What Visual Studio workloads are needed for building VS extensions? - visual-studio

We've already added the Visual Studio workload Visual Studio Extensions Development, but that doesn't seem to be enough. So, are there other workloads that should be installed on a developer's machine, to author VS extensions?
I should mention that the users struggling to add Visual Studio Extension Development are using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. I would think this would work, but I could be wrong. Can you do Visual Studio development with the Community Edition?

Visual Studio extension development + .NET desktop development workloads should be enough for most VS extensions.
Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition is perfectly fine to do Visual Studio development.


Generating Setup Project from visual studio community installer

I have generated visual studio installer from Microsoft visual studio community version. i want to ask is there any difference of installer generated from visual studio community version and visual studio enterprise version OR visual studio ultimate version ?
The installer project extension is the same, assuming that's what you're referring to. There are no extra (or missing) features that depend on your version of Visual Studio.

How to work with Lightswitch projects in Visual Studio 2017 professional

Hellow all, I am using Visual Studio 2017 professional edition. I am unable to open Lightswith (.lsxtproj) projects from it. When I searched in blogs, I received a suggestion of installing the Office Developer Toos for Visual Studio using Visual Studio installation window--> Individual Components --> Development activities section but couldn't help.
Can someone tell me what else I sould install/add in order to open Lightswitch projects using Visual Studio 2017 professional edition.

Performance and Diagnostics Hub missing from Visual Studio Community Edition 2013

According to this page, "Visual Studio Community 2013 shares the same features as Visual Studio Professional 2013."
According to this page, Visual Studio Pro includes the Performance and Diagnostics Hub.
Based on those links, the Performance and Diagnostics Hub should be available in my copy of Visual Studio Community 2013, but it isn't. Was this moved to a somewhere else in the IDE or has it been removed since Community Edition was released?

How to allow Visual Studio to upgrade the project automatically?

I have some compatibility problems with vs 2010 file opened in vs 2013, i have read that maybe i can solve it activating the option "upgrade project automaticcaly" but i can't find it. Where i can find this option in Visual Studio 2013 Express?
I can't launch the project ,i have tried in VS2010 Express , VS2012 Express , VS2013 Express... It seems so strange, it's an official demo of kinect sdk.
Suddenly it starts work on visual studio 2010
It's not a project upgrade issue but the sounds of that error message - VS2013 Express doesn't support the project type you are trying to open.
The following page describes the s/w requirements for use that project
Kinect or Windows SDK
Specifically the s/w dev requirements are:
Visual Studio 2010, or Visual Studio 2012. The free Express editions can be downloaded from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express.
.NET Framework 4 (installed with Visual Studio 2010), or .NET Framework 4.5 (installed with Visual Studio 2012).
There are a lot of other requirements also listed on that page.
I would suggest you download VS2012 Express (its free) and work from there.

Will Visual Studio Express for Phone 7 series mess up Visual Studio 2010?

I have Visual Studio 2010 professional installed.
If I install Visual Studio Express for Phone 7, will Visual Studio 2010 still work?
Yes it will work just fine. Express versions of Visual Studio are designed to work side by side with both other express editions and non-express editions.
Note: I'm not sure what the state of Visual Studio Expressfor the Phone 7 is. Occasionally issues will pop up when installing multiple versions of Visual Studio if one or more is a beta edition. If that's the case I would proceed with caution.
