Running IBM MQ dmpmqcfg results in 'libmqds_r.dylib' error - ibm-mq

I am going to answer this myself as a FAQ.
This has been seen on MacOS, but applies to all MQ Client only installations. When running dmpmqcfg in a terminal you see the error:
AMQ8670E: Loading of server module 'libmqds_r.dylib' failed.

The command dmpmqcfg is used to dump the configuration of IBM MQ queue managers. It needs to connect to a queue manager to do this. dmpmqcfg can run both in bindings and client mode. The error is thrown when dmpmqcfg is run in bindings mode on a client only install, and is thrown when it can't find the .dylib file being requested. libmqds_r.dylib is used to make a bindings connection, which only works when its co-located on the MQ server.
If you see this error on a client machine, then you need to run dmpmqcfg in client mode:
dmpmqcfg -c
and provide queue manager information on the command line, or through a CCDT, or mqclient.ini


MQ COMMAND dspmqver DO

Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated it.
I am running IBM MQ on Solaris.
I tried to find IBM MQ command to find the version of mq but it gives me the following error:
# pwd
# dspmqver
AMQ8594: WebSphere MQ commands are no longer available in /usr/bin.
In order to run MQ commands you must manage your path configuration as
described in the WebSphere MQ product documentation. In particular review the
topic on "Choosing a primary installation".
# sudo dspmqver
Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/dspmqver' as root on ud1981esb31.
You have several issues with what you were attempting to do.
First, you did not put the path of /opt/mqm/bin/ in the $PATH environment variable, so when you attempted to run dspmqver command, it is picking up something (shell script I think) that the installer put in the /usr/bin/ directory.
Secondly, if you want to run a program from the current directory you need to prefix it with './' (it's a Unix/Linux thing).
Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/dspmqver' as root
on ud1981esb31.
Third, you should never ever start a queue manager or run other MQ commands as 'root'. It should be done under the 'mqm' account.

dmpmqcfg command not found in IBM MQ

I want to get the Queue details created for
I am running “dmpmqcfg” command
But the command is not found in my bin directory in IBM MQ
dmpmqcfg was added in V7.1 (previously, people used the MS03 saveqmgr SupportPac).
The MS03 SupportPac can be downloaded from the following page:
WITHDRAWN: MS03: WebSphere MQ - Save Queue Manager object definitions using PCFs (saveqmgr)
The page also confirms the dmpmqcfg was added in v7.1
Note: From MQ V7.1 onwards, the command dmpmqcfg is available in the
product. This is recommended instead of the use of MS03.

RabbitMq Installation issue

I am trying download and create a queque but I have problem. This is my list what I am doing:
I download erlang (for windows x64)
I download rabbitmq (for windows )
I install erlang and next install rabbimq
I write rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management in console and I have:
C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.0\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management Plugin configuration unchanged.
Applying plugin configuration to rabbit#----... failed.
- Could not contact node rabbit#----. Changes will take effect at broker restart.
- Options: --online - fail if broker cannot be contacted.
--offline - do not try to contact broker.
So i write in consol "sc query rabbitmq" and I have :
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060:
The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
I know that rabbit is started by the process C:\Program Files\erl7.0\erts-7.0\bin\erlsrv.exe but I have this process so erlang was install correctly. I find people who have similar problem but they only "restart the RabbitMQ service and then try again" but I can't do this because my service does not exist.
Please give me some advice.
Ok I know. In console I am writing:
rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
rabbitmq-server start
and RabbitMQ work.

MQCONN ended with reason code 2035

I have recently installed Websphere MQ 7.5 on solaris machines. I was trying to test communication between workstations from here. When i ran
./amqsputc QUEUE1 saturn.queue.manager
It's giving output as
Sample AMQSPUT0 start
MQCONN ended with reason code 2035
I tried changing authorization for mqm user.
setmqaut -m saturn.queue.manager -n queue1 -t queue -p mqm +all
and refreshed cache for saturn.queue.manager, still getting same error when trying to run "amqsputc ". What can be wrong?
Well, I might be better consulting to the v7.5 documentation rather than v6.
Which host are you on when you are running this test? Which user is running the amqsputc command?
Your environment might not be set up. Try this:
export MQSERVER="Channel_Name/TCP/IP_or_Hostname(port_number)"

Ending and deleting a queue manager by force

Currently I have a queue manager that no matter I do just fails to go away. I am trying to end it and delete it. This is in one of our development servers. Not sure what happened, our server went through host name changes. Currently when I do dspmq, I get:
QMNAME(QM_MIT) STATUS(Status not available)
endmqm says:
AMQ8146: WebSphere MQ queue manager not available.
dltmqm says:
AMQ8041: The queue manager cannot be restarted or deleted because processes,
that were previously connected, are still running.
AMQ7018: The queue manager operation cannot be completed.
I googled and found that listener needs to be killed, which I did. I am running WebSphere MQ v7.1 on Linux.
What else can I do?
Do a ps-ef | grep qmgrname to find any remaining processes that were running as part of the QMgr or that were attached to the QMgr.
Next, do a /opt/mqm/bin/amqiclen -x -F -m qmgrname to get rid of any shared memory segments. The command will fail if you do not provide a fully-qualified path name and try to run it from your $PATH or a relative path.
See WebSphere MQ utility amqiclen usage and description for more details.
