How to work with Lightswitch projects in Visual Studio 2017 professional - visual-studio

Hellow all, I am using Visual Studio 2017 professional edition. I am unable to open Lightswith (.lsxtproj) projects from it. When I searched in blogs, I received a suggestion of installing the Office Developer Toos for Visual Studio using Visual Studio installation window--> Individual Components --> Development activities section but couldn't help.
Can someone tell me what else I sould install/add in order to open Lightswitch projects using Visual Studio 2017 professional edition.


What Visual Studio workloads are needed for building VS extensions?

We've already added the Visual Studio workload Visual Studio Extensions Development, but that doesn't seem to be enough. So, are there other workloads that should be installed on a developer's machine, to author VS extensions?
I should mention that the users struggling to add Visual Studio Extension Development are using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. I would think this would work, but I could be wrong. Can you do Visual Studio development with the Community Edition?
Visual Studio extension development + .NET desktop development workloads should be enough for most VS extensions.
Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition is perfectly fine to do Visual Studio development.

'tfpt' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am using Visual Studio Professional 2019, and I am not able to see the tfpt.exe. I tried to install Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools, but no luck.
Any guess?
First please check if Visual Studio Team Explorer 2019 is installed. It's a prerequisite for most of the power tools components. Here is a reference.
Go to All downloads > Visual Studio 2019 > Visual Studio Team
Explorer 2019 > Download
In addition, Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools could not be applicable to visual studio 2019. Please refer to this case.

How to have separate recent projects and solutions list for Visual Studio 2017 and 2019?

My laptop has Windows 7 64-bit operating system. I have both Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Community 2019 installed.
I am seeing that the recent projects and solutions list is shared between Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Community 2019.
For example:
I open Visual Studio Community 2017, open a solution named
A_2017, work on it, close it and finally close Visual Studio Community 2017.
Then I open Visual Studio Community 2019, open a solution named
B_2019, work on it, close it and finally close Visual Studio Community 2019.
Now I open Visual Studio Community 2017 again and check the Recent
Projects and Solutions list and I see B_2019 as the first entry
in there although I never opened that solution with Visual Studio Community 2017.
Is it possible that recent projects and solutions list is not shared among different versions of Visual Studio? If yes please show how.
Finally I settled with a work around. For Visual Studio 2019, I installed this extension from the marketplace
And created a group for VS 2019 projects and then added 2019 projects to that group.
This extension also has a version for Visual Studio 2017 as well.

About saving on visual studio 2013

Hi guys im using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but in my college, all of the computers using microsoft visual Studio 2012. Is there is possible if i save my project (from visual studio 2013) then i open it on visual studio 2012?
Visual Studio 2013 has a feature called "Solution Round Tripping", which means that a solution created in Visual Studio 2012, under certain circumstances, can be edited by both Visual Studio 2012 and 2013.
There are limitations though, as you can't open a solution in 2012 that uses new features or frameworks that are not available in 2012. Makes sense right? Generally, when you create the solution in 2012 and then open it in 2013, your chances are high.

LightSwitch in Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition

I wanted to try developing projects in LightSwitch and download Visual Studio 2013 Community edition which has same features as Professional but there is no LightSwitch project template.
Should i need to download seperatly ?
I have found the below link.
You need to Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 – November Update.
