How to resolve issue from laravel 5 - laravel-5

I am receiving this error when I try to get the value from database to edit bus type form text box.
Property [name] does not exist on this collection instance. (View: E:\fyp\resources\views\buses\editbustype.blade.php)
Here is the code for edit section of controller:
public function edit(addbustype $id)
$bustype = addbustype::find($id);
return view('buses.editbustype', compact('bustype','id'));
When I changed $id to any number (1) it gives me the perfect result for that id, but only for a single one. The code for edit bus type section is here:
<div class="form-group col-md-6">
<label for="name">Company Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" placeholder="Company Name" value="{{$bustype->name}}">

Note That You Are Using Route Model Binding
Than You Are Trying To Get The addbustype With $id Watch is $id Now Become An Instance Of addbustype Model So It Well Give You An Error Because
$bustype Well Now Become A Collection Of addbustype Model
So You Have To Decide Eather Use Route Model Binding Or Simply Find Function
In Your Web.php Route
The Parameter Name Must Matches With Parameter Both On Route And Edit Function
public function edit(addbustype $addbustype)
return view('buses.editbustype', compact('bustype'));
Or Simply Use Find Method
public function edit($id)
$bustype = addbustype::find($id);
return view('buses.editbustype', compact('bustype','id'));
You Can Revel To Route Model Binding For More


Laravel Calling Multiple Controllers from Form Submit

I want to submit a form, and once that submit button is pressed, I run a bit of code.
During this 'bit of code', part of its job will be to create a student, and also create a lunch order. (information pulled from the form).
From what I've been reading, I should be aiming to use CRUD, which would mean I should have a Student Controller and a LunchOrderController.
I want to call the #store method in each controller.
If I was doing it the 'bad' way, the form would have [action="/students" method=POST]. And in that route, it would then call /lunchorder/ POST, and then return to a page (redirect('students')).
However, as above, I don't want to call a controller from a controller. Therefore, the initial [action="/students" method=POST] should be something else instead, and this new entity will then call the StudentController, then call the LunchOrderController, then redirect('students').
But, I don't know what this new entity is, or should be, or how to link to it.
It is just a new route to a new controller which is ok to call other controllers from?
Or is there some other place I should be sending the form data to (maybe models?), to them call the controller? Or am I way off base and need to take some steps back?
I'm fairly new to Laravel but am wanting to use best practice as much as possible. All my reading of other posts don't seem to explain it enough to get my head around how its meant to work.
Edit: Some code to give an idea of what I'm getting at.
<form action="/student" method="POST">
{{ csrf_field() }}
<label>First Name</label><input name="firstname" value="">
<label>Last Name</label><input name="lastname" value="">
<label>Lunch Order</label>
<select name="lunch_value" id="">
<option value="1" >Meat Pie</option>
<option value="2" >Sandwich</option>
<option value="3" >Salad</option>
<option value="4" >Pizza</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">
Route::resource('/students', 'StudentController');
Route::resource('/lunchorder', 'LunchOrderController');
public function store(Request $request)
Student::create(request(['firstname', 'lastname']));
LunchOrderController::store($request, $student_id); //<- This isn't the correct syntax
return redirect('/students');
public function store(Request $request, $student_id)
LunchOrder::create(array_merge(request(['lunch_value']), ['student_id' => $student_id]));
return null;
Personally I would create a 'Logic' Directory as: app/Logic. Some people prefer Repositories etc, but this is my preference.
For your specific requirement I'd create the following file:
namespace App\Logic\StudentLogic;
use App\Student;
use App\LunchOrder;
class StudentLogic
public function handleStudentLunch(Request $request): bool
$student = Student::create(request(['firstname', 'lastname']));
if(is_null($student)) {
return false;
LunchOrder::create(array_merge(request(['lunch_value']), ['student_id' => $student->id]));
return true;
public function store(Request $request)
$logic = new StudentLogic();
$valid = $logic->handleStudentLunch($request);
if($valid) {
return redirect('/students');
abort(404, 'Student Not Found');
Student is stored under App/Student & LunchOrder is stored under App\LunchOrder
You will also need to use App\Logic\StudentLogic in StudentController
The reason I'd split this out into a Logic file is because I do not like 'heavy' controllers. Also, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to acomplish here, but creating a student on the same request you create a LunchOrder seems like you're asking for trouble

How to pass parameter to getFooAttribute() megic method from view on Laravel 5.8

I'm newbie in Laravel. I would like to pass parameter from view side to getFooAttribute method. Below is my needed method.
class Patient extends Model
public function getFooAttribute($paramfromview){
return SomeModel::find($paramfromview);
This is code from view side.
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="some" value="{{$somepatient->foo($someparameter)}}" class="form-control" >
I'm not sure is it possible to do that. Any advise or guidance would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

How to send the values of checked items in a dynamic list from a database displayed in a view to controller?

How to send the values of checked items in a dynamic list from a database displayed in a view to controller ?
A concrete solution depends on your data, but if you are talking about a list of checkboxes, you can give them a common name in array notation:
<form type="post" action="...">
#foreach($elements as $elem)
<input type="checkbox" name="my_input[{{ $elem->id }}]" value="1">
On the server-side, you can then query the data like this:
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class MyController
public function postData(Request $request)
$myInput = (array) $request->get('my_input', []);
// ... remaining logic
The line $myInput = (array) $request->get('my_input', []); will read the POST variable my_input as array and, if no such post variable is given, an empty array will be returned. In other words, $myInput will always be an array, where the key is $elem->id and the value '1' as defined by value="1".

preg_replace() laravel -Insert array in database

I have this error :
ErrorException in helpers.php line 748:
preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array
public function createSerial(Request $request)
$serial = new Serial();
$serial->nume_serial = $request['numeSerial'];
$serial->claritate = $request['claritate'];
$serial->aparitie = $request['aparitie'];
$serial->genuri = $request['genuri'];
return redirect('/admin');
<div class="checkbox">
SF<input type="checkbox" name="genuri[1]" value="sf" id="">
Biografic<input type="checkbox" name="genuri[2]" value="biografic" id="">
Animat<input type="checkbox" name="genuri[3]" value="animat" id="">
I guess a problem is you're trying to insert an array into a DB table.
$serial->genuri = $request['genuri']; // it's an array
You could convert an array to a json data:
$serial->genuri = json_encode($request['genuri']);
Of course you have to change genuri data type to JSON:
Apparently from looking at your view, $request['genuri'] is an array, and the error is this line $serial->genuri = $request['genuri']; since you are assigning an array to an object property that is string (I think?) in your DB table.
Not sure what you are trying to accomplish, if you provide more info I might help more.

Display db data in edit page

I am working with a registered_member_data_edit page?
My controller function is
function edit_profile()
$data['title']= 'Edit Profile';
$member_id = $this->session->userdata('member_id');
$data['row'] = $this->user_model->edit_user($member_id)->result();
$this->load->view('edit_profile.php', $this->data);
My model function is
public function edit_user($member_id)
return $this->db->get_where('user', array('member_id'=> $member_id));
My view page is like
<p><label>User Name</label>
<input type="text" class="input-short" value="" /></p>
What should I put in the value to show the db data in edit page?
public function edit_user($member_id)
return $this->db->get_where('user', array('member_id'=> $member_id));
this will return the object, which you have in $data['row'] and that variable you are sending to view file.
So in view file, you can access the all data of the object using $row.
So from here you have 2 options
Even that function returning only 1 row, you have to access using foreach($row->result() as $_data) and after that you can access each and every column as $_data->fullname like that.
You can convert that object to array using $row = $row->result_array() and you can access the database column using $row[0]['fullname'] like that.
Best luck.
