I just installed ApostropheCMS and want to make a new page. But when I click 'New Page', it keeps loading.
Does anybody know what's the issue?
Thanks in advance,
My 'Manage Categories' page isn't displaying any category details.
The page seems to part load and then goes blank. Please see image.
I have no idea why this has happened, but I am concerned as I need to do quite a bit of work in the categories.screenshot of categories in admim
I have seen this link but there was no conclusion to the problem.
similar post
I can add code from the 'exception.log' and 'system.log' if needed.
Recently, a development company installed an 'order editor' module and some custom code, but they say that this had no impact on the problem I'm experiencing.
Hope someone can help
Thank you
Disabling the css 'display:none;' in 'Inspect Element', in the browser, allows me to see the tab content, but this hardly helps the problem.
Okay so I was able to do the ff:
Install django-cms on and show the "welcome page"
Go to admin page and choose a template.
Add a page
but when i try to add a text plugin to a page and preview it. The page is still blank and it does not even show an error.
UPDATE: When i use the front-end editor "edit mode on" I am able to add plugins. That's weird
I had a similar problem. I eventually realised that it was caused by my failure to click on the 'publish' button.
Hi All I am having problems accessing a form with in a popup window that is opened after I click on a link. I appears once I have clicked the link it causes the script to hang and will not even time out. I need to be able to access the form, set some text fields and the click the submit button.
Link code:
<a id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder2_ctrlPageHeader1_aFilter" class="RightTextHeading" onclick="javascript:openMdlWindow('InvestmentDetailOptions.aspx?IDAssetType=','620','600');if(window.document.RetValue == '2'){window.parent.LoadinIframe('InvestmentDetail.aspx?FromMenu=N&IDAssetType=','Investment Details > Full View','false');}" style="text-decoration:none;">Filter</a>
I have tried everything but nothing seems to work. Has anyone ever came across this before and have a solution?
Did you try this:
browser.window(:title => "annoying popup").use do
browser.button(:id => "close").click
More information: http://watirwebdriver.com/browser-popups/
I'm working on a website based on joomla and I have to delete or hide the category under the slider, but can't figure how. I find it funny it appears here http://ozonoterapie.geromaslan.ro/index.php/2-uncategorised/4-cum-este-administrata-ozonoterapia and on another page, but on the others no.
Can you please help me fix this?
Check this: http://www.publishyourarticles.org/joomla/general-question/best-way-to-hide-category-title-for-any-page-in-joomla.html
Hope it works for you
I am using Joomla 1.5x and have installed Virtuemart. I've got an intro page to the main site which is a child of "Home" in the main menu. In order to make the intro page the first thing you see, you have to make it the default in the main menu... You can see my setup at dirtygertie.samwinans.com.
If you click Purchase Soaps! and then the Dirty Gertie Goat Milk Soaps Category in the content then you get to a list of products (right now there is just one). Clicking "Add to Cart" takes me back to the Intro page again and I think it's because that is the default in the main menu. The default template, however, is my regular template... not my intro-page template.
Can anyone help me make it so adding to cart goes to the actual cart (I believe it's the flypage...)
Thank you,
Found the answer: Reply #53 fixes the URL issue. Not a whole lot of testing completed, but appears to be fixed. Hope this helps someone.