dmpmqcfg command not found in IBM MQ - ibm-mq

I want to get the Queue details created for
I am running “dmpmqcfg” command
But the command is not found in my bin directory in IBM MQ

dmpmqcfg was added in V7.1 (previously, people used the MS03 saveqmgr SupportPac).
The MS03 SupportPac can be downloaded from the following page:
WITHDRAWN: MS03: WebSphere MQ - Save Queue Manager object definitions using PCFs (saveqmgr)
The page also confirms the dmpmqcfg was added in v7.1
Note: From MQ V7.1 onwards, the command dmpmqcfg is available in the
product. This is recommended instead of the use of MS03.


MQ COMMAND dspmqver DO

Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated it.
I am running IBM MQ on Solaris.
I tried to find IBM MQ command to find the version of mq but it gives me the following error:
# pwd
# dspmqver
AMQ8594: WebSphere MQ commands are no longer available in /usr/bin.
In order to run MQ commands you must manage your path configuration as
described in the WebSphere MQ product documentation. In particular review the
topic on "Choosing a primary installation".
# sudo dspmqver
Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/dspmqver' as root on ud1981esb31.
You have several issues with what you were attempting to do.
First, you did not put the path of /opt/mqm/bin/ in the $PATH environment variable, so when you attempted to run dspmqver command, it is picking up something (shell script I think) that the installer put in the /usr/bin/ directory.
Secondly, if you want to run a program from the current directory you need to prefix it with './' (it's a Unix/Linux thing).
Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/dspmqver' as root
on ud1981esb31.
Third, you should never ever start a queue manager or run other MQ commands as 'root'. It should be done under the 'mqm' account.

Running IBM MQ dmpmqcfg results in 'libmqds_r.dylib' error

I am going to answer this myself as a FAQ.
This has been seen on MacOS, but applies to all MQ Client only installations. When running dmpmqcfg in a terminal you see the error:
AMQ8670E: Loading of server module 'libmqds_r.dylib' failed.
The command dmpmqcfg is used to dump the configuration of IBM MQ queue managers. It needs to connect to a queue manager to do this. dmpmqcfg can run both in bindings and client mode. The error is thrown when dmpmqcfg is run in bindings mode on a client only install, and is thrown when it can't find the .dylib file being requested. libmqds_r.dylib is used to make a bindings connection, which only works when its co-located on the MQ server.
If you see this error on a client machine, then you need to run dmpmqcfg in client mode:
dmpmqcfg -c
and provide queue manager information on the command line, or through a CCDT, or mqclient.ini

ITRS, NetProbe, MQ QUEUE PLUG-IN without

We need to configure MQ QUEUE PLUG-IN connecting a RHEL Linux server. Below is version details.
Name: WebSphere MQ
Level: p800-005-160516.2
BuildType: IKAP - (Production)
Platform: WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform)
Mode: 64-bit
O/S: Linux 2.6.32-754.2.1.el6.x86_64
As per ITRS support we need - which is part of MQ Client Package. But since the server has MQ server installed we are not keen to install MQ Client.
So question is.
Can MQ Server and Client co-exist in same server ?
Its not logical that MQ server do not have equivalent of package. What is the equivalent of this in server installation ?
Can we just copy from a client installation and use ?
Any input on this would be great. Thank you.
The MQServer bundle from IBM includes RPMs for both client and server libraries.
You can check what is installed with this command (sort/paste/column just format it nice):
rpm -qa | grep MQSeries | sort | paste -s -d' \n' | column -t
You should see something like the following:
MQSeriesClient-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesClient-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesGSKit-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesGSKit-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesJava-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesJava-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesJRE-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesJRE-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesMan-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesMan-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesRuntime-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesRuntime-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesSamples-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesSamples-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesSDK-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesSDK-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesServer-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesServer-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
The 8.0.0-4 packages are the base install and the U8005 packages are the update to fixpack
As long as you have the MQSeriesClient* packages installed you will have access to the libraries required by ITRS NetProbe MQ QUEUE PLUG-IN.
I do not know of any reason why a MQ Admin would have an issue with installing those packages that come as part of the MQ Server bundle.
If there is some reason they do not want to install those packages then another work around is to download the redistributable client (google MQC8 for the download link). You can just extract the tar into any location on the server and then make sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the locate you extracted the files to either the lib (32bit) or lib64 (64bit) sub directory. You can run file netprobe to check if it is 32bit or 64bit to see which is appropriate. If you need more details on this option let me know and I can add more.

How to get MQ CLI commands to run against a single MQ installation?

I have a 2 installations of MQ on my machine. Installation1 and Installation2. I have not set the default installation using setmqinst but when i run the dspmq command i get a list of queue managers from both the installations.I have qualified the dspmq command with the full path. i.e. /opt/mqm/bin/dspmq, even with this the list contains all the queue managers from both the installations.
How do I run these commands only against only one of the installations? Is it by setting and changing the default installation using setmqinst?
The dspmq command is documented in the IBM MQ Knowledge center dspmq page.
If you add -o installation to the dspmq command it with show the installation name along with the queue manager name, but will always show all queue mangers on the server.
You can grep the installation name to limit the output to one of the two installations, for example:
Installation1: dspmq -o installation|grep Installation1
Installation2: dspmq -o installation|grep Installation2
To run commands against a specific installation, it is best to first set up the environment for that installation by using the setmqenv command:
But even after that, dspmq will show all QMs on that server I think.

Websphere Liberty IBM Java SDK jconsole throwing error with acknowledgement timeout

While trying to install the Mobilefirst server 7.1 with Webshpere Liberty and IBM HTTP server 8.5.5, and using the IBM Java SDK 1.7 for Liberty I get the following exception when trying to access the Jconsole form the java installed inside the Liberty Profile --> Liberty --> Java --> Java_version --> bin --> ./jconsole. acknowledgement timeout from **90 on port **908.
The below is an edit of the answer that was written inside the question instead of as an answer
Oracle JDK should be used instead.
Start Jconsole and generate plugin for Mobilefirst server for the IBM HTTP Server.
install the rpm of Oracle JDK and then go the installation directory and try to start the jconsole. If it's starting properly it means you can use this jconsole to generate plugin.
Now next step is to get the MFP process in the jconsole to generate the plugin. go to the Liberty server java installation folder where you will find the java.env file. this file contains the Default JDK installation path.
Change the path to the Oracle JDK installation path and restart the server.
Restart the Oracle JDK jconsole and then you can see the process in jconsole.
then you can generate the plugin. the plugin can be found out in server folder.
Later you can use this plugin-cfg.xml file to configure the IBM HTTP Server to Mobilefirst Server.
