Glassfish webapp with maven system dependency - maven

I have a collaborative project that is a webapp being deployed to a Glassfish installation.
The project depends on an external dependency. This dependency is a system level dependency for the following reasons
Using mvn install isn't workable as it's a collaborative project
We don't have access to a shared repository manager such as Nexus
So I am attempting to run the webapp on Glassfish via eclipse, during the start up of Glassfish I see the following messages
2015-12-01T15:39:20.518+0000|Info: WELD-000119: Not generating any
bean definitions from because of underlying class
loading error: Type not found. If this is
unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
2015-12-01T15:39:20.590+0000|Info: WELD-000119: Not generating any
bean definitions from because of
underlying class loading error: Type not found. If this is
unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error. 2
These missing classes are part of this maven system dependency. Is there some additional maven plugin configuration I need to do?
I have the following in my pom
As well as these plugins


includeSystemScope Parameter in pom.xml not working

I'm tring to include a custom jar in my Spingboot application. In my case the additional jar contains a custom font for jasper Report.
This is my "system" decendency
The system package is visible while I debug my application in my IDE but when I'm done and I what to generate the package for production deploy
mvn install -DskipTests
My system package is not included the final jar.
Is there anything missing in my maven configuration?
If this is a multi-module project, you probably need to define the configuration section in the parent pom.
I have spent almost a day debugging this and it seems the configuration set in the child pom is not enough to get this to work. My guess is that the dependencies are calculated early in the build and the includeSystemScope option set in the child module is processed too late to be applied.

Deployment to JBoss EAP 7 with Maven Wildfly plugin

I'm trying to deploy an application to a local JBoss EAP 7.0 server through Maven. The deploy works fine through both the management console and manually deploying through the "doDeploy" method.
I'm not sure what i need to do in order to get it working.
I've tried following the instructions found on the website but to no avail:
here is the relevant part of the pom.xml
I'm unfortunately getting the following error from maven when running mvn clean wildfly:deploy -X -e
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[]' not found
at org.wildfly.plugin.core.DefaultDeploymentManager.hasDeployment(
at org.wildfly.plugin.core.DefaultDeploymentManager.hasDeployment(
at org.wildfly.plugin.core.DefaultDeploymentManager.forceDeploy(
at org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo.executeDeployment(
at org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.AbstractDeployment.execute(
at org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
... 21 more
Any ideas as to what could be causing the problem?
EDIT: I've made some progress in identifying the issue. The issue seems to stem from my standalone.xml server configuration used rbac authentication mechanism. Using "simple" the deployment works immediately but using "rbac" with a specific username and password it fails and i cannot get it working. I've opened a ticket on the JBoss forums here to further exposure:
For anyone else who runs into this problem, the issue was that by changing the standalone.xml to use "rbac" manually, it does not 'fully' disable the simple authentication. After some discovery by James R. Perkins he identified the issue but it can be manually resolved by doing the following to the standalone.xml:
<security-realm name="ManagementRealm">
<local default-user="$local" skip-group-loading="true"/> <!-- THIS LINE WAS REMOVED -->
The final line was removed and i was now able to deploy using the maven plugin.
For more detailed info, see the question posted on the JBoss developer forums here:

Error while trying to use an API. java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: INSTANCE

I am trying to connect to the smartsheet api using a java program.
Initially I had problems with the site certificate which was resolved by adding it to the java keystore. Now when I am trying to run my code, I get the following error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: INSTANCE
at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory.<clinit>(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients.createDefault(
at com.smartsheet.api.internal.http.DefaultHttpClient.<init>(
at SmartsheetConnection.main(
This is my code (I followed their documentation).
import com.smartsheet.api.*;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.*;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.enums.*;
import com.smartsheet.api.oauth.*;
public class SmartsheetConnection {
public static void main(String[] args) throws SmartsheetException {
// Set the access token.
Token token = new Token();
Smartsheet smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder().setAccessToken(token.getAccessToken()).build();
The line that is throwing error is (line 144)
public static final X509HostnameVerifier ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER
= AllowAllHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE;
but I am not sure what to make of it. I am using maven to get the dependencies. Does it have something to do with the version of the Apache HttpComponents?
Here is the pom.xml
Other posts about this error seem to suggest that it's typically caused by conflicting versions of httpcore jar. i.e., an older version of httpcore on the classpath.
For more information, I'd suggest you checkout the following posts:
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: org.apache.http.message.BasicLineFormatter.INSTANCE from Mashape Unirest in Java application
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: INSTANCE
I know its I am replying a bit late actually I am also struggling the same problem and I found the solution by using Maven Shade plugin.
The Problem is the JAR conflict probably your project is using a different Version Of HTTPclient then your container over which your Appliaction is running.
To resolve this use the Below Maven Shade Plugin which will change the package name of HttpClient to the specified one which packaging the JAR. This will also refactor all the usage in your code.
The Above sample will change HttpClient Package with org.shaded.apache.http from org.apache.http
Maven Shade will also create a fat/uber jar so your final package size get increased and will have all the classes which you have mentioned in the Dependency in POM.
If you don't want to include the all your dependency jar in your final jar then add the Scope for the Dependency as <scope>provided</scope>.
the reason for this problem is:
org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier class,which is execused in the runtime,has no field 'INSTANCE'.
My project classpath contains two same name class of "org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier".
One cames from a jar customized by our company,which has no field 'INSTANCE'.
Another cames from maven central repository,which has the field 'INSTANCE'.
My code sometimes run the logic of the latter jar and sometimes the fromer jar,which is the reason I guessed.
my classpath search result
the comparison of the two jar
I was using intellij for both android and spring development.
In my case, I accidentally chose Android sdk as the module SDK.
After choosing JDK 1.8 and rebuilding the project fixed the issue for me

Installing and compiling Maven artifacts on Java 8

I have a project with a pom.xml that has the following <build> declaration:
When I run mvn install on this project, it compiles the project, runs unit tests and publishes it to my local repo. I am trying to learn a little more about Maven here, and am having a tough time finding documentation/explanations on the following:
How am I able to run mvn install, if the POM doesn't declare it under build/plugins? Does maven-compiler-plugin include maven-install-plugin, if so, how could I have figured that out?
Most importantly: the value of build/plugins/plugin/configuration/source and .../target are both set to 1.8. If my machine has Java 8 on it, and I run mvn install on this project without any errors, does that guarantee that the project builds with Java 8? I'm looking at the docs for the Compiler Plugin and don't see those source/target configs listed anywhere.
First you should learn what the build life cycle is and how it works and how the plugins are bound to the life cycle by default.
Furthermore you should understand that in Maven every project inherits from the super pom file which is part of the maven distribution (the package you have downloaded). The super pom defines the default folder layout and some versions of plugins.
The question to define the maven-compiler-plugin as you did is to be very accurate simply wrong. You should have defined it like the following:
This would overwrite the definition which is inherited by the super pom and changes it's configuration. In your case i would suggest to change the definition into this:
The encoding should be set globally cause there are other plugins which use this definition like the maven-resources-plugin. The usage of the above property simplifies this, cause every plugin which has an option for encoding will use the default as defined in the property.
To be sure using the correct version of Java (your JDK on your machine) you have to use the maven-enforcer-plugin.
Apart from that please take a look onto the plugins page which shows the most up-to-date releases of the plugins.
As a good documentation i can recomment the Books on Maven but be aware they are written with Maven 2 in mind. So if something is not clear ask on users mailing list of here on SO.

Maven site warning: The repository url '' is invalid

I’m using Maven 3.2.3 on a multi-module project. I want to generate a checkstyle and findbugs report, so I have configured the following:
However, when I run
mvn site:site site:deploy
I repeatedly get the following warning …
[WARNING] The repository url '' is invalid - Repository '' will be blacklisted.
I have no reference to this repo in either my pom.xml files or my ~/.m2/settings.xml file. How can I track this down and ultimately resolve the warning?
You have to configure the reporting plugin, so that it does not look for repositories, as it builts the report.
in you pom add the following:
The reporting plugin throws the Warning even if you do not have set in your private or global maven settings or in any parent pom the "invalid" repositories. Maybe the plugin looks also for repository definitions in the dependencies of the project.
[WARNING] The repository url '' is invalid - Repository '' will be blacklisted.
[WARNING] The repository url '' is invalid - Repository 'glassfish-repo-archive' will be blacklisted.
[WARNING] The repository url '' is invalid - Repository 'jvnet-nexus-releases' will be blacklisted.
[WARNING] The repository url '' is invalid - Repository '' will be blacklisted.
[WARNING] The repository url '' is invalid - Repository 'spring-external' will be blacklisted.
I have maven project, where aggregation separate from inheritance:
maven module inheritance vs aggregation. In order
mvn project-info-reports:dependencies
works, aggregate pom must inherit parent.
To avoid blacklisted repository warnings, parent reporting must be configured as below mentioned, or it could be simple:
