It is possible to use Xpath function in order to read the date value - xpath

Since i am new to Xpath i want to ask if it is possible to use Xpath function in order to read the date value in the following
<div id="qa-case">
<time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2015-01-12T02:41:00Z"></time>
What I want is the value in the datetime. Is that possible to read it using something like this
What i expect is to have an text showing me 2015-01-12T02:41:00Z
Thanks in advance

We do not know what version of XPath you are using. In XPath 1.0, functions must be wrapped around everything else because they cannot be steps in a path expression:
string(//div[#id = 'qa-case']/time/#datetime)
This only works with exactly one time element node and thus with one datetime attribute.
In XPath 2.0 you could also do
//div[#id = 'qa-case']/time/#datetime/string()
The result, in both cases, is
To give a more specific answer, we would need to know more about the environment you use XPath in (say, XSLT).

To get just the text, you don't really need any date functions, just //div[#id="qa-case"]/#datetime
If you want to convert to a more readable format you cna then use date-specific XPath functions, for example:
<p>Today is <xsl:value-of="fn:day-from-dateTime(#datetime)" </p>


Is there a way to use xpath to search for a value where a part of the value dynamically changes?

I’m trying to match a value where I don’t necessarily know the whole value every time i.e. it's randomly generated. Is there a way to search for a value where a part of the value dynamically changes?
Please see my example of value I'm trying to find and my attempted xPath:
<div class="target" testid="target”>
<h2>Hi, random user</h2>
<p>To get the xpath <b>target</b> of <b>[text I don’t know]</b> in <b>[text I don’t know]</b>, you need to do the following</p>
I’ve tried the following xpath I picked up from another question but it don’t get a match:
//p[matches(.,'^To get the xpath <b>target</b> of <b>.*</b> in <b>.*</b>, you need to do the following$')]
I’ve tried different combinations with and without the bold tag but can’t seem to get it to match. truthfully I'm not sure I've got the right syntax...
Try the plain text in the second argument of matches e.g.
//p[matches(., '^To get the xpath target of .*? in .*?, you need to do the following$')]
Online sample here.
Why not to use contains() method using the fixed attribute value?
Something like:
//p[contains(.,'you need to do the following')]

What's wrong with this xpath statement?

Trying to get the color WHITE out of the line of code.
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="itemAttr current" title="WHITE" data-
value="WHITE"><img src="
I've tried this:
color = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//p[#id="select-attr-
I get this error message:
The string
'//p[#id="select-attr-0"]/a[#href="javascript:void(0)"]#title' is not
a valid XPath expression.
What I want is to get "WHITE".
It looks like you are missing a / before the #title attribute. Try this xpath instead:
In order to get an attribute value of an element, you need to put '/' before the '#title', so the following should work (provided the parent element p is correctly addressed):
When working with XPATHs, it is often useful to use one of free online testers to get instant path feedback, e.g. this one
Try using the below xpath snippet.
//p[#id='select-attr- 0']//child::a[#value='WHITE']

Handling Dynamic Xpath

Am automating things using Selenium. Need your help to handle Dynamic Xpath as below:
As above INQ_2985 changes to 2986,2987,2988 etc during each run
< div> class="context-menu-item-inner" style="background-image:url(../images/productSmall.png);">Tender Assignment < /div>
Tried different combinations as below but with no success:
// Driver.findElement("//input[#name='Tender Assignment']")).click();
// Driver.findElement(By.className("context-menu-item-inner")).click();`
Can you help me on this.
you can try using contains() or starts-with() in xpath,
above xpath can be rewritten as follows,
if you can post more of your html, we can help improve your xpath..
moreover using such long xpath's is not recommended, this may cause your test to fail more often
for example,if a "new table data or div" is added to the UI, above xpath will no longer be valid
you should try and use id, class or other attributes to get closer to the element your trying to find
i personally recommend using cssSelectors over xpath
you can use many methods,
use implicity wait;
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'select2-result-label-535')]").click();
Good to use Regular expression
Note: If you have single ID with name starts from INQ_ then you can take action on the element . If a bunch of ID then you can extract as a List<WebElements> and then match with the specific text of the element ( element.getText().trim() =="Linked Text" and if it matched then take action. You can follow other logic to traverse and match.
you can use css -
Use this xpath:
The best choice is using full xpath instead of id which you can get easily via firebug.
if your xpath is varying
Ex: "//*[#id='msg500']" , "//*[#id='msg501']", "//*[#id='msg502']" and so on...
Then use this code in script:
for (int i=0;i<=9;i++) {
String mpath= "//*[#id='msg50"+i+"']";

Dealing with duplicate ids in selenium webdriver

I am trying to automate some tests using selenium webdriver. I am dealing with a third-party login provider (OAuth) who is using duplicate id's in their html. As a result I cannot "find" the input fields correctly. When I just select on an id, I get the wrong one.
This question has already been answered for JQuery. But I would like an answer (I am presuming using Xpath) that will work in Selenium webdriver.
On other questions about this issue, answers typically say "you should not have duplicate id's in html". Preaching to the choir there. I am not in control of the webpage in question. If it was, I would use class and id properly and just fix the problem that way.
Since I cannot do that. What options do I get with xpath etc?
you can do it by driver.find_element_by_id, for example ur duplicate "duplicate_ID" is inside "div_ID" wich is unique :
for other duplicate id under another div :
This XPath expression:
selects all div elements in the XML document, the string value of whose id attribute is the string "something".
This Xpath expression:
produces the number of the div elements selected by the first XPath expression.
And this XPath expression:
selects the third (in document order) div element that is selected by the first XPath expression above.
selects the $k-th such div element ($k must be substituted with a positive integer).
Equipped with this knowledge, one can get any specific div whose id attribute has string value "something".
Which language are you working on? Dublicate id's shouldn't be a problem as you can virtually grab any attribute not just the id tag using xpath. The syntax will differ slightly in other languages (let me know if you want something else than Ruby) but this is how you do it:
driver.find_element(:xpath, "//input[#id='loginid']"
The way you go about constructing the xpath locator is the following:
From the html code you can pick any attribute:
<input id="gbqfq" class="gbqfif" type="text" value="" autocomplete="off" name="q">
Let's say for example that you want to consturct your xpath with the html code above (Google's search box) using name attribute. Your xpath will be:
driver.find_element(:xpath, "//input[#name='q']"
In other words when the id's are the same just grab another attribute available!
To avoid fragile xpath locators such as order in the XML document (which can change easily) you can use something even more robust. Two xpath locators instead of one. This can also be useful when dealing with hmtl tags that are really similar. You can locate an element by 2 of its attributes like this:
driver.find_element(:id, 'amount') and driver.find_element(xpath: "//input[#maxlength='50']")
or in pure xpath one liner if you prefer:
//input[#id="amount" and #maxlength='50']
Alternatively (and provided your xpath will only return one unique element) you can move one more step higher in the abstraction level; completely omitting the attribute values:
//input[#id and #maxlength]
It's not listed at but I'm able access a method find_elements_by_id
This returns a list of all elements with the duplicate ID.
links = browser.find_elements_by_id("link")
for link in links:
you should use driver.findElement(By.xpath() but while locating element with firebug you should select absolute path for particular element instead of getting relative path this is how you will get the element even with duplicate ID's

Select element with a changing Id string using XPath

I have a textarea control with an Id that goes something like this:
<textarea id="NewTextArea~~51887~~1" rows="2"/>
And the xpath that has worked before has been
//textarea[#id, "NewTextArea~~51887~~1"]
But now the '51887' portion of the id is become diverse (changing every time) so I need to select the NewtextArea~~*~~1 element without actually specifying the number. Is there a way I can wildcard part of the string so that it will match a particular pattern? I tried using starts-with and ends-with but couldn't get it to work:
//textarea[starts-with(#id, 'NewTextArea~~') and ends-with(#name, '~~1')]
Bare in mind there are other fields with the difference being the number on the end.
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated :)
I tried using starts-with and ends-with but couldn't get it to work:
//textarea[starts-with(#id, 'NewTextArea~~') and ends-with(#name, '~~1')]
ends-with() is available as a standard function only in XPath 2.0 and you seem to be using XPath 1.0.
[starts-with(#id, 'NewTextArea~~')
substring(#id, string-length(#id) - 2) = '~~1'
See the answer to this question, for how to implement ends-with() in XPath 1.0:
