the /conf distribution folder and collecting the necessary properties files there. I have tried to use "fileSets" inside the "moduleSet/sources" descriptor to include only specific files from **/target of each module, but that didn't seem to work.
Anyone have a suggestion/advice? There's got to be an easy way. Or should I not use at all?
#PetrKozelka I am not sure that extracting configuration files specific to different bundles into a separate module is a good idea. The whole point of OSGi is for bundles to be independent and potentially reusable - both in development and distributions. It only makes sense that - in the source code - the functionality implementation and related configuration files are grouped together. For a particular distribution though I might need to extract some of the files - if there is a requirement for admins to have control of certain parameters. That may be different for a different distribution/application. The assembly configuration may change, but the bundles/sources would stay the same. Also, each bundle may potentially be developed and used separately, not all bundles have to always be part of the same uber project - as you seem to assume. What you are suggesting seems to fall into the same old category of packaging enterprise applications by the type of artifacts (e.g. "model", "services", "dataaccess", "config" etc.), not by functional domain/features. Such approach works ok within a single application/project, but fails on the enterprise level where there is often a need to reuse subsets of vertical components (split by functional domains).
To your point of being dependent on the file layout in the modules, I agree that there should be no such dependency. Files could be hand-picked by their explicit name or naming convention - per very specific distro requirements. (Which is exactly the case I am facing.)
I have actually figured out how to do it more or less elegantly. Posting the solution below in case someone else is looking to solve a similar problem.
I am using the maven-assembly-plugin to extract the binaries (bundle JARs) from the individual modules and package them in the <my-distribution-folder>/bundles directory. In each module where some resource files should be externalized, I consolidate such files under the /src/main/resources/external directory, and use maven-resources-plugin to copy those resources during the packaging phase to the auto-generated directory in my dedicated distribution module that contains the assembly.xml descriptor file and is also built as part of the top project. I use maven-clean-plugin in the parent POM to clear the contents of the distribution staging directory during the CLEAN phase of the top-level project build.
Inside each bundle's module POM that contains resources that need to be externalized I add the following resource management configuration:
enable resource filtering for resolving ${...} placeholders with environment-specific values
exclude any files that must be externalized
<!-- Copies contents of resources/external to dedicated folder defined by property in parent -->
<!-- externalized resources will be packaged according to assembly instructions -->
<!-- builds a JAR file for this bundle -->
where externalizableResourcesStageDir is a property defined in the top/parent POM. In the project, I include a special distribution module with the following structure:
/ext-resources (target auto-generated dir for external resources from modules)
assembly.xml (assembly descriptor)
The assembly.xml file looks like this:
<assembly xmlns=""
<!-- generate a ZIP distribution -->
<!-- Enable access to all projects in the current multi-module build -->
<!-- select projects to include-->
<!-- place bundle jars under /bundles folder in dist directory -->
<!-- now take files from ext-resources in this module and place them into dist /conf subfolder-->
The distribution module's POM would look like this:
<project xmlns=""
<description>This module creates the <MyProject> Distribution Assembly</description>
<!-- NOTE: These dependency declarations are only required to sort this project to the
end of the line in the multi-module build.
The parent POM would list all the bundle modules, plus the distribution module and also define the assembly plugin:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- directory where build may place any sub-modules' resources that should be externalized -->
<!-- those resources may be picked up by maven-assembly-plugin and packaged properly for distribution -->
<!-- all project modules (OSGi bundles + distribution) -->
Cleans contents of the folder where the externalized resources will be consolidated
Each module adds its own external files to the distribution directory during its own build
NOTE: We've also made sure that the externalized resource files are excluded from being packaged inside the individual bundle JARs (see the resources section of the module POM.) The resulting unzipped distribution will look like this:

Inject the Mercurial working directory changeset id such as (838cb9c0367e) into properties file via Maven?

We use Maven for our builds and Mercurial for our changesets. While our software has a major version handled already we would really like to be able to know what Mercurial changeset was used to build any server that runs our software.
Does anybody know of a way in Maven to grab the working directory's changeset in Mercurial and get it into a properties file or something so we can then display it somewhere in our application when sys admins do a "sanity check" against what version is currently running?
You could make an update hook which outputs the changeset ID into an unversioned .properties file:
update = echo changesetid=$HG_PARENT1 >
Advantage of this approach is that you can easily customize this value if needed, and the build stays independent of the versioning system (or lack thereof).
If you want to put something in the Maven build that generates it instead, have you looked at the Buildnumber Maven Plugin (hgchangeset goal) or Maven Mercurial Build Number Plugin?
Merge this to your pom.xml:
Then make a .properties file in src/main/resources with a property set as ${changeSet}. For example:
revision = ${changeSet}
modificationTime = ${changeSetDate}
If you can intercept command output (into environment variable, f.e) hg id -i will be easy way. More complex ids can be constructed with hg log --template "..." tip
You could use Maven's antrun plugin to run a <exec> or <java> task which generates a properties file with that information. That's not very elegant, though.
You can also use, if you need more properties, than org.codehaus.mojo.buildnumber-maven-plugin.
Then you can use second properties:${}
