How can we compile OpenHaptics v3.0 with Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I want to compile my Haptic Application with Visual Studio 2010 but the Academic Edition of OpenHaptics v3.0 supports Visual Studio 2005 compiler only.
VS2005 doesn't have any problem I can compile and run my application with no issue, but due to other libraries I want to move to VS2010.
Is there any way that I could use VS2010 with OpenHaptics® v3.0. The only problem with hl.lib and hd.lib, I can recompile hdu.lib and hlu.lib with VS2010 successfully but I have no idea how can I compile hl.lib and hd.lib with VS2010.
I have been thinking to use vs2010 since 1 year but still no success, any idea ?

You can use the VS 2010 IDE with the VS 2005 build tools if you install Daffodil:


Debugging information does not match, when using v60 platform toolset inside Visual Studio 2013

I am using Visual Studio 2013, but I'm in need to develop an old project using the Visual C++ 6.0 compiler.
For this purpose, I have been using Daffodil with no problem on Windows 8.1 for a while.
(You can read more how to use the VC++ 6 compiler in newer Visual Studio versions in this StackOverflow question: Is it possible to use the VC++ 6 compiler in Visual Studio 2012?)
Now I got a new Windows 10 machine, where I reinstalled Visual Studio 6, 2010, 2013 and Daffodil.
Using v60 build tools (Visual C++ 6.0 compiler), project gets compiled fine.
However, when I try to debug, VS says that "debugging information does not match", and I am unable to set breakpoints etc., but:
PDB file is there, same folder and name of debug executable;
Application built in Debug mode, with debug information enabled;
Debugger works fine when using Visual Studio 2010 or 2013 build tools;
Debugger works fine if opening the project inside Visual C++ 6 IDE.
I tried reinstalling all Visual Studio versions as well as Daffodil, but didn't solve.
Any clue what could the problem be?
Finally I actually found a working solution!
for VS 2013:
Enable "Native Edit and Continue"
under Tools->Options->Debugging->Edit and Continue
for VS 2015:
Enable "Use Native Compatibility Mode"
under Tools->Options->Debugging->General

Using Roslyn compiler with Visual Studio 2013

Is there a way to use the Roslyn compiler with Visual Studio 2013 so that I can take advantage of the new C# 6 features ?
Note: Using VS 2015 is not an option.
Yes, you can compile C# 6 code with Visual Studio 2013. You just have to install the Microsoft.Net.Compilers NuGet package and your code will build just fine (however, note that you need to target .NET 4.5+).
But, the IDE won't understand it. You'll get squiggles everywhere you try to use a C# 6 feature, because VS2013's internal "live" compiler is not the same. Working in such an environment on a daily basis will drive you insane in less than two weeks.
That said, if all you need is compiling C# 6 code, installing the NuGet package on VS2013 is a potential solution.

Compile Firefox add-on in Visual Studio 2012 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Compiling a MFC app from Visual Studio 2010 to 2012 RC results in LNK2038
I am moving an XPCOM Firefox add-on project from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2012. When I open up the project, Visual Studio asks if I want the project to use the latest C++ compiler. If I say no then I get this compile error:
Error 1 error MSB8020: The builds tools for Visual Studio 2010
(Platform Toolset = 'v100') cannot be found. To build using the v100
build tools, either click the Project menu or right-click the
solution, and then select "Update VC++ Projects...". Install Visual
Studio 2010 to build using the Visual Studio 2010 build
tools. C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets 42 5 FF
(Visual Studio 2010)
If I say yes then I get five of these compile errors for xpcomglue_s_nomozalloc.lib in the xulrunner-sdk\lib directory:
error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't
match value '1700'
I cannot install Visual Studio 2010. I suppose I could compile Gecko myself, using Visual Studio 2012, although that seems like a lot of work and I'm not sure it will work. So please let me know the best way to compile my Firefox add-on in Visual Studio 2012.
When you are compiling binary XPCOM components you must use the same compiler as used to compile Firefox itself - otherwise the binary compatibility is just not given. Currently this means using Visual C++ 10, be it via the free Visual Studio Express 2010 or by some other means.
If the purpose of the XPCOM component is just to run some native code then you might consider compiling a regular DLL instead and calling it via js-ctypes, then you can use any compiler you like - no binary compatibility constrains (it is also generally recommendable since you no longer need to recompile for each Firefox release).

Use newer Visual Studio Version with an older MFC Version?

From my understanding Visual Studio 2005 always uses MFC8 automaticly, VS2008 MFC9 and VS2010 the MFC10.
Can use a newer Visual Studio Version and still link to an older MFC Version?
I searched the options and the project settings all over but I could not find any option about the MFC.
VS2010 apparently (I don't have it, so I haven't tried it) has the ability to use both VS2008 and VS2010 toolsets to build the applications, provided they are both installed in the machine.
More here
I would expect Visual Studio 11 to have the same ability, but who knows...

Visual Studio 2008 and Visual studio 2005

I am developing a Windows Application using the .net Framework 2.0 and Visual C#(Microsoft Visual Studio 2008) in my PC.
On the completion of my project I have to execute it in a system which has Visual Studio 2005 and .net framework 2.0.
So my doubt is if I develop an application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 will I be able to execute it in Visual Studio 2005 properly? Is it possible?
Please help me!
Thanks in advance!
The project files are compatible between the two IDEs, but the solution files are not. You may be able to execute it in VS2005 if you create a new solution in 2005 and add the projects to the new solution.
Create the project in Visual Studio 2005
Save a copy of it somewhere
Upgrade to Visual Studio 2008, do your development work.
Drop your finished project back into your original Visual Studio 2005 project and compile
There should be minimal differences in the code so long as you don't use any .NET 3.5 features.
Note: So long as you use .NET 2.0 features only, the project will run just fine on the Visual Studio 2005 machine
It depends on what you mean by 'execute'. You can run your application just fine on your target machine, that has nothing to do with Visual Studio. As long as the framework version is the same (or higher) you should have no problems.
However, if you want to open your solution in Visual Studio 2005 while it was built using 2008, you will run into problems, as they are not backwards compatible.
Replace Version 10.0 in *.sln files with Version 9.00
Replace 2008 with 2005 in *.sln
Replace Version="9.00" with Version="8.00" in each *.vcproj file
