ITRS, NetProbe, MQ QUEUE PLUG-IN without - ibm-mq

We need to configure MQ QUEUE PLUG-IN connecting a RHEL Linux server. Below is version details.
Name: WebSphere MQ
Level: p800-005-160516.2
BuildType: IKAP - (Production)
Platform: WebSphere MQ for Linux (x86-64 platform)
Mode: 64-bit
O/S: Linux 2.6.32-754.2.1.el6.x86_64
As per ITRS support we need - which is part of MQ Client Package. But since the server has MQ server installed we are not keen to install MQ Client.
So question is.
Can MQ Server and Client co-exist in same server ?
Its not logical that MQ server do not have equivalent of package. What is the equivalent of this in server installation ?
Can we just copy from a client installation and use ?
Any input on this would be great. Thank you.

The MQServer bundle from IBM includes RPMs for both client and server libraries.
You can check what is installed with this command (sort/paste/column just format it nice):
rpm -qa | grep MQSeries | sort | paste -s -d' \n' | column -t
You should see something like the following:
MQSeriesClient-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesClient-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesGSKit-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesGSKit-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesJava-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesJava-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesJRE-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesJRE-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesMan-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesMan-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesRuntime-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesRuntime-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesSamples-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesSamples-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesSDK-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesSDK-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
MQSeriesServer-8.0.0-4.x86_64 MQSeriesServer-U8005-8.0.0-5.x86_64
The 8.0.0-4 packages are the base install and the U8005 packages are the update to fixpack
As long as you have the MQSeriesClient* packages installed you will have access to the libraries required by ITRS NetProbe MQ QUEUE PLUG-IN.
I do not know of any reason why a MQ Admin would have an issue with installing those packages that come as part of the MQ Server bundle.
If there is some reason they do not want to install those packages then another work around is to download the redistributable client (google MQC8 for the download link). You can just extract the tar into any location on the server and then make sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the locate you extracted the files to either the lib (32bit) or lib64 (64bit) sub directory. You can run file netprobe to check if it is 32bit or 64bit to see which is appropriate. If you need more details on this option let me know and I can add more.


Archive Installation for "Web Server Plug-ins for IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0" instead of IM

I want to install the "Web Server Plug-ins for IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.0" without the IBM InstallationManager just with an archive file.
The archive installation was already possible for the "IBM HTTP Server V9.0" from e.g.: and just run the But for the aforementioned Web Server plugin, I cannot find an archive to download.
Does anyone know if such an Installation is possible?
The "IHS" archive install includes the WAS Plug-in files you need for IHS in a plugins/ sub-directory off the root. No 2nd download is required.
If you need the WAS WebServer Plug-ins for some other webserver, the IM install is your only option.

dmpmqcfg command not found in IBM MQ

I want to get the Queue details created for
I am running “dmpmqcfg” command
But the command is not found in my bin directory in IBM MQ
dmpmqcfg was added in V7.1 (previously, people used the MS03 saveqmgr SupportPac).
The MS03 SupportPac can be downloaded from the following page:
WITHDRAWN: MS03: WebSphere MQ - Save Queue Manager object definitions using PCFs (saveqmgr)
The page also confirms the dmpmqcfg was added in v7.1
Note: From MQ V7.1 onwards, the command dmpmqcfg is available in the
product. This is recommended instead of the use of MS03.

Install servlet 3.1 on Websphere liberty core manually

I would like to install servlet 3.1 on Websphere Liberty Core
I cannot reach the the Liberty repository so I can't use :
installUtility install servlet-3.1
How can I install servlet-3.1 manually without connection ?
You need a other computer with Liberty Profile or higher and internet connection.
You can download in this computer the needed features with featureManager utility with --downloadOnly option.
bin/featureManager install feature_shortName1 feature_shortName2 --downloadOnly=[all|required*|none]
You can specify a local destination directory with --location optinon.
Then copy the download directory in your computer without internet connection and install the feature:
bin/featureManager install feature_shortName1 feature_shortName2 --location=directoryPath
More information in:
you can download the .esa file form IBM website then install it with the command
installUtility install localrepo3\
where localrepo3/ is a directory in the bin directory of WebSphere

Is it possible to use Java 7 with IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5 Trial

I have installed WAS 8.5 Trial version on Windows 7. I would like to deploy and run Java 7 application. Is it possible to do it?
I can not see "IBM WebSphere SDK for Java Technology Edition 7" in the IBM Installation Manager's feature list and there is no SDK 7 installed, yet.
>managesdk.bat -listAvailable
CWSDK1003I: Available SDKs :
CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.6_64
CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.
Has somebody managed to make WAS 8.5 Trial and Java 7 work together on Windows 7?
Thanks in advance!
I've just found one of the possible solutions...
Select the method "Download Director or HTTP" instead of "Installation Manager (Recommended)" at the download page of Evaluate: IBM WebSphere Application Server. Then you get a list of products to download which contains "IBM WebSphere SDK Java 7, Installation Manager repository".
Select and Download all parts of the product and extract the three part to the same directory.
Start your previously installed Installation Manager and add the directory as a new repository under File > Preferences > Repositories, then press OK.
Now you can choose Install and you can select IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional) from the list of available packages.
After the installation is completed you can check if everything went well.
>managesdk.bat -listAvailable
CWSDK1003I: Available SDKs :
CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.6_64
CWSDK1005I: SDK name: 1.7_64
CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.
The Java SDK 1.7 is installed and you can set it as the default SDK in the Administrative Console of your server.
Server > WebSphere application servers > server > Server Infrastructure > Java SDKs
Sorry for the stupid question, I wasn't careful enough...
Firstly install the JDK 1.7 or any required version supported.(find the available using the command - managesdk.bat -listAvailable)
Then Go to the Installed WAS Server DIR and then navigate to bin folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv02\bin
For ALL Profiles
managesdk -enableProfileAll -sdkname SDK_Name -enableServers
From there execute this command(In Windows)
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer_2\profiles\AppSrv02\bin>managesdk
.bat -enableProfile -profileName AppSrv02 -sdkname 1.7_64
It gives this message to confirm.
CWSDK1017I: Profile AppSrv02 now enabled to use SDK 1.7_64.
CWSDK1001I: Successfully performed the requested managesdk task.
(In Linux)
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/WSRR/v8.5/bin/ -enableProfile -profileName AppSrv02 -sdkname 1.7_64
Note: AppSrv02 is the server name used in my local. Replace the name with your actual thing.

Websphere MQ Client installation

I am working on a project where MQ client (Support PAC 7) is installed on one 64-bit Linux machine and it sends messages to server.
On client machine we are using 64-bit linux JDK 1.6.25
java -version
java version "1.6.0_25"
I have following environment variable set up
CLASSPATH= /opt/mqm/java/lib/
but when I run following command
dspmqver -p 6
For native libraries I am seeing following message:
Name: IBM WebSphere MQ
CMVC Level: k701-106-110721 mqjbnd=CC=2;RC=2495;AMQ8568: The native JNI library 'mqjbnd' was not found. [3=mqjbnd]::no mqjbnd in java.library.path
Build Type: Production
I am also getting same error message when I execute JMS code to connect to server. I do not have is not in the /opt/mqm/java/lib64 folder, and not even in 32 bit folder.
I have couple of questions :
1) How do I fix this problem for client installation?
2) Does the library file (.so) need to be there in that directory ?
I will be thankful if anyone provides me answer to above questions, I have already invested many hours in this but no joy.
There's a Technote on this specific question here. Let us know if the solution presented there does not resolve your problem.
Update: I noticed a mismatch between your CLASSPATH which is pointing to the 32-bit libs and the other variables pointing to the 64-bit libs. WMQ provides scripts that set the variables for you as described in the Infocenter:
On a UNIX system, you can use the script setjmsenv (if you are using a 32-bit
JVM) or setjmsenv64 (if you are using a 64-bit JVM) to set the environment
variables. On AIX, these scripts are in the /usr/mqm/java/bin directory and,
on HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris, they are in the /opt/mqm/java/bin directory.
Many people source the scripts in their .profile. Have you tried running these? Remember that simply running the script...
...does not result in the env vars being set in the current shell. The script must be sourced using the dot syntax as follows:
. /opt/mqm/java/bin/setjmsenv64
What results do you get after sourcing the appropriate setjmsenv or setjmsenv64 script?
Whether you need the libraries depends how you want to send messages to the server. WebSphere MQ allows you to choose between bindings mode and client mode. Bindings mode uses the libraries with some IPC while client mode is purely Java and TCP based.
If your programming language is Java then i would choose client mode.
This message occurs also when you forget to set properties for host, port, ...
This is in case of standalone MQ client.
MQEnvironment.hostname = "";
MQEnvironment.port = 1234; = "SYSTEM.MYCH.NAME";
