About saving on visual studio 2013 - visual-studio-2013

Hi guys im using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but in my college, all of the computers using microsoft visual Studio 2012. Is there is possible if i save my project (from visual studio 2013) then i open it on visual studio 2012?

Visual Studio 2013 has a feature called "Solution Round Tripping", which means that a solution created in Visual Studio 2012, under certain circumstances, can be edited by both Visual Studio 2012 and 2013.
There are limitations though, as you can't open a solution in 2012 that uses new features or frameworks that are not available in 2012. Makes sense right? Generally, when you create the solution in 2012 and then open it in 2013, your chances are high.


How to have separate recent projects and solutions list for Visual Studio 2017 and 2019?

My laptop has Windows 7 64-bit operating system. I have both Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Community 2019 installed.
I am seeing that the recent projects and solutions list is shared between Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Community 2019.
For example:
I open Visual Studio Community 2017, open a solution named
A_2017, work on it, close it and finally close Visual Studio Community 2017.
Then I open Visual Studio Community 2019, open a solution named
B_2019, work on it, close it and finally close Visual Studio Community 2019.
Now I open Visual Studio Community 2017 again and check the Recent
Projects and Solutions list and I see B_2019 as the first entry
in there although I never opened that solution with Visual Studio Community 2017.
Is it possible that recent projects and solutions list is not shared among different versions of Visual Studio? If yes please show how.
Finally I settled with a work around. For Visual Studio 2019, I installed this extension from the marketplace https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Danielku15.BetterStartPage2019
And created a group for VS 2019 projects and then added 2019 projects to that group.
This extension also has a version for Visual Studio 2017 as well.

Downgrade Visual Studio 2015 to 2008

I have a Visual Studio 2008 *.sln file. However, I can't open it using Visual Studio 2008 Express. It is unable to load the projects. I suspect it might be limited functionalities in the Express edition.
I also have an existing copy of Visual Studio 2015. Do I need to "downgrade" my Visual Studio 2015 to 2008 in order to open the *.sln file?
Edit 1:
Edit 2:
You dont need to downgrade as all version of Visual Studio can exist side by side.
You can easily install the full Visual Studio 2008 on the same machine as Visual Studio 2015. If you have an MSDN licence then you can just download 2008 and install..

Visual Studio 2013 Round-Tripping

I want to migrate a Visual Studio 2010 Solution so that I can work with Visual Studio 2013.
If I understand it right, due to the round-tripping feature of Visual Studio 2013,
there is no reason to convert the solution!? I can just open my old solution with
Visual Studio 2013 and can just work with it.
Is that right? Or is there a good reason or need to do a conversion to a
Visual Studio 2013 solution.
Or better: Is there any good reason to not stick with the old Visual Studio 2010 solution?
Visual Studio 2013 can open a sln file created by Visual Studio 2010. However, Visual Studio 2010 can not open a sln file created by Visual Studio 2013.
The easiest way to see this is to open the sln file in a text editor and look at the first 2 lines:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio has a version setting in the header (this example is from VS 2012). An older version of the tool wont open the file.
Beyond that there aren't really any big differences in the file. There are certain project types (ie Project("{guid}") that aren't supported in older version of Visual Studio. For example a Visual Studio 2013 SDK project can only be opened with Visual Studio 2013.
To wrap up, if you have an existing Visual Studio 2010 sln file, there isn't really any need to change it. If you plan on opening it again in VS2010 then make sure you don't change it. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it and just let VS do whatever makes VS happy.

How do I code Visual Basic Express 2010 programs in Visual Studio 2013?

I downloaded Visual Studio 2013 for my new computer but I am being told I can't use programs I made in Visual Basic 2010, and that 2013 is only for Windows Store apps... How do I use 2010 programs in the 2013 version?

How to open DGML file in Visual Studio 2010 Professional

How do I open a .dgml file using Visual Studio 2010 Professional so that I see the DGML graph visually? I have read here that VS 2010 supports DGML viewing, but whenever I drag my file into Visual Studio I am presented only with the XML editor.
Correct, DGML is available only for Premium and Ultimate.
From all that I've read (e.g. there, or there), I suspect that DGML is not available at all in the Professional edition of Visual Studio 2010.
You'd most likely need Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. It seems DGML is one part of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate's "Architecture" features.
It also seems as if DGML was available in a Beta version of Visual Studio 2010. (IIRC, the Beta version was an Ultimate edition.)
