horizontal guide lines appeared on Visual Studio 2017 - visual-studio

I've noticed that all of a sudden the following lines have appeared in Visual Studio 2017 Professional:
Does anyone know what they are and how to disable them?

Possible duplicate with : Why does the Visual Studio editor show dots in blank spaces?
In short :
Visual Studio is configured to show whitespace.
Press Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W.
If you are using C# keyboard mappings: (thanks Simeon)
Press Ctrl+E, S.
If you want to use the menu: (thanks angularsen)
Edit > Advanced > View White Space


Is there a way to show "[current] of [tota]" of the search in file in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio Code, when using Ctrl F in a file, the editor shows the "current of total" of the searched string. Is there a way to enable this in Visual Studio 2019?
VS Code:
Visual Studio 2019 Preview:
Instead of Ctrl+F use Ctrl+Shift+F, this will open the Find in Files option, select Current Document and search.
The results will now appear in a new window and you will get the count at the bottom of the window.
I don't think there's an option to show this count in Quick Find, at least not in Visual Studio for Windows. In Visual Studio for Mac this is the default behaviour:

Red or green squiggly lines in Solution Explorer in VS 2013

What are these green squiggly lines in VS 2013 Solution Explorer underlining solution name, project name and file name and how to remove them? I just opened the solution and no files are checked out or modified.
No code is underlined and no errors or warnings are detected by Visual Studio in the file:
Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2013 does that.
Here's the user request page:
You can disable the feature by turning it OFF from Visual Studio Options menu > Productivity Power Tools > Solution Error Visualizer.

Visual Studio 2013 - How to turn off auto-indentation in code editor?

There is a post that goes on about Visual Studio with 'intelligent' word wrap in How to make word wrap respect indentation in Visual Studio?
However - its a personal preference and can make code more unreadable in some cases.
In Visual Studio 2013 - this auto-indentation is default behavior.
How do you in Visual Studio 2013 turn this off?, so we get word-wrapping going back to the previous way - all-left aligned?
There doesn't appear to be an option in Visual Studio Options, or maybe I am missing something. If it is missing in Visual Studio Options, does anyone know of an add-in that will reset this auto-indentation?
I have VS2010 but try this:
Options/Text Editor/C#/Tabulations and then at identation block select none.
PS. You have to expand the options, if you select text editor it will show only the general options for text editor.

Visual Studio Smart Indent?

Is there a way to auto indent (like ctrl+i in MATLAB) FORTRAN code in Visual Studio.
If you are using Visual Studio with the C# keyboard settings, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+K followed by Ctrl+F.
To get the full list of predefined shortcuts, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/da5kh0wa.aspx (Edit.FormatDocument). The list has all keyboard shortcuts from Visual Studio 6 to Visual Studio 2013.
Select the code you want to format and press Ctrl+K,F (i.e Ctrl+K then Ctrl+F)
Ctrl+K,D will format the entire document, without changing your cursor position (as Select-All option does).

How to display paragraph marker in Visual Studio 2008?

Is it possible to display paragraph marker in Visual Studio Source Code Editor?
Eclipse has this option, is it implemented in Visual Studio?
Go to Edit > Advanced > View Whitespace (or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W)
