Visual Studio 2013 support for Parasoft C++Test 9.6 - visual-studio-2013

I'm a newbie for using Parasoft. We are planning to use Parasoft C++Test 9.6 version for Code Coverage. But, I'm not sure how to import a Visual Studio 2013 project into this. In the Advanced Settings I selected 'Visual Studio 12.0 Tool chain'. But, auto detect couldn't find the compiler and linker. So, I manually gave the path to the 'cl.exe' & 'link.exe' in the installation folder of VS2013. But, still it gives the error 'Cl is not in the PATH' while building.
Please let me know what I'm missing. At the basic, is it possible to import VS2013 project into this version of Parasoft?
Thanks in advance.

I suppose that you are using Parasoft C++test Eclipse edition (standalone), and it might be easier for you to get from Parasoft Parasoft C++test Visual Studio plugin.
Then you don't have to import Visual Studio project, but you will have whole functionality of C++test in Visual Studio.


SSIS and Visual Sudio 2019 Cannot Load Project

First of all, this issue has nothing to do with the installation of SSDT. I have the lastest version installed, at the time of writting this.
My issue is that the SSIS package was written some time ago using, I think either VS2005 or VS2008 as I was using Windows 7 with the lastest SSDT package fro the time, and I now need to open it up to view the workings.
I am now using VS2019 on Windows 10, again with the latest SSDT package, and studio refuses to open the project.
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets, please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
- Contessa.SQL.SSIS, "G:\Work Stuff\Solution\40 SQL SSIS\TestSolution.SQL.SSIS\TestSolution.SQL.SSIS\TestSolution.SQL.SSIS.dtproj"
Non-functional changes required
Visual Studio will automatically make non-functional changes to the following projects in order to enable them to open in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Project behavior will not be impacted.
- Contessa, "G:\Work Stuff\Solution\TestSolution.sln"
I have found the answer and it had nothing to do with the SSDT installed.
After finding this article.
It explains the need to make sure that the SSIS Extension is enables. In my case it needed to be installed.
This occurred because I had installed various versions of SSDT which caused Visual Studio to need me to reinstall.

VSIX visual studio 2010 compatible

I am trying to extend some functionality using VSIX.
When I double click on the VSIX installer it, the following screen pops up. Visual studio 2013 is the only option it provides. But we use Visual studio 2010 for our development.
Can something suggest how to modify the manifest file and steps to make this VSIX 2010 compatible?
Thank you
No, you will most likely have to get the source code of the existing extension, and then build a new one for vs 2010 using the 2010 sdk
As ErikEJ already said, you need to use VSIX Manifest Version 1.
I did it using the instructions here. There is documentation of VSIX Manifest Version 1 here.
You must target Framework Version 4, but there is no need to build with Visual Studio 2010.

SystemJS modules with Visual Studio 2013 and TypeScript

I'm trying to use SystemJS modules in Visual Studio 2013 with TypeScript, but Visual Studio shows errors.
This is my setup:
Installed TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
Uninstalled lower versions of TypeScript
Project file (VS 2013 does not support tsconfig.json):
<TypeScriptModuleKind >system</TypeScriptModuleKind>
This is what I see:
My project compiles successfully
In the browser, AngularJs runs successfully
But in Visual Studio, I see squiggly lines. Upon hovering it says 'expression statement is not assignment or call':
This issue is related to this question, however, the answer there is 'use VS 2015', which simply is not an option for me.
Is there any way to use SystemJS with TypeScript in Visual Studio 2013? It doesn't have to be ES6-style modules, just any combination of SystemJS and TypeScript will do. Thanks!
I don't know if you already tried to set SystemJS as module system in the preferences:
If still doesn't work, try to follow this guide:
from "Setting Up Visual Studio Project".
By the way, VB 2013 is a very old version of the software, is there any reason why shouldn't you migrate to a newer version?
It seems that there just isn't a solution for this. Upgrading to VS2015 is the only way to fix it.
You may need --allowSyntheticDefaultImports if angular doesn't have a default export.

Using Roslyn compiler with Visual Studio 2013

Is there a way to use the Roslyn compiler with Visual Studio 2013 so that I can take advantage of the new C# 6 features ?
Note: Using VS 2015 is not an option.
Yes, you can compile C# 6 code with Visual Studio 2013. You just have to install the Microsoft.Net.Compilers NuGet package and your code will build just fine (however, note that you need to target .NET 4.5+).
But, the IDE won't understand it. You'll get squiggles everywhere you try to use a C# 6 feature, because VS2013's internal "live" compiler is not the same. Working in such an environment on a daily basis will drive you insane in less than two weeks.
That said, if all you need is compiling C# 6 code, installing the NuGet package on VS2013 is a potential solution.

How can we compile OpenHaptics v3.0 with Visual Studio 2010?

I want to compile my Haptic Application with Visual Studio 2010 but the Academic Edition of OpenHaptics v3.0 supports Visual Studio 2005 compiler only.
VS2005 doesn't have any problem I can compile and run my application with no issue, but due to other libraries I want to move to VS2010.
Is there any way that I could use VS2010 with OpenHaptics® v3.0. The only problem with hl.lib and hd.lib, I can recompile hdu.lib and hlu.lib with VS2010 successfully but I have no idea how can I compile hl.lib and hd.lib with VS2010.
I have been thinking to use vs2010 since 1 year but still no success, any idea ?
You can use the VS 2010 IDE with the VS 2005 build tools if you install Daffodil:
