500 error on local Laragon website - laravel

I usually don't have any problem with Laragon as it works pretty good. I had no problem using Laravel.
But recently, my laptop made a Windows update, and since it restarted, nothing works anymore.
By nothing, I mean that when I try to load my virtual host "foo.dev", I have a 500 error without any info. So I tried the old way by going on localhost/www/foo/public and it loaded my website. Great !
But new bad news, impossible to connect to the database, even using a software, as if the password had been changed...
I don't have any idea on how to fix these problems and where does the problem comes from...So I'm asking for your help, if anyone has already faced a similar problem and reached to solve it.
Thank you.

I guess when updated your windows, Chrom also updated and apparently Chrome made new release that forces .dev, .app, and a few other TLDs to use HTTPS. The best fix is to use .local instead of another TLD.
see this question for more info


IIS Manager is installed but shows empty page

I hope this is the right place to ask. I was thinking serverfault might not be correct, since the computer in question is not a server. Feel free to migrate if StackOverflow is not right.
I usually install IIS on servers but have installed it on Workstations before. I actually had the same problem with another machine of the same model a few weeks ago but can't remember how I resolved it. I must have installed additional features or run some powershell-command that did not resolve the issue on this machine.
I installed IIS the correct way using the Windows Features, as described in the answers to this question. I've actually removed and reinstalled it since then, but it hasn't resolved my problem.
The WWW publishing service is running and I can open the IIS Manager, but it's completely empty, unlike here where the IIS Manager at least shows the local computer
When I type localhost into a browser I don't see the IIS Startpage, I get the error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
You can see that all the required checkboxes are checked:
And the service seems to be running.
I've since tried installing IIS using
And I checked the status using the iisreset command which was mentioned in the comments here (second linked question upstairs):
It restarts without any error and says everything is working fine.
Has anyone ever encountered this before or might know what I could try to get IIS actually working?
I just noticed, while trying to uninstall IIS, that I can not uninstall it. I used Windows-Features and confirmed to reboot when prompted, but while rebooting Windows does a rollback and IIS is still available. So I can't even uninstall it.
Also just found this similar quesion on SuperUser. I'm still trying some suggestions there. So far to no avail.
Thanks for the comments.
I was on vacation, but a colleague was able to fix the problem.
Unfortunately, the solution was to reset Windows 11. He was then able to install IIS through Windows Features and it worked.
No idea why it didn't work in the first place, or why it got to this unrecoverable state. But now everything is fine.

Laravel 'Whoops, something went wrong'

I've created a Laravel booking application that is currently being used in schools. When I test the live (production) version of the website on my own machine, the application works fine.
However, some schools are reporting that they are not even able to see the initial login screen, and are getting the Laravel 'Whoops, something went wrong' screen. I can confirm that the school firewall is not causing the issue, and that the website has worked ok in the past.
What reasons could there be for the same code to work on my machine but not on the live version? So far I have tried resetting the browser cache, and also flushed the DNS but to no avail...
Any suggestion are welcome.
It seems like folder permissions problem.
As the error is not shown, nobody can really help you..
What I suggest, is first to check the log file (storage/logs/laravel***.log).
There you should be able normally to see the problem and then you can fix it.
Another solution, in your ".env" file, switch from production to development mode, so you can be able to see the exception.
Check capitialization on the view name. I've had issues where everything works fine locally, but then get not found issues when live as the server behaves differently and is case sensitive.

Windows 8.1 puTTY empty window

first post here.
I just got started on a windows 8.1 machine. I downloaded putty and ran the installer, but when I attempt to connect to anything, I just get an empty window. Attached is an image to clarify.
I tried a few other clients and got the same problem, although filezilla seems to work fine for ftp.
Does anyone know what might cause this problem?
(PS responses in super noob language would be appreciated. I am pretty new to these things.)
Looks like it won't let me add images because I don't have enough clout yet.
check that your device is not IP-access restricted. It would allow connections from existing devices, but not the new.

Getting cf10 to work with Apache on Mavericks

We've installed cf10 on a Mac with Mavericks.
All seemed to go well. We didn't get any errors.
Apache is running fine. We've setup a virtual host, and it is serving html files fine.
Coldfusion Administrator is running fine at
Yes, we did select Apache when installing CF (pointing config to /public/etc/apache2/).
But when we run a .cfm page from the virtual host on Apache, it just renders the contents of the .cfm page to the browser as text (e.g. just get's render as text).
We have read and worked through the myriad of blog posts on how to get CF10 working on Mavericks, but with no luck, and we are starting to wonder that this may not be the problem.. as neither cf10, nor apache are 'broken' as such. It just seems that apache is not passing .cfm file to cf for processing.
Can anyone suggest something we may be missing?
Many Thanks
This is because the connector is broken currently. I recently moved to mac so I encountered the same issue. This article provides a working solution. It looks like a lot but it doesn't take long if you take time to read through it.
EDIT: Sorry I should provide the source for the bug: https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3653076
It might be a simple as running the web server connection utility. That's all I had to do with OSX 10.8. Brian blogged that this was all he had to do.
You just have to tell it where the /conf/ folder is now located. We both used /private/etc/apache2/, not /public/.

Custom Magento templates not picking up

I'm trying to make some changes to the navigation in my custom theme... /app/design/fontend/mypackage/default/template/catalog/layer/view.phtml
but the changes don't seem to be taking effect on my site. I've tried it for other templates as well but I'm getting the same issue. The funny thing is that template files that I've edited previously seem to work (header.phtm, footer.phtml, subscribe.phtml and more), but anything that I add into my theme today doesn't seem to be getting picked up. Cashing is definitely turned off, it's been off sinse I started working on the project. I've built Magento sites before and never had this issue.
I'm currently running it on an Ubuntu server in VirtualBox, but this has always worked fine in the past. I've tried restarting apache and rebooting the server too but no luck.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Ok... so this morning I turned on my PC and booted up my VM and everything seems to have sorted it out. I think it was probably a VirtualBox issue. I will have to look into it.
