Bulk add new field to ALL documents in an elasticsearch index - elasticsearch

I need to add a new field to ALL documents in an index without pulling down the document and pushing it back up (this will take about a day). Is it possible to use the _BULK api to achieve this?
I have also researched the update_by_query plugin, and it seems to would take just as long as pulling them down and pushing them back myself.

Yes, the bulk API supports updates which can add a new field using a partial document or script. To iterate through your document ids do a scan and scroll with the fields parameter set to an empty array.


Does updating Elasticsearch indices requires updating Kibana index pattern?

I am using Elasticsearch and Kibana as plugin to view the data in the indices. I am using Kibana's DevTools to send commands for adding/deleting/updating indices etc.
I want to add a field to a certain text property so it will have a keyword field to be able to both make a full text searches and aggregate using this property.
1) Does a change like that means I need to update Kibana's index pattern as well?
2) I have read the ElasticSearch's docs on PUT Mappings and know how to use it to update the indices themselves, but I don't know how to update the index patterns.. I read the same API should be used to update it, but I don't know how to see the index pattern's original mapping in order to update it.
Yes, if you change the index mapping in ES, then you need to go in Kibana and refresh the related index patterns.
Right now, you need to go inside Kibana (Management > Index patterns), select the index pattern, and press the "Refresh" button at the top right of the window in order to pick up the mapping changes.
Also note that if you updated some text fields in order to have a keyword sub-field, you'll also need to call the _update_by_query API on your index in order to reindex the changed field in all your documents

Updating a record by query in ElasticSearch using olivere/elastic in google go

I am using olivere/elastic library for elasticsearch in my go app . I have list of values for a particular field (say fieldA) of elasticsearch document. I want to update a particular field of all document by searching on field fieldA .
This : Updating a record in ElasticSearch using olivere/elastic in google go
explains the update part. But in my case in don't have Id of documents to be updated . So, either i can make search call to retrieve document ids and then update them , or is there another way am missing? Thanks in Advance.
If you need to update a list of documents, you can use the Update By Query API. The unit tests give you a hint about how the syntax looks like. However, if you have individual values for individual documents, I guess there's no other way than updating them one by one. The fastest way to achieve that is by using the Bulk API.

elasticsearch copy field when indexing

I would like to create a one to many relashanship for the purpose of aggregations.
The "join" will be according to a field called "common_id":
When I create the first document belonging to the same group I would like to use it's flakeId (it's _id) as the common_id.
When adding other document belonging to the same group I would like to explicitly set the common_id to have the same value as the first document I added. This can be done by my app since my application will know the common_id of the first element.
My problem is with the first document:
How can i tell elasticsearch to copy the _id into common_id in a single call to elastic (I know I can do it using update script, or using two calls one for index and one for update... but this requires two requests instead of one).
I would like a simple syntax for this.

Lucene: Filter query by doc ID

I want to have in the search response only documents with specified doc id. In stackoverflow I found this question (Lucene filter with docIds) but as far as I understand there is created the additional field in the document and then doing search by this field. Is there another way to deal with it?
Lucene's docids are intended only to be internal keys. You should not be using them as search keys, or storing them for later use. Those ids are subject to change without warning. They will be changed when updating or reindexing documents, and can change at other times, such as segment merges, as well.
If you want your documents to have a unique identifier, you should generate that key separate from the docId, and index it as a field in your document.

Elasticsearch Jest update a whole document

I have an elasticsearch server which i'm accessing via a java server using the Jest client and i was looking for the best way to update multiple fields of a document each time.
I have looked to the documentation so far, and i have found that there are two way for doing it :
Partial update via a script : i don't think it is suitable for multiple field update (because i don't know the modified fields).
Whole document update: via re-indexing the whole document.
My question is how could i update the whole document knowing that Jest provide only update via a script?
Is it the best way to delete a document and indexing the updated version?
Already answered this in the github issue you also opened but again:
You should use the second way you linked (Whole document update) and there is no special API for it, it's just a regular index request. So you can do it simply by sending your Index request against the id of the document you want to update.
For example assuming you have below document already indexed in Elasticsearch within index people, type food, id 9:
{"user": "kramer", "fav_food": "jello"}
Then you would do:
String source = "{\"user\": \"kramer\", \"fav_food\": \"pizza\"}";
JestResult result = client.execute(
new Index.Builder(source)
