Pinterest images not repinning: Sorry! Something went wrong on our end. Please try again - joomla

I added pinterest buttons on my website and pinning worked fine.
Recently users have tried to pin images, so they click on the button, a window with the image shows up, but when they select the board where they want to save the pin, they get an error: "Sorry! Something went wrong on our end. Please try again."
I have searched online for answers, and there are many others with the same issue. These are a few solutions I've tried:
- clear cache
- remove robots.txt file
- recover original htaccess file (it's a joomla website)
I have also tried the Widget builder with several images from my site, but when I test it in the preview window, I get the same error. (I tried the preview button with images from other sites and it works).
Anybody else with this problem?

We had the same issue and it was caused the the SSL certificate of the site.
We previously had Comodo SSL but I'm not sure why pinterest had issues with it.
I switched to use the free LetsEncrypt certificate and the issue is fixed.
I have tried to test the ssl certificate on this link:
I got the following results.
Comodo SSL - B
LetsEncrypt - A

I had the same issue.
After I fixed warnings by, pinning works just fine.
I had an issue with invalid .ca-bundle file


Receiving an AJAX error when trying to add a block in Drupal 8

I did a clean install of Drupal 8.6.1. I neither installed any theme or module nor did I place any information or altered the configuration. I simply uploaded and installed/configured Drupal via the browser without any warnings or failures.
But when I try to add a block by clicking on the "Place block" Button within "Structure"/"Block layout" nothing happens. Safari/Chrome console prints this ajax error: "The response failed verification so will not be processed."
I installed Drupal on three different webspaces by now - same result. I tried Chrome, Safari and Firefox - same result. I even downloaded again the whole package from and reinstalled it - same result.
Has someone experienced (and solved) the same problem?
To hell! I've been dealing with this problem for hours now and I'm almost desperate... and now I realize that the firewall was the problem (we're behind a WatchGuard Firewall at work).
Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how to solve it, but everything works fine outside our network.

Dreamweaver Spry Menu2 widget not working

apologies if this has been covered but I have searched for an answer on the internet.
I need to create a spry menu in dreamweaver. First I used sprymenu 1, but found that it didn't work on an ipad. So then I was directed to the SpryMenu2 widget.
My problem is that when I try to upload this onto my server I keep getting the error message 'SpryMenu.js requires SpryWidget.js!' I have checked, and these files are all uploaded.
Question: how do I fix this error, OR is there an alternative to create a spry-type menu that will work on an ipad?
many thanks for any help
I've recently encountered this. Make sure the file size of SpryWidget.js is the same size as the on in dreamweaver.
I first uploaded with Filezilla and got this error. Then I tried DW upload and still got the error. Lastly, I went directly to GoDaddy's FTP file manager and uploaded and it fixed the problem. For some reason it was being changed when uploading on DW or FZ. Now if I can only find out why mine won't work on mobile...
Best of luck

WordPress Dashboard not working correctly

I have recently installed wordpress on my Windows 7 machine for use with IIS7.5 and SQL Server 2008. The install went in with no issues and everything fired up correctly but I have some really major issues.
1.) In my dashboard when clicking on Posts>All Posts, my list of posts is empty and yet the links at the top (All, Published, Drafts) all show as having counts against them. I can browse to these post by entering the URL in directly to the browser but can't see them through the dashboard. The posts don't show up through the search either. This is also the same behavior for media libs too. It says the files are there but can be seen in the list.
2.) When trying to upload images I have two issues. The first is that when I try to upload an image with default settings from install I was getting a message like "Missing a temporary folder". I know there are a load of posts on this but none of the fixes have worked. I used the PHP Info file to get the default directory which was "C:\windows\temp". So I tried to override it in the PHPconfig using the upload_tmp_dir directory but it didn't change. So I changed the permission on the folder to allow "IUSR" and IIS users read and wright access but now I get the message "An error occurred in the upload". The weird thing is when I look in the wp-content/uploads folder, some of my images are there but can't be seen through the dashboard.
Can anyone help. I have search for hours trying to find resolutions but nothing works.
I have resolved both of the issues above. I cannot write the resolutions here as they are quite long winded but for anyone who comes across the same issues please review my blog post here:

Error while uploading catalog product images in magento

I am having issues while uploading images to catalog product images. while uploading image got back with error "SSL Error: Invalid or self-signed certificate" even site is not set to HTTPS URL.
But, admin secure url is set to "No" in AdminPanel>>System>>Configuration>>web settings.
How could i resolve this issue?. Please let me know, anyone have find solutions.
Prasanth P
Try the following:
Temporary disable your Antivirus and most importantly your Firewall.
Make sure the file you try to upload dose not contain special
Try uploading it from another browser with extensions
disabled. Or open firefox in safe mode or private browsing. Same if you using chrome or whatever.
Update your flash player. Or uninstall the old one and install a fresh copy from
Try uploading from another computer
In my case was the firs one. The firewall was blocking the flash player.
Try adding the following line to your php.ini file:
suhosin.session.cryptua = off

WordPress Media Library is invisible

I'm encountering a really frustrating problem with WordPress and I hope someone can help. Images are uploading to WordPress correctly (they are in the library) but once a file is uploaded there is simply a blank screen. Closing and reopening the "Add an Image" window, I still cannot add them to posts unless I enter the full URL because the "Media Library" tab simply doesn't show anything (see below - interface shows there are 33 images and 4 tabbed pages, but none of them are displayed.
I've about reached the end of my rope trying to fix this problem. Searched and searched and can find no answer. Some people had similar problems, and I tried all of their posted solutions, including:
Uninstalled all plugins
Nuked and reinstalled all wordpress files
Checked browser versions (occurring in Chrome 7.0.5 and FireFox 3.2)
No JavaScript errors found (used Firebug and Chrome's JS panel)
Checked domain name in Settings for improper capitalization
Checked image URL to make sure there was no gibberish, and there isn't
Does anyone have any suggestions (I'm running version 3.0.2 on Apache)? I'd be forever in your debt. Thank you!
Oops, it won't let me post an image because of 'spam protection.' Drats!
Check this: WordPress › Support » Image/Media Uploader problems?
Who is your web host? How much php memory are you allocated? Is GD library for php installed?
