How to remove optional fields from registration form - joomla

In Joomla 3.8.3 registration form, how do I remove the optional fields?
Note: The User-Plugin is disabled.


How to add fields to the Laravel Backpack 4.0 registration page?

I have installed Laravel 6 with Backpack 4 and would like to add fields to the registration form, any idea what is the best way of doing this please?
Thank you.
To add fields to the registration page you have to override the register.blade.php (to add the fields in html) and the Auth/RegisterController to setup the validations etc.
Don't forget you will need also to add those fields to the model $fillable property.

Moodle 3.7 - user profile custom field - custom validation

I need to add validation with regular expression against user profile custom field. Do I need to write some plugin or add additional code to moodle core ?
I am using Moodle 3.7. I have searched for it in documentation. But, Nothing found.
In my case I need to have 'mobile #' field with valid mobile number format. Mobile # format needs to be validated from regular expression I use.
One way to solve this is to create a new "profile field plugin" based in the existing "text" plugin (for generic text inputs) and override the validation methods to implement your custom validation.
More examples of this kind of plugin:
After your plugin is written and installed, you will be able to add your new custom field as an admin from /user/profile/index.php.

Registration in Magento onepage checkout required field not displaying in form

In my Magento 1.9 onepage checkout register page, showing after fillup all fields. location & mobile required, but in that such fields are not there, even in billing.phtml & shipping.pthml not there such fields.
Please check this path frontend\rwd\default\template\persistent\checkout\onepage\billing.phtml. You will get your form fields in this page.

Add website custom validation in aicontactsafe extension in joomla

I have one contact form in joomla site and for that i used aicontactsafe. in that required field validation is given but i need to add website validation in aicontactform.
can you give how it will posible in aicontact form
thanks in advance.

Magento - field optional during registration but required during checkout

I'm looking to make taxvat optional during registration but required during checkout. Does anybody have experience with this?
