Visual Studio Smart Indent? - visual-studio

Is there a way to auto indent (like ctrl+i in MATLAB) FORTRAN code in Visual Studio.

If you are using Visual Studio with the C# keyboard settings, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+K followed by Ctrl+F.
To get the full list of predefined shortcuts, see (Edit.FormatDocument). The list has all keyboard shortcuts from Visual Studio 6 to Visual Studio 2013.

Select the code you want to format and press Ctrl+K,F (i.e Ctrl+K then Ctrl+F)
Ctrl+K,D will format the entire document, without changing your cursor position (as Select-All option does).


Visual Studio equivalent of Eclipse's Control+Q shortcut

is there an equivalent of Eclipse's control Q shortcut (go to the last edit) in Visual Studio 2015?
I've tried control shift backspace but doesn't work
I'm using it quite a lot and it's really tedious having to do without it.

Is there a way to select a specific tab in Visual Studio with Keyboard Shortcuts?

I'd love to be able to press CTRL+1, CTRL+2, etc. to select open tabs in the editor by index. Does anyone know if this is possible in Visual Studio 2019?
Apparently this is possible in Visual Studio Code, but I haven't been able to find anything for Visual Studio. The best I could find is an extension that lets you select previous / next, but not by index.

Is there a way to show "[current] of [tota]" of the search in file in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio Code, when using Ctrl F in a file, the editor shows the "current of total" of the searched string. Is there a way to enable this in Visual Studio 2019?
VS Code:
Visual Studio 2019 Preview:
Instead of Ctrl+F use Ctrl+Shift+F, this will open the Find in Files option, select Current Document and search.
The results will now appear in a new window and you will get the count at the bottom of the window.
I don't think there's an option to show this count in Quick Find, at least not in Visual Studio for Windows. In Visual Studio for Mac this is the default behaviour:

Emacs-like Ctrl+Up/Down text navigation in Visual Studio 2010?

In the Windows version of Emacs, Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down navigate between blocks of text by going to the prev/next blank line instead of line by line. Is there a way to reproduce this functionality in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio Navigation Short Cuts

In the Visual Basic 6.0 IDE, it was possible to navigate to the start of the next (previous) subroutine or function by pressing CTRL + Down Arrow (Up Arrow). This does not work in VS2010.
Is there another key combination for this?
Can it (has it) be (been) implemented?
look on the Visual studio keyboard shortcuts released by Microsoft
