findbugs maven plugin site vs check - maven

I'm just trying to wrap my head around a couple of things.
If I have this in my masterpom:
My findbugs-exclude-filters.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Bug category="I18N" />
Why does clean verify site report 2 warnings, but clean verify findbugs:check return 14 bugs? I don't understand what the difference is.
Why does my site report warn about I18N:DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING

The findbugs-maven-plugin plugin needs to be configured in BOTH the <reporting><plugins/></reporting> and <build><plugins/></build> section. Have experimented with this all sorts of ways and the only way I have been able to get it to work is to duplicate findbugs-maven-plugin configuration.
So try adding something like the following in your pom.xml:
Note that it's a cut and paste of what you posted inside of the <reporting/> block. I have not tested the above. I'm just trying to give you a general idea here.
The Reporting section of the POM Reference states that:
And the subtler difference is that a plugin configuration under the reporting element works as build plugin configuration, although the opposite is not true (a build plugin configuration does not affect a reporting plugin).
I have been able to make this work with Maven 3.0.5. I have not tried it on 3.1.0 yet.


Maven sure-fire-report name change not working

I am using Maven Sure fire plugin to generate report for my selenium TESTNG test suites.
After the test, it generates the output in the location ..\target\local\surefire-reports.
The name of the report is emailable-report.html.
I saw that we can chnage the name of the report by passing in Pom.xml.
Below in the section in pom.xml.
But I don't see the name changed after the report is generated. Am I missing something or are there any other way to change the name of 'emailable-report.html'
If you only use maven-surefire-report-plugin in your POM, then yes, the outputName parameter is ignored.
If you also add maven-site-plugin to your list of build plug-ins, then you will see the effect of using the outputName parameter.
So, for example:
When you do this, you will still continue to see a file called surefire-report.html being created - but now you will also see emailable-report.html as a separate file.
Both these files are in your project's /target/site/ directory.
They contain the same reporting statistics.
There is one difference between the 2 files: The emailable-report.html file is part of the Maven project web site - and therefore it contains navigation links similar to those shown in this official example.
Which links you see depends on how you have configured your Maven project web site.
In my case, it only shows links to the SureFire report and the JavaDocs.
But you may prefer to stick with the original surefire-report.html file, because of this, and just rename it to whatever you want.

Jenkins SonarQube plugin Multi Module Code Coverage Not Displaying

so we have a Spring Boot maven based project, which we split into multi modules which all works perfectly fine in unit tests and Jenkins, but coverage is not showing up in Sonar at all.
This is the structure of our application:
Parent pom file config:
<!-- Sonar -->
SharedCommonModule pom:
Main ApplicationModule pom file:
Jenkins SonarQube plugin configuration:
We have researched and tried to hack it together from multiple examples, but nothing seems to work - closest we've got, is for Sonar to show some coverage, while some classes would show 0% coverage even though we know for sure we have UTs that used those classes (tested via IntelliJ).
So, without without the added properties and build xml sections above, we get partial coverage, only for ApplicaitonModule, I think all reported uncovered classes, belong to SharedCommonModule
EDIT: I want to clarify, the combined jacoco.exec file does show coverage for classes when loaded in IntelliJ Coverage tool, but Sonar does not show coverage for the very same classes in its report (which is generated only when I remove the build and properties xml elements in the parent pom).
Please help :)
You have Maven projects, so you should start using Sonar Scanner for Maven.
It is smart enough to generate all parameters for you.
If you remove:
Jenkins SonarQube plugin configuration
add to parent pom file:
add to SharedCommonModule pom file:
add to ApplicationModule.pom file:
and finally execute:
mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectVersion="1.0.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}"
After that you should see missing coverage data.
Btw. it is not recomended to set sonar.projectKey for Maven projects. I set it to the same value, so your project will be accessible under the same link.

How to configure SpotBugs maven plugin to create a full report but check for high threshold only?

I have a legacy maven project and want to integrate the FindBugs successor SpotBugs to create a report of all issues but fail if there a High priority issues only (for now).
It is easy to create the report only without fail ing or to fail on a specific threshold. But when specifying a threshold all issues below that one are also removed from the report.
I have tried to configure the plugin according to to documentation but without success:
I am using Maven 3 and SpotBugs 3.1.3.
Not sure if that helps, it's mostly a workaround.
I have a similar case and what I did was that I placed the configuration in a "reporting" tag (not reportSets). In the "build" tag, I just put the plugin information and the dependencies. The configuration used the default values for the output xml and output folder. I also added file which was filtering out some of the bugs:
I then did a
mvn clean install site spotbugs:check
This gave me:
a spotbugsXml.xml file in the build_directory containing ALL of the bugs found (no filters applied).
a report spotbugs.html was produced in target/site which contained the filtered list of bugs.
So, to link this with your issue, I guess that using these "steps" you can have two reports, one with the threshold and another one without.
Does this make sense?

Installing and compiling Maven artifacts on Java 8

I have a project with a pom.xml that has the following <build> declaration:
When I run mvn install on this project, it compiles the project, runs unit tests and publishes it to my local repo. I am trying to learn a little more about Maven here, and am having a tough time finding documentation/explanations on the following:
How am I able to run mvn install, if the POM doesn't declare it under build/plugins? Does maven-compiler-plugin include maven-install-plugin, if so, how could I have figured that out?
Most importantly: the value of build/plugins/plugin/configuration/source and .../target are both set to 1.8. If my machine has Java 8 on it, and I run mvn install on this project without any errors, does that guarantee that the project builds with Java 8? I'm looking at the docs for the Compiler Plugin and don't see those source/target configs listed anywhere.
First you should learn what the build life cycle is and how it works and how the plugins are bound to the life cycle by default.
Furthermore you should understand that in Maven every project inherits from the super pom file which is part of the maven distribution (the package you have downloaded). The super pom defines the default folder layout and some versions of plugins.
The question to define the maven-compiler-plugin as you did is to be very accurate simply wrong. You should have defined it like the following:
This would overwrite the definition which is inherited by the super pom and changes it's configuration. In your case i would suggest to change the definition into this:
The encoding should be set globally cause there are other plugins which use this definition like the maven-resources-plugin. The usage of the above property simplifies this, cause every plugin which has an option for encoding will use the default as defined in the property.
To be sure using the correct version of Java (your JDK on your machine) you have to use the maven-enforcer-plugin.
Apart from that please take a look onto the plugins page which shows the most up-to-date releases of the plugins.
As a good documentation i can recomment the Books on Maven but be aware they are written with Maven 2 in mind. So if something is not clear ask on users mailing list of here on SO.

Generating Multiple TLDs With Maven Javadoc Plugin & TLDGen

I've got a taglib project that I use the TLDGen library to help build my TLD files from annotations in my classes. I've then got it plugged into the Maven JavaDoc plugin to have it build the TLD files via the javadoc:javadoc Maven goal. Pom portion that handles this is as follows:
<additionalparam>-name test
-uri ""
-tldFile ..\..\..\src\main\resources\META-INF\w.tld
And this works fantastically. Trouble is that I know want to create 2 TLD's from this project. I can pass a -subpackages attribute in th addtionalparam element so I can produce a TLD with exactly what I want.
But I can only have one configuration element at that point. I've tried moving the configuration into the reporting section in my pom with two reportsets to see if that helps but no luck.
Has anyone ever attempted this before and can help point me in the right direction for getting it right? Cheers!
It's been a while since this question was posted, but here's how I did multiple tld generation with TLDGen. I started from your question, since the guys over at the project used your answer as a reference :).
<!-- listing all dependencies for tldgen:
the tldgen library, commons-logging, commons-io,
commons-lang, geronimo-jsp_2.1_spec, log4j, saxon, stax
not sure if they have to be listed here, will have to check; if I
don't set them I get class not found errors, but I'm guessing I
have a misconfiguration -->
-htmlFolder ${basedir}/target/docs
-tldFolder ${basedir}/src/main/java/META-INF
-license NONE
