The application server IntegratedWebLogicServer does not have the Service Bus runtime installed - oracle

I have OSB project with JDeveloper 12C, and then I want to deploy the project to my webLogic server.
But getting error:
The application server IntegratedWebLogicServer does not have the Service Bus runtime installed

You cannot deploy it on any simple Weblogic server instance. You need to create a domain that includes the ServiceBus runtime.
If you used the quickstart installer for JDeveloper/SOA Suite 12c, during development, you can also right-click on your project and "Run" so it should automatically create an integrated domain for you.


Oracle APEX hosting in IIS

I'm unable to deploy oracle apex in Windows 10 IIS , can you tell me how to deploy oracle apex pages in iis ( Internet Information Services )
You need a java web container (TomCat, GlassFish, WebLogic, etc) to deploy ORDS which will connect to your database that is running APEX. I'm not sure if you can deploy .war files in IIS. If you can, then you should be good to go and deploy the ords.war within it.
You can't. But you can run the ords.war as a standalone application where it will use it's internal Jetty server and use IIS Application Request Routing to create a reverse proxy connection to it.

Deploy Web Services on Websphere Portal Server

Like we use DeployPortlet.xml file to deploy portlet on webspehre portal server, is there a similar way to deploy web services on webspehere portal server
unless they are WSRP services you cannot using xmlaccess, you would need to use the websphere appserver commands for doing it, either using the automated deployment steps using the properties files and the deployment directory, or using wsadmin to deploy them

How to Deploy spring boot application using Eureka Server in windows

If i was using apache tomcat as web server then i can simply take the Jar file and deploy in apache running in windows.
How can i deploy same when using Eureka Server in windows?
Do we have any server installation of Eureka?
Kiran, Each Spring Boot application you developed is standalone application. Whenever application is built embedded tomcat is packed inside the package. So it means it does not require extra effort for you side, just port the application to target machine and double click the application -> it will start its magic.
thus, created package is not suitable for separate running tomcat as it contains unnessary stuff.
If you don't want to deploy on separate tomcat instead of standalone then follow guide

Will java app run on Liberty Profile and WAS

At a customer we use WAS to develop and run web apps. The problem is that WAS running locally is not the fasted web server.
With the release of Websphere Liberty Profile (WLP) it could be a good alternative to run on our local development environment.
Will Java apps developed on WLP run on a 'real' WAS server? Without changes??
Yes, Java EE applications developed on Liberty will run on WebSphere Application Server traditional without changes because both are Java EE compliant application servers. Because of it's composabilility, smaller size and faster starter startup time, developing applications on Liberty and deploying them on WebSphere Application Server traditional is a common paradigm and can provide a good development experience.
If you develop on Liberty with a goal to deploy on traditional WebSphere Application Server, and limit your applications to the EE6 web profile programming model ( your application is likely to run unmodified on traditional WebSphere Application Server.
The WebSphere Migration Toolkit can help answer some of theses kinds of questions by analyzing your application:

Do IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 have a web server plugin like in version 8.5?

Do IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 have a web server plugin like in version 8.5? or in WAS7 we need IIS as a web server.
To add to what Gas has pointed out, if you intend to use a web server in front of your WebSphere Application Server (WAS) deployment, installing the WAS HTTP Plugin on the web server is a requirement.
All versions of WAS have this requirement and offer a plugin for the following web servers:
Apache HTTP Server
Domino Web server
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Sun Java Web server
The plugin itself is available on the "Supplements" image for which ever WAS bundle you're licensed for. The following document provides the appropriate WAS v7 part numbers for each OS:
Download WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 for Windows operating systems
The "Supplements" image is Download 3 in the list, and is a two part download.
Also, here is the Plugin install parent doc from the WAS v7 Knowledge Center:
Installing Web server plug-ins
Yes, every WAS version has Plugin for most major web servers (IHS, Apache, IIS). You need to download separate package, known as Supplements. There you will find WebSphere Plugins.
