Expression to read XML attribute value in Logic Apps - xpath

In a Logic Apps For Each, I am iterating over part of an XML document that has, in part:
<Part ref="1">
I want to read out the attribute value only. In this case, "1". I have tried:
and I get
I get
I have tried incorporating string() and value() functions to no avail. What is the proper way to read out just the value?

Try this xpath expression :

You have to use this expression in Code View:
#xpath(xml(item()), 'string(/*[local-name()=\"Part\" and namespace-uri()=\"\"]/#*[local-name()=\"ref\" and namespace-uri()=\"\"])')


How to use wildcard attribute name and contains()?

In my problem I search for elements that have an example structure like:
<ngc-product-card ng-reflect-signup-type="comprehensive">
Since the elements may have the comprehensive value stored in another attribute, say:
<new-ngc-product-card data-label="comprehensive signup">
hence I would like to use a wildcard-attribute-name search and also apply the contains() function like:
which doesn't work
What does work is
Is there any way to use both '#*' and 'contains()' ?
This should do.
//*[#*[contains(., "comprehensive")]]

Xpath Expression evaluation on attributes with any namespace prefix

Could you please help me on this xpath expression evaluation
I am working on fetching the proxy references. In the xml file the references will get stored as:
One way of XML file will have the reference as below:
con1:service ref="MyProject/ProxyServices/service1"
xsi:type="con2:PipelineRef" xmlns:ref=""/
here in the xml file the name spaces are:
Another way of XML will have the reference as below.
con1:service ref="MyProject/ProxyServices/service2"
xsi:type="ref:ProxyRef" xmlns:ref=""/
here in the xml file the name spaces are:
I have used this xpath expression, this is not fetching the reference service values, could you please help what is wrong in it.
"//service[#type= #*[local-name() ='ProxyRef' or #type=#*[local-name() ='PipelineRef']]/#ref"
when I used like this it is working but, name space prefix is keep on changes when there are multiple references in the xml file.
"//service[#type='ref:ProxyRef'or #type='con:PipelineRef' or #type='con1:PipelineRef' or #type='con2:PipelineRef' or #type='con3:PipelineRef' ...#type='con20:PipelineRef' ]/#ref";
Now here basically the type attribute PipelineRef is keep on changing the name space prefix from con to con(n). Now I am looking for something which supports some thing like #type='*:PipelineRef' or #type='con*:PipelineRef' or the best way to fetch the service element reference attribute value.
Thanks in advance.
Try using contains() like so :
//service[contains(#type,':ProxyRef') or contains(#type,':PipelineRef')]
Another alternative would be using ends-with() function which is more precise for this purpose compared to contains() function. However, ends-with() isn't available in xpath 1.0, so there is a chance that you need to implement it yourself (feasible, but the xpath result is less intuitive for me).

It is possible to use Xpath function in order to read the date value

Since i am new to Xpath i want to ask if it is possible to use Xpath function in order to read the date value in the following
<div id="qa-case">
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-01-12T02:41:00Z"></time>
What I want is the value in the datetime. Is that possible to read it using something like this
What i expect is to have an text showing me 2015-01-12T02:41:00Z
Thanks in advance
We do not know what version of XPath you are using. In XPath 1.0, functions must be wrapped around everything else because they cannot be steps in a path expression:
string(//div[#id = 'qa-case']/time/#datetime)
This only works with exactly one time element node and thus with one datetime attribute.
In XPath 2.0 you could also do
//div[#id = 'qa-case']/time/#datetime/string()
The result, in both cases, is
To give a more specific answer, we would need to know more about the environment you use XPath in (say, XSLT).
To get just the text, you don't really need any date functions, just //div[#id="qa-case"]/#datetime
If you want to convert to a more readable format you cna then use date-specific XPath functions, for example:
<p>Today is <xsl:value-of="fn:day-from-dateTime(#datetime)" </p>

Handling Dynamic Xpath

Am automating things using Selenium. Need your help to handle Dynamic Xpath as below:
As above INQ_2985 changes to 2986,2987,2988 etc during each run
< div> class="context-menu-item-inner" style="background-image:url(../images/productSmall.png);">Tender Assignment < /div>
Tried different combinations as below but with no success:
// Driver.findElement("//input[#name='Tender Assignment']")).click();
// Driver.findElement(By.className("context-menu-item-inner")).click();`
Can you help me on this.
you can try using contains() or starts-with() in xpath,
above xpath can be rewritten as follows,
if you can post more of your html, we can help improve your xpath..
moreover using such long xpath's is not recommended, this may cause your test to fail more often
for example,if a "new table data or div" is added to the UI, above xpath will no longer be valid
you should try and use id, class or other attributes to get closer to the element your trying to find
i personally recommend using cssSelectors over xpath
you can use many methods,
use implicity wait;
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'select2-result-label-535')]").click();
Good to use Regular expression
Note: If you have single ID with name starts from INQ_ then you can take action on the element . If a bunch of ID then you can extract as a List<WebElements> and then match with the specific text of the element ( element.getText().trim() =="Linked Text" and if it matched then take action. You can follow other logic to traverse and match.
you can use css -
Use this xpath:
The best choice is using full xpath instead of id which you can get easily via firebug.
if your xpath is varying
Ex: "//*[#id='msg500']" , "//*[#id='msg501']", "//*[#id='msg502']" and so on...
Then use this code in script:
for (int i=0;i<=9;i++) {
String mpath= "//*[#id='msg50"+i+"']";

XPath concat multiple nodes

I'm not very familiar with xpath. But I was working with xpath expressions and setting them in a database. Actually it's just the BAM tool for biztalk.
Anyway, I have an xml which could look like:
I was wondering if there is a way to use an xpath expression of getting all the SubElements concatted? At the moment, I am using:
This works if it only has one index. But apparently my xml sometimes has more nodes, so it gives NULL. I could just use
but I need all the nodes. Is there a way to do this?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: I changed the XML, I was wrong, it's different, it should look like this:
And I need to have a one line code to get a result like: "subel2a subel2b";
I need the one line because I set this xpath expression as an xml attribute (not my choice, it's specified). I tried string-join but it's not really working.
string-join(/file/Element3/SubElement, ',')
/File/Element3/SubElement will match all of the SubElement elements in your sample XML. What are you using to evaluate it?
If your evaluation method is subject to the "first node rule", then it will only match the first one. If you are using a method that returns a nodeset, then it will return all of them.
You can get all SubElements by using:
But this won't keep them grouped together how you want. You will want to do a query for all elements that contain a SubElement (basically do a search for the parent of any SubElements).
Once you have that, you could (depending on your programming language) loop through the parents and concatenate the SubElements.
