Deployment to JBoss EAP 7 with Maven Wildfly plugin - maven

I'm trying to deploy an application to a local JBoss EAP 7.0 server through Maven. The deploy works fine through both the management console and manually deploying through the "doDeploy" method.
I'm not sure what i need to do in order to get it working.
I've tried following the instructions found on the website but to no avail:
here is the relevant part of the pom.xml
I'm unfortunately getting the following error from maven when running mvn clean wildfly:deploy -X -e
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[]' not found
at org.wildfly.plugin.core.DefaultDeploymentManager.hasDeployment(
at org.wildfly.plugin.core.DefaultDeploymentManager.hasDeployment(
at org.wildfly.plugin.core.DefaultDeploymentManager.forceDeploy(
at org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo.executeDeployment(
at org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.AbstractDeployment.execute(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
... 21 more
Any ideas as to what could be causing the problem?
EDIT: I've made some progress in identifying the issue. The issue seems to stem from my standalone.xml server configuration used rbac authentication mechanism. Using "simple" the deployment works immediately but using "rbac" with a specific username and password it fails and i cannot get it working. I've opened a ticket on the JBoss forums here to further exposure:

For anyone else who runs into this problem, the issue was that by changing the standalone.xml to use "rbac" manually, it does not 'fully' disable the simple authentication. After some discovery by James R. Perkins he identified the issue but it can be manually resolved by doing the following to the standalone.xml:
<security-realm name="ManagementRealm">
<local default-user="$local" skip-group-loading="true"/> <!-- THIS LINE WAS REMOVED -->
The final line was removed and i was now able to deploy using the maven plugin.
For more detailed info, see the question posted on the JBoss developer forums here:


Migrating AppEngine application to Java 11 runtime - [] cannot be resolved

So I have an AppEngine application that I'm working on migrating to the Java 11 runtime, and am using the appengine-simple-jetty-main artifact, as outlined in, to replace the built-in Jetty server of the old Java 8 runtime.
Now if I use mvn jetty:run to bring up my application locally, everything works fine. But when I try to run the appengine-simple-jetty-main wrapper via mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="<my application directory>/target/<application>.war", I hit an issue.
The server starts up fine, and executes various ServletContextListeners that use outside dependencies declared in my pom.xml. I'm also able to navigate to static HTML. When I try to navigate to a JSP Servlet, however, I'm getting the error
HTTP ERROR 500 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: [] cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application
And likewise, I get this same error when I actually deploy to AppEngine.
As mentioned before, this works just fine when I bypass appengine-simple-jetty-main wrapper using mvn jetty:run, and my pom.xml includes the dependency
My build section looks like
So I'm a bit flummoxed. Other maven dependencies seem to be getting brought in just fine. It's only the JSTL library that's having issues (so far, at least), and even then, only when I use the appengine-simple-jetty-main wrapper.
The nearest existing question I could find was cannot load JSTL taglib within embedded Jetty server, but I haven't had luck with the provided solutions (though I'm more than happy to admit the possibility that I'm just not applying one or more of them correctly).
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated :-)

Glassfish webapp with maven system dependency

I have a collaborative project that is a webapp being deployed to a Glassfish installation.
The project depends on an external dependency. This dependency is a system level dependency for the following reasons
Using mvn install isn't workable as it's a collaborative project
We don't have access to a shared repository manager such as Nexus
So I am attempting to run the webapp on Glassfish via eclipse, during the start up of Glassfish I see the following messages
2015-12-01T15:39:20.518+0000|Info: WELD-000119: Not generating any
bean definitions from because of underlying class
loading error: Type not found. If this is
unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
2015-12-01T15:39:20.590+0000|Info: WELD-000119: Not generating any
bean definitions from because of
underlying class loading error: Type not found. If this is
unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error. 2
These missing classes are part of this maven system dependency. Is there some additional maven plugin configuration I need to do?
I have the following in my pom
As well as these plugins

findbugs maven plugin site vs check

I'm just trying to wrap my head around a couple of things.
If I have this in my masterpom:
My findbugs-exclude-filters.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Bug category="I18N" />
Why does clean verify site report 2 warnings, but clean verify findbugs:check return 14 bugs? I don't understand what the difference is.
Why does my site report warn about I18N:DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING
The findbugs-maven-plugin plugin needs to be configured in BOTH the <reporting><plugins/></reporting> and <build><plugins/></build> section. Have experimented with this all sorts of ways and the only way I have been able to get it to work is to duplicate findbugs-maven-plugin configuration.
So try adding something like the following in your pom.xml:
Note that it's a cut and paste of what you posted inside of the <reporting/> block. I have not tested the above. I'm just trying to give you a general idea here.
The Reporting section of the POM Reference states that:
And the subtler difference is that a plugin configuration under the reporting element works as build plugin configuration, although the opposite is not true (a build plugin configuration does not affect a reporting plugin).
I have been able to make this work with Maven 3.0.5. I have not tried it on 3.1.0 yet.

Deploy a web-application on Websphere 8.5 using maven 3

I´m trying to make a Maven Project from an existing web application using JSF. The Project
should be deployed on Web Sphere 8.5.
Since i'm new to Web Sphere, don´t know how to build the "ear" Module, in order to be deployable on Web Sphere 8.5.
Does anyone know, where i can find further Information about deploying a web application on Web Sphere 8.5 using Maven 3.0.3?
Thanking you in anticipation,
I've never worked with WebSphere Application Server 8.5; but in the days I was playing with IBM WAS 6.1 the WAS6 Maven plugin worked pretty well (it seems it works with WAS7 too). Here's a POM fragment from the plugin site that allows automatic EAR deployment:
That plugin is for deployment and other administrative task, for EAR generation you can use the Maven EAR Plugin as described in 20InchMovement answer.
Hope this could helps:
<host>${local or remote address}</host>
in order to package an *.ear, you don't need Websphere.
This can be accomplished with maven itself.
Then you add your dependencies.
On command line go to your project and run mvn package.
Because of the package defined in you pom.xml, the ear will be created and can be found in the YourApp/target directory.
On the websphere admin console you can simply install the ear.
After login, goto:
Applications->Websphere enterprise applications and install a new application.
Select your YourApp.ear and go for easiness through the fast path to install the app.
The port to check is probably
Good luck.
Websphere Maven Plugin provides goals to:
deploy ear on websphere 7
start application
stop application
require websphere application client.

UmlGraph not automatic integrated in JavaDoc

I'm using maven and the maven-javadoc-plugin with the umlgraph-doclet to create javadoc for my project. The part from my pom:
-inferrel -inferdep -quiet -hide java.* -hide org.eclipse.* -collpackages java.util.* -postfixpackage
-nodefontsize 9 -nodefontpackagesize 7 -attributes -types -visibility -operations -constructors
-enumerations -enumconstants -views
The images are generated and look fine, when building the javadoc with jdk1.6 they get automatically integrated into all javadoc pages. But when building with jdk1.7, the images still get created but are not inside the javadoc pages. Even when using the v5.4 from the official website, the javadoc is imageless. And the debug output of maven also don't give any clue. On top of that, there is no way of contacting one of the UmlGraph devs by mail.
Can anyone give me some advice here, or have some ideas how to fix that?
Update: version 5.6.6 is now on maven central. I built with JDK 7 and diagrams look ok.
I checked the possibilities, and the situation is following:.
relevant bug in the UmlGraph has been already fixed:
problem is however that no stable version of UmlGraph has been released yet that would include the fix
However good news is that there exists snapshot repository containing the fix:
Therefor you need to get the jar file to your local repository (depending on your infrastructure setup):
either by adding reffered repository to your environment
or by importing to your local repo (
afterwards update:
to the following (naming convention has been changed):
UmlGraphDoc version 5.4, altering javadocs
Warning, could not find a line that matches the pattern '/H2'
The HTML is simply different.
Java7 JavaDocs
h2 title="blah blah
Java6 JavaDocs
You can decompile and modify
I have the same problem. My guess is that it's this bug:
