Registration in Magento onepage checkout required field not displaying in form - magento

In my Magento 1.9 onepage checkout register page, showing after fillup all fields. location & mobile required, but in that such fields are not there, even in billing.phtml & shipping.pthml not there such fields.

Please check this path frontend\rwd\default\template\persistent\checkout\onepage\billing.phtml. You will get your form fields in this page.


Change wording “Login to add this product on shopping list.” when viewing item on Magento sites

I am wanting to change "Login to view your price" to “Login to add this product on shopping list.” that is currently displayed.
Screenshot where the text is on page
This message is not part of default Magento.
Probably you've installed a third party module or made some customisations to prevent guest customers from adding products to the cart.
First step you can take is to find the message in your code base. You can search the string in your IDE (e.g. in PhpStorm with double pressing Shift).
Or from command line from project root: grep -r 'Login to add this product on shopping list' *
After this you can determine if you can change the string directly or need an override in a custom module.

How to add an email address field in shipment information in virtuemart 2?

We have a website that sells gift certificates. We use vm2 as extension for ecommerce functionality of the website. I want to use the shipment information as the recipient information of the gift certificate. But the form in shipment info does not have an email address field. That's why I want to add that field. How can I do it?
I've been trying to find it but only found adding field in the joomla registration page. By the way I am using joomla 2.5.16 and virtuemart 2.0.26.
You are using VM2.x Shipping and billing section already have email fields.
You can simply add or remove fields using below options.
Login to Admin -> Components -> Virtuemart -> Configuration - > Shopper Fields ->
It already have many fields that may disabled or hide just activate those or create new and set to visible on Shipping form.
Hope its helps..

Customize Magento checkout process

I have products with individual landing pages. I want the landing pages to contain everything needed to checkout with that product. This includes a dropdown to select the quantity of the product desired, shipping information and billing information. Is this possible? In default Magento, you can't get to the checkout process without first having an item in the cart.
Default Magento allows you to choose where to redirect after a product is added to cart: to the cart overview or back to the page where the "Add to Cart" button was clicked. Using a similar approach you can create an extension that overrides the 'addAction' method of the cart controller to redirect to the checkout page immediately after a product is added to cart.
You can't go to checkout with an empty shopping cart, but redirecting after the add to cart action allows customers to skip the cart page, if that is what you intend to achieve.
It is also possible to use the billing and shipping information the customer submits in the landing page for the checkout - your extension will have to validate it and save into the quote object as if it was submitted in the respective checkout steps.
Developing such an extension would not be a simple task - checkout is a very sensitive matter.

updating configarable option in magento cart page

How can we add configuration option on cart page in magento and update it automatically , including price change, when selected option get change.
I want to know how can we update price and whole cart on selecting configurable options on cart page itself.
Is there any extension or we can do using core coding?
refer cart for configurable product in this site

Magento: Remove Place (Review) Order Page in Standard Checkout (NOT OnePage Checkout)

I'm working on a project where the site only provides "Free Shipping".
I'n my standard page (NOT one page checkout), after coming from Paypal, customers still need to see the "Review Order" page. This page is unnecessary because we only have free shipping.
Is there a way to remove this page?
