Magento - field optional during registration but required during checkout - magento

I'm looking to make taxvat optional during registration but required during checkout. Does anybody have experience with this?


Magento1 : How to Set NO Payment Method Required

I am using magento 1.9.I want to display at checkout that "No Payment method required".How to proceed checkout without Payment Method. Or i have to create custom payment method? Thanks
By default this functionality not available in Magento. But you can follow the below steps to remove the payment step and customize this as per your need.

Registration in Magento onepage checkout required field not displaying in form

In my Magento 1.9 onepage checkout register page, showing after fillup all fields. location & mobile required, but in that such fields are not there, even in billing.phtml & shipping.pthml not there such fields.
Please check this path frontend\rwd\default\template\persistent\checkout\onepage\billing.phtml. You will get your form fields in this page.

Add website custom validation in aicontactsafe extension in joomla

I have one contact form in joomla site and for that i used aicontactsafe. in that required field validation is given but i need to add website validation in aicontactform.
can you give how it will posible in aicontact form
thanks in advance.

Add Login Validation to Magento Checkout

What We're Trying To Do
Using Magento CE We are using a one-page checkout. We need users to be registered to checkout (NO guest checkout). BUT, we need them to be able to login and/or register on the one-page checkout.
The Problem
We cannot use Magento's default option "require login to checkout" becuase it doesn't allow users to reach the checkout page unless they are logged in.
The Solution
Well, I dunno... yet. This is what I've tried, but it led to all sorts of disastrous checkout problems with SagePay (multiple transactions):
if (!$this->getCustomerSession()->isLoggedIn()) {
__('Please login. You must be logged in to checkout.'));
Any helpful input appreciated, thanks.
Go: template/chackout/onepage.phtml
**put this code on before page code**
if (!$this->helper('customer')->isLoggedIn()) {
header('Location: '.$this->getUrl('customer/account/login')) ;
The problems with this piece of functionality are:
We can't check if the user is logged in because users can register on this page, hence until they register, they are not logged in, so they will supply a valid request on submit.
The one page module is overwriting some of Magento's default validation behaviour, so we need to intercept the module's validation or write our own.
To solve the problem, we ultimately validated the fields for registration. If those are empty (if guest checkout is disabled), then the form cannot be submitted. A bit ugly, but functional.
Hope someone else can use that. Payment in Magento does not show credit card form when selected

We have the onestepcheckout module installed and tried to enable payment module by entering all the API info and transaction key properly.
But on checkout, no credit card form shows when selecting
We have also tried disabling the onestepcheckout module and even then it does not show the form. Upgrading to 1.6.2 does not solve the issue either. Can someone help?
Because #global-eyeglasses is not posting an answer, I will:
in Config -> Advanced, the setting for Display Mage_Paygate was set by default to Disabled.
