Dreamweaver Spry Menu2 widget not working - drop-down-menu

apologies if this has been covered but I have searched for an answer on the internet.
I need to create a spry menu in dreamweaver. First I used sprymenu 1, but found that it didn't work on an ipad. So then I was directed to the SpryMenu2 widget.
My problem is that when I try to upload this onto my server I keep getting the error message 'SpryMenu.js requires SpryWidget.js!' I have checked, and these files are all uploaded.
Question: how do I fix this error, OR is there an alternative to create a spry-type menu that will work on an ipad?
many thanks for any help

I've recently encountered this. Make sure the file size of SpryWidget.js is the same size as the on in dreamweaver.
I first uploaded with Filezilla and got this error. Then I tried DW upload and still got the error. Lastly, I went directly to GoDaddy's FTP file manager and uploaded and it fixed the problem. For some reason it was being changed when uploading on DW or FZ. Now if I can only find out why mine won't work on mobile...
Best of luck


magento file upload not working

I have this odd situation. When creating (or updating) a product in the images section whenever I select a file (or multiple files) the list the selected files doesn't appear therefore I can't upload any images to a product. I don't have ANY errors in the console or in the log and the most odd is that when running the code on a localhost it works. All the required folders on the server exists and they are writable. Any ideas on what could be the reason?
Please check Flash browser plugin working. It's should be installed and enabled.
ok, guys, I found the problem. It easy at it seems took me a lot of time to realize that it's only working when accessing the website with www

Not able to upload pictures with magmi.

I've recently moved my website to a new server (shared). I made a backup with installtron and put everything in place on the new server.
Every went pretty smooth, but i'm facing some difficulties with uploading my feeds via magmi. I'm getting errors when im using the image attribute processor. The following erros pop up:
download error,URL http://mydomain.com is unreachable.
The stupid thing is that the image link he's pointing to is working and points to the picture, but somehow it is not uploading it. This was working at my previous website. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with write permissions, but i can't figure out which one it is. Permissions are all set to 755 (shared hosting)
Anybody has any idea?
I found the error. It had something to do with the fact that i filled a path "Image search path" within the image attribute plugin. I thought that would not matter if i would point to an absolute path in my csv file, but apparently it did. After i removed the location there it did upload my pictures pointing to an absolute path.
Thanks all!

Joomla and JomSocial Error

I'm having problem with a client site. I'm not good with Joomla (we mostly do Wordpress), but one of my long-time clients asked me to move a site from another developer that never finished it, so I obliged. The problem is, everything is working great except for the Community page:
The only errors I'm finding are with the Facebook integration (which they told me the previous dev never finished/fixed). I'm really confused here...anyone out there have any ideas? It seems instead of showing the proper titles that Com_community_somethingElseHere is replacing everything.
Thank you guys in advance for your help!
Seems something is wrong with the en-GB.com_community.ini file.
Location: gettingripped.com/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_community.ini
I could not find the file in the above location!!!
Put this file in that folder and it will work!!!
If you can't find the file to put in the folder, create your own and place it there.. how? Well, google for this string as it is (including double quotes) "en-GB.com_community.ini" and open the first couple of results.
Then copy paste the displayed file content into your own ini file (name it en-GB.com_community.ini) and place it in your en-GB folder.
Load the page and it will show up as it should!

WordPress Dashboard not working correctly

I have recently installed wordpress on my Windows 7 machine for use with IIS7.5 and SQL Server 2008. The install went in with no issues and everything fired up correctly but I have some really major issues.
1.) In my dashboard when clicking on Posts>All Posts, my list of posts is empty and yet the links at the top (All, Published, Drafts) all show as having counts against them. I can browse to these post by entering the URL in directly to the browser but can't see them through the dashboard. The posts don't show up through the search either. This is also the same behavior for media libs too. It says the files are there but can be seen in the list.
2.) When trying to upload images I have two issues. The first is that when I try to upload an image with default settings from install I was getting a message like "Missing a temporary folder". I know there are a load of posts on this but none of the fixes have worked. I used the PHP Info file to get the default directory which was "C:\windows\temp". So I tried to override it in the PHPconfig using the upload_tmp_dir directory but it didn't change. So I changed the permission on the folder to allow "IUSR" and IIS users read and wright access but now I get the message "An error occurred in the upload". The weird thing is when I look in the wp-content/uploads folder, some of my images are there but can't be seen through the dashboard.
Can anyone help. I have search for hours trying to find resolutions but nothing works.
I have resolved both of the issues above. I cannot write the resolutions here as they are quite long winded but for anyone who comes across the same issues please review my blog post here: http://blog.building-blocks.com/installing-wordpress-on-windows-using-sql-server-2008-r2-part-1

Can't upload images with Magento 1.4 on Windows/IIS

Everything else works in Magento 1.4 but I can't upload images. Running on Windows/IIS. I know it isn't officially supported but seems odd that everything works but something as simple as image uploads.
Tried updating the media path and that is correct. Also updated permissions on directories, but nothing has worked.
Any other ideas to get this to work?
I've seen this problem happen when you have Basic Authentication on the entire site. Everything works, except image upload. I didn't find a solution other than removing the basic auth temporarily when needing to upload images.
Have you tried this?
(essentially set permissions on TEMP directory where images are saved during upload)
