Laravel 'Whoops, something went wrong' - laravel

I've created a Laravel booking application that is currently being used in schools. When I test the live (production) version of the website on my own machine, the application works fine.
However, some schools are reporting that they are not even able to see the initial login screen, and are getting the Laravel 'Whoops, something went wrong' screen. I can confirm that the school firewall is not causing the issue, and that the website has worked ok in the past.
What reasons could there be for the same code to work on my machine but not on the live version? So far I have tried resetting the browser cache, and also flushed the DNS but to no avail...
Any suggestion are welcome.

It seems like folder permissions problem.
As the error is not shown, nobody can really help you..
What I suggest, is first to check the log file (storage/logs/laravel***.log).
There you should be able normally to see the problem and then you can fix it.
Another solution, in your ".env" file, switch from production to development mode, so you can be able to see the exception.

Check capitialization on the view name. I've had issues where everything works fine locally, but then get not found issues when live as the server behaves differently and is case sensitive.


what is this error "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (8869003)"

i am unable to publish any apps on my Google Play Developer account is says
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (8869003)
can anyone please help me to get out of this?
Had same issue today.
In my case I had to logout and login.
Then everything worked.
In used incognito window and worked. Clearing cookies, cache might also work
It happens due to conflict between chrome signed in account and google console signed in account, signing out from console and resigning in will solve the conflict. Solaza suggested the same solution
I ran into a similar Android Developer Console Issue today.
I was trying to promote a Closed Testing Track (Beta) to Production.
I always got the following error (with random error codes):
An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again. (Random-Error-Code)
The solution was to create the new release by hand in the Production Track, rather than promoting up the existing Closed Testing Track.
This happened to me as well. It could have been because I changed my account email on the same day. I got it working the next day.
Things to try:
Use a different computer.
You have to select at least one country from the list of countries to test.
Give it 24 hours for Google to refresh your email change, and try again.
If nothing works, contact Google Play Console Customer Support, they have a chat window.
I faced this issue when update my developer profile on google play developer account. There is a featured app selection at the end of the page. I selected an app that is not published yet, caused the problem.
I didn't select that app as featured and it worked.
in my case it's due to the network issues that my laptop by default will use our company's system proxy, I guess it'll go through some internal firewalls before reach the outside world, the latency caused the error, i switched to no proxy mode, then everything working fine

Some links refers to localhost but hosts file is fine

I am not sure what tags to add on this question. I will describe my situation as well as I can.
I open the virtual hosts at the chrome, run the phpstorm, read php code. After I searching the question of the code, then I refresh the page, and I am in trouble.
It is so sudden which is never happened before. I tried to figure out what is going on, but I got nothing.
All I know is some links refers to localhost automaticly and I have no idea about it.
The problem website is as far as I know.
I press f12, switch to Network panel and get these.
It seems not works well, so I visit directly then it shows me Access forbidden! . Ok, I visit, and it really confuses me that it shows the same result of localhost.
However I am not put the website into hosts file.
I have doubted that it might be caused by the proxy plugin. I open another brower firefox, still get the same result.
Also doubted that it might be caused by the virus, but it doesn't make sense. Actually I did use the safemgr software and still got nothing.
Tried stoping apache of xampp and get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED which means it really refers to localhost.
Before I ask this question, bootstrap website has the same problem.I was editing this question meanwhile I visited bootstrap website again and problem disappeared. I still don't know why and iView website still has the problem.
Tried restarting the computer and problem is still there.

500 error on local Laragon website

I usually don't have any problem with Laragon as it works pretty good. I had no problem using Laravel.
But recently, my laptop made a Windows update, and since it restarted, nothing works anymore.
By nothing, I mean that when I try to load my virtual host "", I have a 500 error without any info. So I tried the old way by going on localhost/www/foo/public and it loaded my website. Great !
But new bad news, impossible to connect to the database, even using a software, as if the password had been changed...
I don't have any idea on how to fix these problems and where does the problem comes from...So I'm asking for your help, if anyone has already faced a similar problem and reached to solve it.
Thank you.
I guess when updated your windows, Chrom also updated and apparently Chrome made new release that forces .dev, .app, and a few other TLDs to use HTTPS. The best fix is to use .local instead of another TLD.
see this question for more info

Investigating Unknown Network Error in Firefox

There is something weird happening on the website of the company I'm working for.
On both Firefox and Firebug console log, I get an unknown network error.
There is no code reference for the error, and I can't track it on other browsers.
However, it's there, and I don't know how to solve it, nor what it is.
Other sites with the same theme, same domain registrar and on the same server work just fine, showing no problems at all.
What the heck is that??
It seems that the latest update of Contact Form 7 Plug-in solved the problem!

Custom Magento templates not picking up

I'm trying to make some changes to the navigation in my custom theme... /app/design/fontend/mypackage/default/template/catalog/layer/view.phtml
but the changes don't seem to be taking effect on my site. I've tried it for other templates as well but I'm getting the same issue. The funny thing is that template files that I've edited previously seem to work (header.phtm, footer.phtml, subscribe.phtml and more), but anything that I add into my theme today doesn't seem to be getting picked up. Cashing is definitely turned off, it's been off sinse I started working on the project. I've built Magento sites before and never had this issue.
I'm currently running it on an Ubuntu server in VirtualBox, but this has always worked fine in the past. I've tried restarting apache and rebooting the server too but no luck.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Ok... so this morning I turned on my PC and booted up my VM and everything seems to have sorted it out. I think it was probably a VirtualBox issue. I will have to look into it.
