VSIX visual studio 2010 compatible - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to extend some functionality using VSIX.
When I double click on the VSIX installer it, the following screen pops up. Visual studio 2013 is the only option it provides. But we use Visual studio 2010 for our development.
Can something suggest how to modify the manifest file and steps to make this VSIX 2010 compatible?
Thank you

No, you will most likely have to get the source code of the existing extension, and then build a new one for vs 2010 using the 2010 sdk

As ErikEJ already said, you need to use VSIX Manifest Version 1.
I did it using the instructions here. There is documentation of VSIX Manifest Version 1 here.
You must target Framework Version 4, but there is no need to build with Visual Studio 2010.


Updating SUPER OLD .sln to new Visual Studio Version

I'm looking for a way to update my visual studio 6.0 .sln file to a newer IDE like Visual Studio 2019. When I attempt to open it, it gives me the option of a one way upgrade, but I get errors such as:
"Unable to convert project. Please make sure this is a valid Visual C++ 6.0 project." on a .dsp file.
Is there a proper way to do this or do I need to re-install Visual Studio 2006 just to open this project? Thank you!

Setup projects on Visual Studio 2022

In Visual studio 2019 and earlier versions Setup projects were part of the project templates I could add to any solution.
Now I've tried to open an old solution in VS 2022 and it says there is no compatibility for this kind of project.
Is that so, or am I missing something? Is there anything I can do about it?
I know there are some new solutions for installers integrated with VS, but Setup project just works for me and I never felt the need to change.
For Visual Studio 2022 support for Visual Studio Installer Projects must now be installed as an official Microsoft extension from here:
I found this by googling "Visual Studio 2022 Installer Project".

I upgraded my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015 but i is there any need to upgrade the msbuild

I am upgrading my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015
please tell me is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project.
Follow these steps to upgrade project created in earlier versions of VS this may help you:
In VS, on the File menu, click Open and then click Project/Solution,
Web Site, or File, depending on the kind of project you are
In the Open Project dialog box, select a project file, and then click
Open. If VS detects that the project or file was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio, the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard opens.
Complete the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard.
is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project?
The answer is No. That because since start with Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio team made a number of exciting changes to MSBuild for Visual Studio 2013. Now the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. See this blog MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio! for more detail info.
You can find the MSBuild.exe from the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin
Since it ships as a part of Visual Studio 2013, just as Michael said, MSBuild upgrade should happen with the VS installation. So you do not need to upgrade the MSBuild separately.
Hope this helps.

Visual Studio 2010 is unable to open project

I used Visual Studio 2010 to develop a web application. I formatted my machine and installed Visual Studio 2010 Professional. When I try to open old projects, I get an error saying:
The selected file is a solution file, but was created by a newer version of this application and cannot be opened.
I do not remember the version of visual studio 2010 I used the first time.
Can anyone tell me which version came after the professional edition?
Make sure VS2010 is updated to the latest service pack, otherwise check to see if the project was actually made in VS2012/13 in which case you will need to create a new VS2010 solution and rebuild it from your existing projects.
Open the .sln file in a text editor. In the beginning there is a marker which tells the VS version it is meant for. For VS 2010 it should look like that:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
# Visual Studio 2010
You should be able to change these values without any problems. As far as I know the file format did not change.
Considering the comment of Dumisani: of course you need to target .net 4.0 and make sure no features of .net 4.5 are used!
Chances are you had a service pack installed that you are missing with a clean installation.

Is it possible to have a vs2010 vsix check for updates locally?

I'm writing a project structure and code analysis extension for visual studio at work. The project can not be published to the Visual Studio Extensions Gallery.
Is there any way to manage updates and deployment built in to visual studio so that a team can use the extension and get the update prompts?
No, this is not a supported operation on Visual Studio 2010. I just verified this with the extension manager team.
Looks like you can do this now with Private Galleries!
