Error while uploading catalog product images in magento - magento

I am having issues while uploading images to catalog product images. while uploading image got back with error "SSL Error: Invalid or self-signed certificate" even site is not set to HTTPS URL.
But, admin secure url is set to "No" in AdminPanel>>System>>Configuration>>web settings.
How could i resolve this issue?. Please let me know, anyone have find solutions.
Prasanth P

Try the following:
Temporary disable your Antivirus and most importantly your Firewall.
Make sure the file you try to upload dose not contain special
Try uploading it from another browser with extensions
disabled. Or open firefox in safe mode or private browsing. Same if you using chrome or whatever.
Update your flash player. Or uninstall the old one and install a fresh copy from
Try uploading from another computer
In my case was the firs one. The firewall was blocking the flash player.

Try adding the following line to your php.ini file:
suhosin.session.cryptua = off


Pinterest images not repinning: Sorry! Something went wrong on our end. Please try again

I added pinterest buttons on my website and pinning worked fine.
Recently users have tried to pin images, so they click on the button, a window with the image shows up, but when they select the board where they want to save the pin, they get an error: "Sorry! Something went wrong on our end. Please try again."
I have searched online for answers, and there are many others with the same issue. These are a few solutions I've tried:
- clear cache
- remove robots.txt file
- recover original htaccess file (it's a joomla website)
I have also tried the Widget builder with several images from my site, but when I test it in the preview window, I get the same error. (I tried the preview button with images from other sites and it works).
Anybody else with this problem?
We had the same issue and it was caused the the SSL certificate of the site.
We previously had Comodo SSL but I'm not sure why pinterest had issues with it.
I switched to use the free LetsEncrypt certificate and the issue is fixed.
I have tried to test the ssl certificate on this link:
I got the following results.
Comodo SSL - B
LetsEncrypt - A
I had the same issue.
After I fixed warnings by, pinning works just fine.
I had an issue with invalid .ca-bundle file

magento file upload not working

I have this odd situation. When creating (or updating) a product in the images section whenever I select a file (or multiple files) the list the selected files doesn't appear therefore I can't upload any images to a product. I don't have ANY errors in the console or in the log and the most odd is that when running the code on a localhost it works. All the required folders on the server exists and they are writable. Any ideas on what could be the reason?
Please check Flash browser plugin working. It's should be installed and enabled.
ok, guys, I found the problem. It easy at it seems took me a lot of time to realize that it's only working when accessing the website with www

Media Error with Google App Engine Deployment

I have successfully deployed a running website on the app engine - here is the URL:
This website was on a PHP hosting, and we migrated it to Google Apps, and deployed it using the App Engine. I understand that to put up any media, I will have to change my local version, and then re-deploy it. Same goes for plugins. However, when I browse into my local version using the App Engine launcher, login wordpress, and try to add an image in the media section, I get an error, as shown in the image below:
I googled this, and understand it is a permission error from the file system. My folder has a "Read only" checkbox which is marked blue, and no matter how many times I uncheck it, it is checked again.
I also assigned all the users full control, i.e. the following privileges (to folders, and subfolders)
Any help or ideas will be appreciated!
Adding google_app_engine.disable_readonly_filesystem = 1 to your php.ini file should fix the issue.

How to edit FTP URLs to HTTP to make images display?

I need to upload images into a page in my website.
I usually use WinSCP FTP program because it gives me the option "Copy to Clipboard (Include paths)". I copy images' URL through this option and the images are usually uploading and displaying successfully to the website.
I'm trying to do the same now for a new page but that is not working. Using any option in WinSCP is not helping at all. All I get is a small icon instead of the image. But when I use FileZilla for copying the URL, the images are uploading and displaying successfully. BUT the problem is that the page is requesting the username and the password to display the images.
I've been googling about it and I realise that the problem could be that I need to change the FTP URL to HTTP. I tried to do it this way:
That is probably totally wrong? I tried some other ways but the problem is I'm only a beginner and I don't have the knowledge how to edit it or how to find out what the problem is.
I followed the instructions of someone from the support of my host and they advised me to do a restore to all my directories in the FTP manager. I did that but I feel like I messed it up because now all the folders and the directories are duplicated. Could that also be the problem?

Can't upload images in Joomla 1.5.22

Joomla 1.5.22 new installation, no extensions added. I've only configured the Global Configuration pages. For some reason, I can't upload any pictures, either in articles or in the media manager. "Start Upload" does nothing, it just sits there.
The only thing I could find on this was a folder permissions issue and and so I set Images and all sub-folders to 777, but that still didn't help.
Any thoughts on what could be causing this and how to get it to allow for pictures to be uploaded?
First off change your folder settings back from 777 to something more secure (664 or 775). Then Prakash could be correct in that the flash uploader is not working on your system and you can disable it and use the normal file view uploader. Try that and let us know.
On global configuration, in media settings you've enabled the flash uploader which disallows to upload the files for some reason. Disable it, now you'll be allowed to upload files again
