how to hide category name in joomla? - joomla

I'm working on a website based on joomla and I have to delete or hide the category under the slider, but can't figure how. I find it funny it appears here and on another page, but on the others no.
Can you please help me fix this?

Check this:
Hope it works for you


Joomla - How to fix this link in Joomla

I need help please.
I have this link (View Publications) on this page that I need to fix.
Seems like I need to create a module to publish all articles written by the author named "dominique-dix-peek-".
I have no clue what to do.
Might be you need have this Link[link]{‌​emid=2} for author named "dominique-dix-peek". Cross check how you assign the link
Thanks & Regards,

Joomla show content article in a other article

Does anyone know if it's possible to show the content of one article in another article
I got a page for visitors and i got a page for members (both different template).
both have a link to the same article, is it possible to link them to the same article with keeping their own template?
I think its possible to make a new article to show the content of the original article,
but i dont know how.
Please help!
Please try to make two menu items and set the template selection there.

Removing magento cms page layout update from mobile theme

I'm using cms HomePage in magento to show my block.
It reuqires some <action>, so I'm adding it on layout update tab. It works fine, but...
This layout update is applied on mobile theme too, what is wrong behaviour. How can i prevent it?
Thanks for any advice.
There is no simple solution... What you want from action? Maybe there is another way for that ;)

Magento products won't show up

Ok I followed everything this guy has mentioned in his article:
The products are set as enabled, in stock, positive quantity, imported into my main shop.. nothing seems to be able to show up my products no matter what I do. It's not my theme either because I used one of the default themes that came with the Magento installation and it still won't display my products.
This is my shop front:
Can anyone help me? :/
For anyone having this issue, this worked for me:
I think there are like 8 or 9 dependencies for a prdouct to show up. Having multiple storefronts will alter it.
Here is a list where to look for:
If you need more direction. Please let me know what kind of product it is (simple, bundle, etc.)

customize category page in magento

I am a newbie in magento. Please let me know how can I edit my category page.
If I want to add some html code to a particular category then from which file should I for in magento root folder.
Please help.
Thanx in advance.
If you only want to add to the category and not modify the existing output, then one option is to create a Static Block with whatever html that you want, and then edit your category and choose that block in the "Display Settings" tab.
Since you're new perhaps you should start with the designer's guide and theming wiki.
The difficulty with theming is no one file is responsible, about the best trick you can learn is using template hints.
